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Everything posted by RedRoss

  1. I like the perspective given on how young our team is. We had 5 players 22 and under in the team yesterday and they are regulars in the league. All with decent experience already. Even the other players are a few years from touching 30. 5 of these players are home grown from our academy. I think alot of this is missed with the over negativity after a loss or the hysteria after a win. If I was a fan from another team looking in I'd think we are doing something right.
  2. I reckon these lads in yellow might do bits in the National League this season!
  3. It's exactly that scenario. It's clearly in-house competition. That's not dissimilar to any content our club or any club for that matter puts out. That's a very weird thing to criticise. There's plenty of legitimate things to be critical about but this isn't it sorry.
  4. Was it? Show me where? It was on here people made up their minds it was Tinnion.
  5. Is it really that black and white? This is what I don't get though. I asked for examples of what specifically Tinnion had done previously in this topic that could be proved and every answer was conjecture of sorts. However with that he's been called all sorts of names on here. I don't know and can't say definitively one way or the other so I just don't think it's right to completely condemn somebody for hearsay at best. Even if he was part of it personal comments are low in my eyes. You can disagree with someone and that can get heated but it's embarrassing when our fans act like that. It's funny Richard Gould is treated like our Lord and saviour on here but jumped at the next best thing straight away. Yet Tinnion has committed most of his life to us and showed utmost loyalty and is treated like shit. I know people will say he's in his job for the wrong reasons and he's not qualified to be in that position. I think he deserves a chance and some respect atleast.
  6. Completely agree. It's pretty pathetic to be honest.
  7. One massive difference. They play in the PL.
  8. This comes up all the time. You can't hold players for ever. Scott and Semenyo went from earning 5k a week to 50k a week and playing in the best league in the world. We can't compete with that. Same with us and Oxfords players. It's a part of the game. The recruitment thereafter is what needs to be done correctly.
  9. Where does it say in that quote from Tony Vance that he called Steve before calling Tins? You've added that bit in going on about he's the one who initially set up the relationship with Guernsey FC. That's why I asked if you know more detail explain. It's fine if you don't want to attribute anything to Tins for that deal. I feel differently as that's what Tony Vance has quoted himself.
  10. Right okay, so you have to be the initial person who built the relationship. Nobody else can build onto the relationship thereafter. Weird in my line of work I have clients that my company established way before my involvement however I seem to have a good relationship I'm currently maintaining.. You both seem to know a much greater amount of detail than me on how Scott was brought into the club. Perhaps you can share how you know exactly.
  11. Yes but.. Doesn't really change what I've said. You can't say he had no involvement with bringing Alex through when he literally was the person who picked up the phone to Tony Vance and gave him a trial. I can't be clearer.
  12. Okay so he had no involvement with us bringing Alex Scott to the club even though the above says otherwise. Football is about relationships, who's to guarantee that if someone else was in BT's position we would of signed him. To give him no credit is bizarre and seems driven by some weird agenda.
  13. I didn't mean in a coaching capacity. I'll just leave this here: The Guernsey manager knew that Scott should have been playing at a higher level and called Brian Tinnion, who is technical director at Bristol City, and got Scott a trial at the Championship club. Scott spent a week with the Gloucestershire-based side, initially training with the under-18s but soon making enough of an impression to move up to the first team. Vance ensured that he was present for the trial game at the end of the week and it took just minutes to realise that Scott wasn’t coming back to the Guernsey squad. He remembered: “In the first half, he scored the perfect hat-trick. Left-foot, right-foot and a header! “I looked at Brian, Brian looked at me and I thought he’s not going to be playing for us again. “The thing that sticks out for me, and Brian always told me this, was that players of a certain level, they're always able to adapt and to excel and not be fazed by being put into a new challenge. He’s comfortable.”
  14. I'll credit him if we keep recruiting well i.e value for money. If we start signing crap players I'll not only stop giving credit I'll certainly criticise. What else is he doing? Unless I've missed the memo. Same not trying to trip you up..
  15. How does the ability to do his job align with the way he spells. It seems you are scraping the barrel for reasons to berate him. He's employed for footballing reasons, he's not writing dissertations ffs. He should be judged on what his role demands not on his literacy. Also you are being so petty to say he should of checked his spelling. Maybe he spelt it wrong and doesn't know it's spelt wrong hence spelling it wrong in the first place so why would you check! For me to even have to clarify this just sums up you have no justification on why he should receive abuse, he's not been unprofessional for any genuine reasons provided. I'll judge Tinnion on our recruitment and bringing through youngsters as that's the remit I think he has within the club. Based on the money available I think he's done a great job so far.
  16. Okay so essentially nothing then. Firstly some apparent spats that happened in a previous role over 10 years ago and the way he has articulated himself on LinkedIn. He's apparently the pathetic one according to some on here.
  17. Give me an example of what he has done that is unprofessional.. The fact he left twitter and came back on?
  18. I love the double standards on here. In this topic alone he's been branded a coward, unprofessional, pathetic, childish, a snake and many more things. That's just on here! I would say however divisive and sometimes personal it gets on here, its usually more divisive and personal on twitter or FB. With the anonymity of social media I'm sure he's received horrible abuse from so called fans. He comes off twitter likely because of the abuse when it was at its height after Nige's departure and losing a couple of games and that's a problem? I understand being in a professional football capacity does expose you to unfavourable opinions especially when things aren't going well but that doesn't mean he essentially needs to be a punching bag when fans aren't happy. I would also like to know what has Tinnion done specifically that is 100% accurate (not hearsay) and known that he has done personally that means he deserves any sort of abuse?
  19. https://www.smallheathalliance.com/read.php?1,3500626,page=12 On their forum they are discussing how they set much more defensive tonight. Guessing Rooney just didn't want to lose that one.
  20. Not the prettiest of games. To be disappointed with a point on the road shows the progress. We could of done better of course, we were sloppy. Should have tested Ruddy much more. However I think there was only one team who looked like they could win and that was us.
  21. Or maybe he'd only been in the job for less than a month and needed some time to get his ideas across. I can't be the only one that didn't expect immediate results/performances when he came in?
  22. I'm with you both. Just highlighting the reasoning others may have to bring this back up. I can understand it that's all. The same energy needs to be given to the overly negative reactionary posts though if they do come i.e dick waving ect because I can't see any at the beginning of this topic.
  23. Isn't that reaction fair game considering the reaction in this topic. You (don't mean you particularly) can instantly moan when things aren't going right but can't accept it instantly coming back when things are going well? I'm not getting too excited with our current run as some, same as I wasn't overly concerned as others when results weren't going our way. However, I can see why there might be an element of dick wavving as you put it because of the outpouring of negatively that spreads on here when results don't go our way by certain posters who suddenly don't say a dickie bird until the next loss.
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