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Miah Dennehy

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Posts posted by Miah Dennehy

  1. On 07/01/2023 at 22:11, weepywall said:

    Can get 40/1 for them to get promoted if you fancy a consolation bet, can't see it myself, they don't beat teams above them, don't necessarily lose tho, played more games than most aswell. They will finish mid table ish. Jailbird Joey will be off if he get miraculously gets a better offer and so would most of the players.

    I bet us at 40/1 last January. Just sayin :)

  2. 6 hours ago, Port Said Red said:

    I honestly don't know what they mean by "we want our club back". 

    What examples can anyone give?



    Just one of those hackneyed old phrases that crop up every time a group with no actual argument comes up with. On a par with 'We want our country back' leading up to the Brexit vote.

    For every City fan wanting Lansdown out, there will be 10 fans of other clubs saying 'we'll have him if you don't want him'

    • Like 14
  3. 17 hours ago, AppyDAZE said:

    And again, as usual huge support for Rovers on their travels.

    I think they must think we're all thick or something.

    Yes, he's been around a long time and he does his job,  but bigging up Rovers is something he really likes to do, believe me.

    It would be interesting to know if he does actually favour any of the Bristol sides.


    Well of course he does, we are everybody's favourite other team.

    • Haha 2
  4. 30 minutes ago, GrahamC said:

    Bet that won’t the prevailing view if you do make the final, we’ll hear no end of how amazing & loyal your support is.

    I won't be going. I'm sure a few will change their minds if we did get there, but i haven't attended one game since the Academy sides have been allowed in.

    • Like 9
  5. On 12/12/2022 at 21:30, dilligaf said:

    Here they come now bang on schedule to defend their messiah. It's like some sort of mass hysteria with you lot, but hey, all his sins are forgiven because 'he has us playing great football'. Have a day off. 

    Is it ****, I was just giving my opinion and I was disagreeing with Barton's! Have a week off.

    On 12/12/2022 at 18:14, Lanterne Rouge said:

    It`s a manager calling for another manager to go which is bad form. It won`t do him any good among his peers.

    I agree.

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  6. There are plenty of people about who think Southgate should go, so I don't think it's a particularly controversial opinion. Personally I think you need your head read if you agree with it though :)

    Also, as someone else said, you'd have to ask him why he didn't resign after getting us relegated. 

    He still has us playing great football though :)


  7. On 27/11/2022 at 17:11, Gert Mare said:

    ….unless the opponent is Non-League of course ?

    I didn’t agree with what you said, but I must admit I’ve changed my view after today….You are GREAT to watch. I haven’t enjoyed watching you so much since Chesham.

    Thanks for the early christmas gift from the kings of gift giving.



    Consider it a gift from me. If you want to reciprocate, Glenmorangie would be ideal :)

    On 27/11/2022 at 16:01, Wanderingred said:

    @Miah Dennehy

    Bristol Rovers are a good side who only concede to the top teams in the division. We’re great to watch and I’d fancy us against anyone at the moment.




    • Haha 4
  8. 54 minutes ago, Wanderingred said:

    No you aren’t. You’re a below average team in a poor division that leaks goals for fun against the better sides.

    We are prone to leak goals the way we play, but out of those 'better sides' only Derby took advantage. I'm not saying we're going up or even finish top half, but we ARE good to watch and I would give us a chance against anyone atm.

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  9. 8 hours ago, Swede said:

    Before they start crawling out from under their 1970's time warp let's put things into perspective here. The fact that Tilson is still their record signing some THIRTY YEARS later tells you all you need to know about that poxy little club.

    It's nothing to do with overspending either.

    Back in 1992 the average house price was £68,000.

    You certainly have much more money than us and have spent far, far more on players.

    Just out of interest, in those 30 years since we signed Tillson, how much have City spent and how far has it got them in terms of league position?


    • Flames 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Gert Mare said:

    If truth be told the Gasheads are embarrassed about the Mem. They know it’s a complete shithole and a joke of a stadium, but of course they’ll never openly admit it because that would give the arrogant Ted’s even more fuel to take the piss.

