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Rudolf Hucker

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Everything posted by Rudolf Hucker

  1. 921 from Oxford so 7585 from the 15ers
  2. Nope. I’ve never sprayed on a car. That’s about the only thing though.
  3. Well that's the 15ers guaranteed a station on Marvellous Marv's Magic Tube system. It'll no doubt be plastered with "Mind the Gap" stickers.
  4. If he really DOES know who is coming in when Clarke goes, why would he put just £100 on it? Surely it's time to go big and bet his mum's house on it? Mind you, the council won't be pleased.
  5. Latent - lying dormant or hidden until circumstances are suitable for development or manifestation. So we now know that there are two types of 15er - latent (I don't go) or in a 'kin tent (I do go).
  6. They've started an inbreeding programme. Does that count?
  7. Finally you've got one over on us Miah. We stopped selling rosettes back in the 60's but it's good that your lot are taking the lead on stocking retro football memorabilia. Oh and old crisps.
  8. Then why doesn’t he say that? Footballers aren’t the brightest generally. If he talks to them in riddles it’ll be no surprise that they don’t do what he wants.
  9. "Non negotiables were good ..." - WTF does that mean?
  10. Weren't they only in a relegation position for around 27 minutes that season?
  11. 3171 at Burton today. When they played Sunderland a few weeks ago the attendance was 4566. I guess a decent away following makes the difference?
  12. What a pity that the Mansfield players didn't conform to the end of season stereotype and throw their shirts to their supporters (and of course the infiltrating City fans).
  13. I was impressed that he could be clearly heard over the tannoy.
  14. Their invention of English Football League Division 5.
  15. One of my favourites (there are so many) was the display at the UWE Fresher's Fair in which someone had depicted "da famus quarterz" by scribbling on a whiteboard. Tinpot doesn't do justice to their constant displays of ineptitude.
  16. They didn’t play rugby there last year but their pitch was still a cabbage patch because a club official allegedly invoiced BRFC for sand of a type used on sports pitches but actually bought the sand typically used in cement mixers, of course pocketing the difference. Loyal and true.
  17. They didn’t play rugby there last year but their pitch was still a cabbage patch because a club official allegedly invoiced BRFC for sand of a type used on sports pitches but actually bought the sand typically used in cement mixers, of course pocketing the difference. Loyal and true.
  18. Coincidentally, Graham Poll described the Mem as resembling a new camp.
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