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Bristol Rob

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Everything posted by Bristol Rob

  1. That'll be the renowned EFL team Chesham then.
  2. I'm pleased I somehow managed to miss the promotional guff that would have allowed me a free ticket. Usually I take advantage of the offer; but I'm far from annoyed that I missed it.
  3. Cast your mind back 3 and a half years....
  4. Doesn't matter if Wilbs could of scored, Tomlin DID score. No, Tomlin gets unnecessary bookings because he can't control his mouth. But makes up for that by being able to control the ball better than anyone else in the squad. No, I think Tomlin could win the game for us, which is why I'm pleased he took the pen.
  5. 8 of those goals would be courtesy of the ref booking Tomlin in the build up.
  6. So Tomlin, who is a liability to himself and the team and should have been off at half time before he got sent off and scored an equaliser. Glad I come here for the facts!
  7. This time last season, we'd have known we were beaten. I still have a degree of optimism, not just that we can turn round a one goal deficit, but that we might go on and nick it.
  8. Was the mysterious sickness of Oakwell true and have they fielded a much changed team?
  9. My favourite bit of DC 'turning it around' was when he took you in to the conference.
  10. Believe Diwali came to an end this week, the Hindu festival of light. How apt that we have 16 years of light between us and them. Could argue they are light years behind us.
  11. Sure one of you with photoshop can change the word 'music' to something more appropriate. Caption time!
  12. Really don't see the point in comparing historical attendances from 40 years ago. Unemployment was in the millions, grounds were far from comfortable environments and pre Euro96, there was very little marketing going on, that tournament reignited the Idea of watching live football for a lot of people.
  13. Sadly, it's been cancelled this year as they are all too busy helping Trump manage his presidential campaign. Boob cricket became locker banter for example.
  14. Premature. I think Mclaren will keep them up.
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