    If they think we’re fooled by their so called love of Membley then they are sadly mistaken. It’s a run down ramshackle mess with tents for stands and plastic garden chairs and the Bolton Fans likened it to Chernobyl and the Millwall fans commented that the only thing missing was a ******* coconut shy.

    Gaslogic therefore says that Bolton and Millwall fans are just arrogant Ted’s in disguise ?

    Clowns ? 

    I'm not.  I like standing on a terrace and Gloucester Road is a great night out :)

    • Haha 1
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  11. 2 hours ago, Gert Mare said:

    I don't quote fiction where the Gas is concerned.

    Anyway, according to Gas Chat you're a Ted in disguise. Is that true?

    Im not on it, got locked out of my account on there years ago :)

    2 hours ago, Gert Mare said:

    I don't quote fiction where the Gas is concerned.

    Anyway, according to Gas Chat you're a Ted in disguise. Is that true?


    • Robin 1
  12. 12 minutes ago, Gert Mare said:


    They've stooped lower than where we have ever been, both on and off the pitch.

    In 2014 they had more football banning orders than any other football league club in the country. FACT!

    Punching Braintree players in the back of the net just because they were losing to a complete footballing backwater and their self-entitlement attitude got the better of them.

    Family club? What a ******* joke. Do me a favour. Holier than thou Gas delusional bullshit at its finest.

    They can't see reality from the utter drivel and bullshit that they keep trying to spout.

    When they set themselves up like old limpwrist then they continue to be the gift that keeps on giving.

    This makes it true :)

  13. 2 minutes ago, Northern Red said:

    Chester are my local side these days, so I go and watch them when I can, and I know a few people who would have been there last night, think they had about 150 or so travel down.

    Reading various bits it seems that it was unsegregated which Banbury are now admitting was a mistake, and exception was taken to Chester fans celebrating when they scored. Banbury have had a few issues this season with a partcular group of kids causing trouble and it sounds like last night was more of the same.


    Yes there were around 150/200 from Chester there and you're right, the problems started after the Chester goal. we were there with one of our suppliers who sponsor Banbury and he did mention that they had some problems this season, a stand got wrecked at Leamington apparently.


    • Like 1
  14. Banbury!

    While you were cheering me up losing to Lincoln last night, I was actually watching Banbury United v Chester with colleagues. What a bizarre night, it all kicked off after Chester scored a penalty, police reinforcements were called in, the bars closed and we managed to get kept behind after the game with the Chester fans, then it went off a bit outside with the police! There were even several renditions of the Harry Roberts song, which some of our older viewers may remember.

    It was all very 'handbags' and I know I shouldn't be laughing about it, but it was a very strange night!

    • Haha 6
  15. 17 minutes ago, harrys said:

    Come on Miah, the fact he wasn’t found guilty in a court of law doesn’t mean he didn’t do it, we all know the score and it’s only a matter of time before his next “incident”

    I think you may have entirely  missed the point of several of the last posts!  

  16. 1 hour ago, BTRFTG said:

    So true Miah.

    Out of interest, your epithet - hero or villain given the similarities with Pal Joey and his propensity for violence? Joey would do well to heed the cautionary tale of that talented son of Cork.

    Neither really, then again, I'm not really sure I class anyone as a hero, we all have our flaws. There are times during his career when I've thought 'what a dick' particularly during his brief spell at Rangers, but looking back I can now see he jsnt isn't scared to say what he thinks, or maybe he just thinks it's good to wind the opposition up, who knows? The cigar in the eye incident, seems particularly abhorrent, but then I wasn't there so I can only guess at the precise details. I'm never going to condone violent acts, but I have known plenty of people who have committed them and while I would say I am far from being a violent person, I have done violent things in my life , is there anyone who hasn't?

