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Posts posted by supercidered

  1. 1 hour ago, ExiledAjax said:

    I believe that Wycombe have already sent an 'invoice' or 'claim' to Derby/Derby's administrators requesting £6m as a creditor. Personally I see that as them simply staking their claim, I suspect they have zero expectation of that being paid, but asking for it shows that they think they deserve it. If they really think they can get something then I would think the real claim will got against the EFL, through proper litigation in the courts. I see their chance of success as minimal at best. 

    Personally I would not mind Wycombe getting immunity from relegation following their next promotion to the Championship. Truth is they shouldn't have been relegated last season, and so some small token could be extended. Maybe if not full immunity then they could be 'given' Derby's deducted points? Pie in the sky I know as the other clubs would never agree to it, but it's an idea.

    I totally get your sentiment and I share that. However, as much as fans and other clubs would also agree with sentiment. Ultimately, clubs would be looking after their own interests and not Wycombe Wanderers. In addition, it would open the biggest can of worms imaginable.


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  2. 1 hour ago, ExiledAjax said:

    Certainly there will be a QC out there who will take Wycombe's case. 

    Who exactly they should sue I couldn't be sure. Is it Derby for initially cheating, or is it the EFL for delaying things. 

    With Derby in the financial situation they are in I would suggest that the sensible option is to go at the EFL. IIRC Wyconbe want about £6m. I can't see the EFL paying that but maybe they would give Wycombe something.

    Thinking a little outside the box but could there be scope for giving Wycombe a promotion, or if they get promoted this season then granting them immunity from relegation next season? I've not read the regs in detail, but presumably if enough clubs agreed to it then that could happen. 

    I can't see them going after Derby but possibly EFL. If they do go after either, I can't see them getting any justice for their club.

    I also can't see any of the last paragraph happening either. 

    Life isn't fair, football isn't fair. Unfortunately for Wycombe whilst they have been royally shafted with this. I fear they will just have to suck this up and forever despise Derby County.

  3. 5 minutes ago, LondonBristolian said:

    In fairness, it is now really hard to accuse the football league of being too lenient with Derby...

    Glad they have been rogered senseless but just about the right punishment. However, the time taken means that Wycombe got f@cked over in the process of everything taking so long. With it being a legal process then I guess the time taken was inevitable and nothing can be done for Wycombe. Shame.

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  4. 1 hour ago, GrahamC said:

    You’re totally right, it’s simply speculation, which if we’re all learning a new word today, is fairly otiose ?.

    So my hunch is this, he’s an awkward bugger who based on the fact that he has properties in Devon & Sheffield has not been exactly daft in the way that he’s spent the money football has brought him, so he doesn’t need to work.

    He has also said there are parts of the business (agents, etc) he has no interest in dealing with, which is bad news if you ever wanted to be a Director of Football..

    He also has his interests away from the game, hiking, the outdoors, so added to the fact that he has indicated before he doesn’t live solely for the game, I reckon he would walk away & do other stuff if his health meant he couldn’t be a manager anymore.

    Mine went off in to hibernation last week of his own accord. 

    • Haha 2
  5. 1 hour ago, The Batman said:

    I've boycotted this world Cup. Have not watched any of the qualifiers and won't watch next year. 

    If the footballers really cared about racism and all forms of discrimination, they'd have boycotted the world Cup a long time ago. Yet none of them have. I'm sure the families of the slaves that died building the stadiums they'll be playing in will appreciate them kneeling down though. 

    Totally agree with the second paragraph and just goes to show how shallow footballers and more importantly football authorities are. It's like they are saying yes Qatar and everything associated with it is a disgrace but it's worth too much money to us so count us in. All back handers in the first place which everyone knows about but hey ho it's done and dusted so let's go.

    I won't boycott it though. I will watch it and support England. If that makes me a bit of a hypocrite then so be it. If you can't beat them etc, etc.

