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Miah Dennehy

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Everything posted by Miah Dennehy

  1. I think there are definitely decisions that can be influenced by various factors in a game, including the home crowd. I'm not complaining btw, everyone can make a mistake, including the ref and that's just part of football, sometimes they go your way, sometimes they don't. I would much prefer it the way it is than have to attend games where VAR came into play, how anyone can think that has improved the game is beyond me.
  2. I still think it was a definite 'home' penalty , the Exeter players reaction, which is on camera and his subsequent piss taking(which isn't) swung it for me a bit maybe. It was quite interesting being in the home end regarding refereeing decisions. I like to think I'm pretty fair minded while I watch a game, but for most decisions I seemed to be out of sync with those around me. Maybe we all have an inbuilt bias whether we think we have or not.
  3. Like I said, The Exeter player just backed right into him, if someone forces you to fall backwards you hold your arms out. That's how I saw it and from his reaction, the Exeter player knew exactly what he had done.
  4. Pretty much ! If I was Evans, I'd have knocked the ****** out, but I'm not Evans, I'm a fat middle aged bloke, so I didn't
  5. I didn't think it was a penalty, I was in the Exeter end and it was right in front of me and it looked like the Exeter player backed right in. When the whistle went , the Exeter player turned away assuming it was against him. no hint of an appeal from him , then he started laughing in Evans face when he realised he had got the penalty!
  6. I wouldn't bother, I'll summarise for you. The bloke in the video used to be a prison warder when Barton was in Strangeways, Barton got a job in the gym and his brother was in there for murder. That's about it.
  7. Yes, I can't ever remember us losing a game, not that I ever got into the side in the the upper school (Whitefield was split into 3 lower schools back then, with all the 4th and 5th years on one site, which was the upper school) I should point out that Mr Evans was heavily involved in the coaching, probably more so than Alred. Alred is certainly dedicated though, he could be seen pretty much every break time just kicking a rugby ball over the posts again and again. I think I'm right in saying he had just come back from the states where he was a kicker for a pro American football side, which also earned him an RFU ban for being professional.
  8. In economics he was pretty clear about his political beliefs (Which were very unfashionable back then) He may be very good for you btw, but in a world where-increasingly- results are all that matter, I will still take a Mr Evans over a Mr Alred all day long.
  9. Yes, Ralph was a year above me ( and obviously very good at rugby!)
  10. He was a teacher at Whitefield when I was there, he taught Economics and PE, teachers like him were one of the many recent I disliked school so much. We had two PE teachers, Alan Evans, who was a great bloke who showed that it didn't matter how good you were at sport, but if you took part and gave it your best shot, it could be fun and have a very positive impact on your life, Alred was only interested in the very best players and gave no time to those who weren't in the 'elite'. He also prevented a mate of mine, who was a very talented footballer having contact with Manchester City, back then you needed parents and school's permission to take part in any trials and as my mate had no interest in rugby and refused to take part in after school training n it, he denied him the permission. Horrible ***. That said, he's probably the kind of horrible git who is good at what he does .
  11. Well, we are all entitled to an opinion I suppose. Rovers were poor on Saturday, but Shrewsbury really did all they could to kill the game stone dead. My posts have been saying we have been great to watch since January - and for those who are so fond of quoting stats on here- I believe I am right in saying than we have won more games in2022 than any other league team, that was certainly the case up until a couple of weeks ago. This season- like last- hasn't started so well, I have said elsewhere that maybe the step up and the loss of two star players from last season will prove very telling, because 6 games in and we have only put in 2 good performances and one of those was against what appears to be a very poor team who were down to 10 men for virtually the entire game. My other concern would be that the performance at Barnsley- which I watched on I follow- we were lucky to only lose 3-0 and that against a team who. from memory. were utter shite last year, which could well show that we will be looking towards the bottom half of the table rather than the top. Anyway, long, long way to go and all that and I do have a fair bit of faith in the squad- they earned that last season- and a manager (and I'm talking about him purely in football terms) who knows how to get the best out of his players. I'm hoping my absence this Saturday against Morecambe may inspire them I am off glory hunting at Celtic for the week. annoying I booked flights Friday to Monday for me and my wife, but now we have gone and drawn Real Madrid on the Tuesday I have had to extend my stay , bin the flights and will drive up. So if anyone fancies a weekend for 2 in Glasgow- I have some flights going cheap!
  12. Well they aren't low, nowhere near what you get of course, but okay for us.
  13. Rovers have been great to watch, pretty much since January, I like to think I'm pretty fair minded when describing a game and have been on here more than once over the years to say how shite we have been, but we just have been a very entertaining side of late. Whether that continues with the loss of two stars of the last campaign and the step up to League One, who knows.
  14. Well I was there and I can promise you, whatever the stats say it was a god awful game and that was largely down to Shrewsbury killing the game. I'm not complaining, any team can play anyway they choose, but it was boring as ****.
  15. My thoughts exactly. I said in the bar after the game, the more the Rovers crowd booed the Shrewsbury tactics, the more those players would have been thinking 'yeah, this is working'
  16. I will say Shrewsbury really were god awful to watch, but there is more than one way to play football. To be serious for a moment, it has been great to watch Rovers play this year, it really is entertaining stuff, but I've seen plenty of Rovers sides (and many other teams) try to kill a game and it's just part of football. Shrewsbury really were desperately dull though, I can't imagine he had City playing like that when you won the league.
  17. 'Your' not 'You're'. Our maths may be shit, but it beats your English.
  18. Sad to hear that. I always really liked him and thought the racist thing was nonsense. I hate phone in shows, but his was brilliant. I've always had a soft spot for Millwall as well, having a few cousins who support them, I was in the away end at Ashton with one of them when it all went mental (late 80s?) and thought I might possibly die if anyone heard me talk and was at the last game at The Den, which again was a bit hairy. I was also at the Den for a home game against West Ham where I really did think I might die, I was in a pub that was attacked by West Ham fans , windows put through from the outside, while Millwall fans were trying to get outside to fight, it was ******* terrifying! Anyway, after that game I bumped into Danny and told him about how I once led 2000 Tote Enders onto the East End, it would have been 4000, but the rest got locked out. This last sentence may have had some bearing on Danny's opinion of the best fans in the land. It may also possibly not be true.
  19. Well you celebrated 40 years of going bankrupt
  20. Ha ha! I remember the game well, and that the ref was Brian Daniels from Kettering (Another reason to hate Kettering, I was at that game as well) . I would have been 13 or 14 at the time of the Ipswich game and the disappointment of Ipswich equalising increased a thousand fold when Brian Moore on the Big Match showed Gould's goal should have been allowed and their equaliser shouldn't. And then Ipswich went on to win the bloody thing!
  21. You have seen a boat on it yes- if I was internet savvy enough I could post the link!
  22. Bobby Gould had a goal ruled out for offside which would have put us 3-1 up. Replays suggested Gould's goal was onside and the Ipswich was offside. Bastards!
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