    What I do know about Barton is that he has got Rovers playing some really entertaining football and it's enjoyable going to games again. I started watching football in an era when George Best was about the only player who made headlines for anything other than playing football, these days players are under the microscope pretty much 24/7. There is every chance that the players I saw under Don Megson and the ones City fans watched under Alan Dicks were as flawed as Joey Barton and every other controversial figure, the only difference is back then , we didn't hear about it.



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  17. 10 hours ago, ballwinningcentrehalf said:

    The Celtic one is interesting because for me it highlights one of the massive issues at the moment - and that's the laws surrounding handball. This in combination with slow-mo VAR replays is leading to some really harsh decisions.

    The big thing now with handball seems to be 'the silhouette' of the player - which I understand in theory, that if a player is making themselves bigger with their arms out from their body in a deliberate manner, then it should be penalised - however the addendum of 'natural position' just seems to be completely ignored or misinterpreted. For the current lawmakers and officials, anything other than the arms/hands down by a player's side, regardless of what action he is performing, or what position his body is in, means it is an 'unnatural position' - which is just total nonsense.

    I think anyone that has played any sort of football knows that if you are running, or jumping, then your arms will move - and for me being penalised for handball (and booked!), when a ball is headed at your arm from a couple of yards, while your arms are swinging naturally from attempting a header, and while you are facing the other way - is a major fault in the current rules. If you look at the Dundee Utd attacker right next to the Celtic player, he's also attempted a header and his arms are in exactly the same position!

    I agree with everything you say. I would add that those who make the games laws should try and keep in mind why the laws are there, which is primarily to stop cheating. The Celtic player clearing wasn't cheating or trying to gain an advantage, yet the referees  interpretation of the laws has seen him penalised and booked. There are those that will argue it is a penalty ( the pundits on Sportscene did) , but should refs be giving penalties for situations like that? I dont think they should.

    • Like 1
  18. I still find it odd that any football fan would want VAR, football is supposed to be fun FFS. It holds up the game, takes away any instant thrill of a goal and week after week comes up with decisions that people cant agree on!

    Anyone see the penalty awarded against Celtic yesterday btw? How the **** that's a penalty I will never know. **** VAR, I honestly think that if it comes in at Rovers level, that's me done with live football. Although I will probably go to a few games in our first season in the Premier League # we'recoming for you :)

  19. On 04/11/2022 at 11:14, Slacker said:

    You are of course right about speculation Nettie and Miah.How about the speculation that Daniel Stendel just fell over in the tunnel as Barton was passing?Without knowing the facts do you believe Barton had nothing to do with it?Honest answers and no fence sitting please.

    Well that's the thing isn't it, I don't know the facts, only how they have been reported. Bearing in mind Stendel's testimony and injuries, do I think Barton had something to do with it? Yes , probably, but that doesn't mean I necessarily think Barton beat the bloke up and I do genuinely think that any reporting involving Barton would tend to paint him as the villain because that's an easy story to sell. In a very, very, very  small way, I have had personal experience of creative reporting after the death of my daughter (this was a long time ago) and in this case it was trying to over egg the pathos, I guess in an attempt to make a sad story even sadder. My point being, that I think , often, a journalist will decide on the story they want to write and then try to make the facts fit that story.

    As it stands ,the facts are that Barton hasn't been found guilty and it should be left at that.  People generally and many football fans in particular can be terribly hypocritical and will choose to highlight or ignore stories about their personal  heroes and villains, Rovers fans and City fans and fans of every other football club, are no different in this respect.


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  20. 1 hour ago, Eddie Hitler said:



    The best recent example was the "pedomania" triggered by "Nick" making things up and the Met and Tom Watson believing everything he said.

    This was all disseminated through the internet and then everyone "knew" the list of people who should be locked up.

    With the only problem being that "Nick" had invented it all and was himself locked up for it. Meanwhile the incompetent Met officers were promoted and Tom Watson was given a top paying media job.


    It really is tragic. Unfortunately , human nature being what it is- and always has been- a little bit of mud will always stick if it's thrown often enough.

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