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Major Isewater

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Posts posted by Major Isewater

  1. Like the sound of that. While on the subject of the universe and all that sort of thing has anyone ever wondered why we 'apparently' managed to land on the moon in a 'ford anglia' at 240,000 miles away and ever since we have not been any further into space than 450 miles in a Jag equivalent. I am convinced we have never actually landed on the Moon. Just saying like.

    You have n't perhaps but i was n't all that impressed and the lunar beer had no taste  :drunk2:

  2. Based on some of the fans who have thrown their toys out of the pram within the last week or so am not sure about line number 4.

    number 4 can be sorted    :reaper:  


    just give me names on a stamped adressed envelope to 


    The Grim Reaper,

    Ashton Vale


    weddings,christenings and Bah mitzvahs.

    Special discounts for groups.


    Why wait give me a call.


    A service to DIE for !

  3. We are not talking about police-murderer Dale Cregan with a grenade and a bolthole in Spain here. These are some local people who presumably overstepped the mark at a local football game.

    Why did they not just write to them and ask them to arrange a date to come in to their local station for an interview?

    I hope they get a serious grilling from the local media for this pointless circus and whichever senior officer that sanctioned this gets disciplined.

    You are assuming they can read !

  4. Desert training for the squaddies about to leave for the middle east.

    Sargent " ok lads ,you are in the desert and out of water,you come across an abandoned vehicule,this could save your life but how?


    "Well Sir ,i'd empty the water from the radiator and drink the condensation water that is pure"

    "Excellent reply,Parker "

    "Well sir,i'd strip the seats and use the material to make a protection from the sun "

    "Another excellent reply,well done Parker.Kelly"

    "Well sir,i'd take off the door"

    "The door ? Why ?"

    "Well sir,If it got hot i could wind the window down"

  5. Thé différence between a bad marksman and a constipated owl ; one shoots but cant hit ,the other hoots but cant shit.

    The différence between a short dachund and a market trader; the trader bawls his wares out on the pavement ,the other wears his balls out on the pavement

  6. Couple fall on hard times,after much deliberation the wife décides to go on the game.

    The First night back she reports that she has earned 300 pounds and fifty pence.

    The husband a bit surprised demands

    "Who the flip gavé you fifty pence ? "

    "Oooh ,they all did " she replied

  7. Before their inaugural parachute jump the sergeant goes once more through the routine.

    "Ok lads,Line up ,when the red light changes to green you jump.

    Count "one thousand and one ,one thousand and two ,pull the ripcord ,look up to Check your chute is open"

    "If your chute fails to open ,count ,one thousand and one ,one thousand and two and pull the emergency ripcord to your right"

    A voice pipes up "Sarge ,what If the emergency chute does n't open "

    " well ,lovely boy ,If the spare does n't open ,you flap your arms and shout "geronimo"

    When they reach the correct altitude ,the doors open and one by one they jump.

    "One thousand and one ,one thousand and two..."

    When all have jumped they close the aircraft door.

    Suddenly they hear a knocking ,tap, tap,tap.

    Surprised they reopen the door only to find squaddie flapping his arms madly

    "Please Sarge ,what was the name of that ficking indian ? "

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