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Everything posted by YorkshireSection

  1. I actually thought it was a tactic by letting all those balls into the box, not getting tight to your man, thus letting him cross at will, it was so blatantly obvious. Lets hope this gets addressed in the summer transfer window, if we could tighten the defence up, well who knows.............
  2. Completely agree, I for one am glad to have a player who busts a gut for his wages every week. A top pro, who's experience and nouse will be a good example for the youngsters to follow. Well earned Chris.
  3. anyone with a valid, working stream please?
  4. If Barton goes down and the gash are left manageress, then surely the perfect fit would be LJ. He knows the area, he can manage his property portfolio whilst seriously mounting a push for promotion. I think it genuinely could work.
  5. Rah, Rugger and Pimms maybe more his forte. All about opinions I guess.
  6. Probably not even that. If he is the answer, then wtf is the question. I appreciate his contribution for us over the years, but Scott, James, Williams all can play the central role to a more distinguished level. (IMHO).
  7. We Yorkshire golf tend to go to Whitby, Scarbs is becoming trendy in recent years and has some green shoots so to speak. We've got the Lakes uo the road and the Dales and Bronte country are bad either, I LOVE YORKSHIRE, I can't see me ever leaving.
  8. Legalise it, regulate it and tax it, as well as all other drugs, think of how we could positively use the raised revenue.
  9. Where about in Kings County are you JB? My fave of the 5 Boroughs by far.
  10. Living in Leeds really gives you a proper perception of the teams following; .I can't leave the house and go to the local shop without seeing a Leeds shirt, they really do follow their Citys cause, its pretty impressive, if I'm honest, I'm a little bit jealous that they have the city to themselves (to a lesser state I remember living in Cardiff and feeling the same, although the difference is incomprehensible). If things keep going the way they are, small teams will find it increasingly hard to survive unless they have a GENUINE benefactor, or receive success soon. I don't think the council/political Bristol would allow the gas to fold, as much as id love to see it I doubt it will happen in my lifetime, unless City become very successful and soon, hmmmmmm!
  11. Too true, and to think what it used to be like. I have mates from a few different clubs who say that Ashton Gate/Bristol City Away was one of the scariest away days they attended. Unfortunately now, the whole experience is a sanitised Disney World day out, its no wonder the players play with so little bite and enthusiasm.
  12. Absolute Pea Souper up here in Leeds, very creepy.
  13. Why change it, I think it's going rather well, could do better, agreed; stapled to the foot of the league with a 30 point point deduction would be the better option: but hey ho there's always next season.
  14. First game of prem football Ive seen in a while, what a game it was. The goals were all so clinical, a true pleasure to watch.
  15. Train from Leeds £14.60 rtn, contemplating on going, its cheap enough but expensive as its throwing money down the drain as we are certs to lose.
  16. I agree. My guess would be Swansea or Huddersfield. Random feeling.
  17. Lee Johnson has grown his hair I see.
  18. Respect them? Nope, I respect the achievement, regardless of who the team may be.
  19. Cracking away support for a winter mid week game half way up the country too. We took 800ish against Bradford for the game that clinched promotion from league one to the championship, that puts it into perspective for me. Respect where its due IMHO.
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