  6. 36 minutes ago, VT05763 said:

    Ryan Lowe. Playing a system that suits our squad. Intensive work on the training ground, creating a positive culture within the players and giving them confidence, allowing players to dribble.

    But just my opinion and if you are happy with the  "poor mans Wimbledon" disorganised shambles that has been on offer then season then that is fine.

    Correct, so why do the interview ? serious question.

    Ryan Lowe. Here we go yet again.

    Did you or any other RL advocate watch Sheff Weds v Plymouth at the weekend? Christ it was sh!te. I'm not basing RL's credentials on one game by the way. I live near Plymouth so have the misfortune of getting to see them in action. Not to mention the fickle Plymouth fans banging on that this is their season. However, even Plymouth fans have doubted him at times. Plymouth are in the League One mix and that is about it. They don't play great football and I'm not sure where anyone gets that impression from. It also conveniently forgotten that RL hasn't been without his struggles with Plymouth in his time there.

    Why would anyone think RL would play a system that suits our squad? Do we not have intensive work carried out the training ground? Is NP not trying to strip out all of the dead wood and creating a positive culture etc, etc?

    If a change has to be made i.e. I can only see due to NPs health as being the only reason. Then RL would be a gamble of such magnitude that I just can't see being taken. 

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  7. 5 minutes ago, !james said:

    I quite enjoyed today, I am hoping for something similar tomorrow to get me through the week. 

    Thankfully I've got a round trip via the car to Truro tomorrow. A bit of relief from the mad soap opera that is Bristol City FC. 

    No doubt I will log back on Wednesday morning for some more madness!


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  8. 2 minutes ago, Midlands Robin said:

    Just found out what happened. One of the blokes who works on security at the RHPC is a chap called Piers. Well, his lad, Nigel makes a quality homemade Perry using a specific brand of pear.

    This led to one staff member at the training ground being overheard telling another:

    "Nigel, Piers son, Press conference this afternoon"

    Easy mistake to make.

    Stand down OTIB.

    How long did that take to try and fit that in to a story? :)

    • Haha 3
  9. 11 minutes ago, cityloyal473 said:

    The cynical side of me sees a resignation due to health problems coming (can’t believe I’m posting this). 

    Cue the vultures circling over head and demanding we sound Ryan Lowe out about taking over. 

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    • Haha 1
  10. 56 minutes ago, And Its Smith said:

    Absolutely. I’d rather be mid table in league one with that team (that might not be realistic) than where we are now.  Everyone desperate to get to a league that I hate and haven’t watched a full game from, or even a highlights programme for well over a year. Had enough of turgid percentage football of get crosses in and cross fingers that it falls to a city shirt. Smash a ball up to Martin and cross fingers the second ball falls to us or their centre back makes a mistake. 

    Get relegated and watch the kids progress like we are their proud drunk fathers! 

    Blige. Somebody's tired.

    • Haha 1
  11. 22 hours ago, Phileas Fogg said:

    What does that mean? Ryan Lowe is someone we've been rumoured to have looked into before. He's reasonably local and seemingly realistic. His career is on the ascendency and his Plymouth team look very good whilst playing excellent football. He'd obviously be discussed as a realistic alternative. 

    FFS. Yawn. Means that its been done to death.

    Ryan Lowe being seen as the best new thing since whatever is just desperate. Reasonably local. Yes. The rest is debatable at best.

    Career in ascendency. His team are in the mix in League One but hardly tearing it up. I'm not sure where the 'playing excellent football' comes from? As I live near Plymouth I have this mis-fortune of knowing a lot of Plymouth regulars ( in that they regularly go only when Plymouth are doing well). They do love their manager but they certainly don't echo the 'excellent football' myth that keeps being banded about on here.

    If City binned NP now and recruited RL then it would be a gamble on an unimaginable scale. City are in such a state that even NP or any other manager is going to find our predicament a challenge. Bringing in a Championship rookie Manager would only make things even worse. City have made their choice with NP and need to stick with it.  

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