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Posts posted by supercidered

  1. 25 minutes ago, BTRFTG said:

    Revisionist history had no limits it seems. Amazing how the facts (sic) of the matter appear in the hands of those who weren't around at the time.

    City owe nothing to 'The 8', unless that is you wanted City to go bust, which is nearly where they took the club. 'The 8' looked only after themselves, for which I don't blame them, but lest not forget the players immediately became free agents and later were paid around half of the outstanding balance on their contracts, so it's not as though they were left high and dry. Bristol Dockers who were being shafted at the time weren't so fortunate. Kids singing their stupid song might start by asking themselves if 'The 8' were such heroes then why were their testimonials so poorly attended? Answer, although one or two genuinely had been playing heroes most weren't and all their attitudes at screwing as much as possible out of the club didn't go down well with fans.

    At the time the players, Merrick in particular, were filmed saying they'd never set foot in AG ever again. For several years Merrick also wasn't shy in describing his thoughts on the club's treatment of him, as many a person who's worked in the building trade will attest. How times (and facts) change.

    And no, if there's a card on my seat dream on if you think it'll be held aloft, as those like me who thought my beloved club all but gone recall how the hard the PFA had to work to talk the players out of their demands.

    City's sad chapter should be buried, not celebrated.

    Fair play for having the nads to post this.

    There is a lot of truth and good points raised.

    That's not to say I agree with it all though. The overriding factor for me is that if the same scenario had happened in a different era after that, would any other group of players do it? It makes me think of Sol Campbell that dug his heels in over 'money owed' by Portsmouth when they were on their @rse. They were close to going out of business too and he was just one player that refused to give up his contractual rights. I think it was f@ckin image rights FFS.

    I was only 13 at the time of the 1982 saga and I still remember the fear of us losing my team and the relief when we were rescued. The sheer joy of seeing us play Fulham at home after that. I guess that is where the fondness of the 8 comes from for me. It is a sad chapter in our history that should never be forgotten for so many reasons but I definitely will celebrate it because whichever way I look at it. City wouldn't exist without the actions of the 8. 

    • Like 3
  2. I guess owners have been considering a change for a while and 2 results didn't change their thinking.

    Also, Grant McCann has always been a bit of a meh appointment to me. He always comes across as someone who just doesn't instil any sort of confidence and maybe the Championship is a bridge too far for him. 

  3. 37 minutes ago, Mad Cyril said:

    Bit of a sweeping generalisation? Most of their fan base have called out the few idiots who did this.

    Similarly, it only takes an idiot or two to throw a coke bottle at an opposition player. Doesn't mean all Bristol City fans are mindless thugs.

    I only saw one coke bottle (yes, one too many.) Compare that to a lot more than a few idiots smashing up ceilings and toilets. As the videos circulate around social media of the thugs doing this the public in general will make up their own minds.


  4. 54 minutes ago, Sleepy1968 said:

    Yeah, two were. In a lower block near the dolman corner near the end of the game. They were being held back from eachother by stewards. Perhaps one of them was such a moron that the more sensible supporter just snapped (or just really needed a sh1t)?

    The Away Days video has a bit of coverage on it.

    My immediate thought was that maybe some of our lot had somehow infiltrated the away end. However, if the ticket holders were season ticket holders only then probably not.

    In any case, Cardiff really did show the rest of the country and theirs their true colours. Embarrassing muppetry of the highest order!!

  5. 2 hours ago, Ska Junkie said:

    Took wifey to physio this morning, after a full knee replacement and stopped of at Boswell's in Kingswood for a coffee and a bacon roll. It was pretty busy so I found her a table and queued up. While I was in the queue, my Mrs offered to share her table with a fella and his grand daughter. No problem thought I until i sat down face to face with Mr Ian Holloway!  ?

    He was very nice to be fair. 

    Na. He's a proper c@unt.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  6. 16 hours ago, PHILINFRANCE said:


    What a trio.

    Cyril Regis, Laurie Cunningham and Brendon Batson, the first two now deceased.

    You are probably right that we wouldn't be able to use that description today, which is a great shame as, to the best of my memory, it wasn't said with any malice (certainly not on my part), rather that they were just three great (black) footballers. 

    God no. Definitely no malice at all. Three Degrees were a great act and the three footballers were a great trio. Cyril and Laurie in particular were brilliant.

  7. 17 minutes ago, slartibartfast said:

    Yes, we virtually stopped WBA winning the title that night (the Thrre Degrees and all) !


    The Three Degrees were brilliant players. Wouldn't be able to call them that these days though. 

    • Haha 1
  8. 3 hours ago, Roadrunner said:

    th?id=OIP.6k5qASm7ZivlezjMNggfUwHaKO&pid=Api&P=0&w=131&h=181Anyone remember why Gert only stayed with us in 1979. Before returning to the Netherlands to play  for Sparta Rotterdam, who he went on to manager. He also  managed Feyenoord

    Corrrr that kit is beautiful !!

    I saw him play at home v WBA and we won 1:0. WBA were top at that point I seem to remember. A long time ago but I recall he played well that night and there were 30k in attendance (may have that wrong as it was so long ago).

    • Like 1
  9. I'm not sure they warrant our gratitude or the club's gratitude for that matter. Other way around perhaps?

    I wouldn't boo either of them. I can't help but still have a lot of time for Joe as he obviously still really loves the club.

    Bobby p!ssed me off tapping his head thing when he joined that lot across the river. I think Flint and Pack did the same. Still wouldn't boo those two either.

  10. 38 minutes ago, Bristol Rob said:

    Never went to one of their all inclusive nights, but I remember them being advertised.

    Would guess chaos and mayhem were rife.

    It was a bit chaotic but I don't remember much in the way of trouble. My main endearing memories were of very friendly females. I will leave it there I think.

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