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Posts posted by JBFC II

  1. 4 minutes ago, ChippenhamRed said:

    Dear me this thread makes for dreadful reading! Bit of a rugby novice - have Bristol not got a reasonable chance of survival if it's only one to go down?

    Also, why are they so ill-prepared for the Premiership? Have they not been given the investment they need? It just doesn't feel very Lansdown-like to let this happen - I know we've had our struggles but, ultimately, lack of investment has not really been the issue.

    Genuinely curious.

    Firstly, we should have a good chance of survival but the way we've been playing we really don't look like staying up

    Lansdown went for big money signings in the summer and they didn't materialise so we were left with very few signings and a very similar squad to the one of last season which is no where near good enough. In rugby its so much more difficult to bring in quality as the gap between the premiership and championship is so great, you can have as much money as you want but with wage caps etc bigger clubs are always going to get the better players

  2. I've been going regularly this season and I have to say this was the worst performance of the season, we lacked any sort of commitment going forward and seemed to kick the ball away at every opportunity. I hoped we may win a game for once but it looks like we may do a London Welsh

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  3. 3 minutes ago, Philgas said:

    I wouldn't say deluded .. We as fans have a right to dream. . and at the moment we have a right to dream. . Mock all you want we don't care 

    There is dreaming, then there is delusion, if an Oxford fan said they would be above Newcastle next season, they would be called deluded...

    • Like 2
  4. 5 minutes ago, pongo88 said:

    Some people may laugh at this, but I don't.

    It's not funny, it's sad. If this person can be so deluded, his entire life must be a mess. Does he still beleive Santa pops down the chimney every Christmas? 

    Wait, your saying he doesn't...??

    • Like 1
  5. 31 minutes ago, City169 said:

    I was more referring to that if you try and find anything about them, very little turns up other than they have taken over Rovers. I have found a post on another forum from someone who has done a lot more searching that I (very little in truth).

    In the post they said the Al-Qadi bank has assets of 1.7 billion, but also liabilities of 1.5 billion. That leaves 200 million, the family has a 30% stake, so that leaves the Al-Qadi Family with circa 60 million.

    These were from 2014 statements, but 60 million total from their main source of money is a far cry from what you lot like to claim.

    All false, he is richer than 'Letdown' didn't you know....

  6. Taken from Slagchat...


    "I have read lots today, fog was in so couldnt fire the panzers down here in Lulworth so lots of sitting about contemplating the future.

    As with most of you I am gutted at todays outcome. Not so much the decision but the money spent getting to it and potentially putting our clubs future at risk. I was never fully comfortable with the supermarket going up on the mem site. I dont see the mem as a war memorial but share the view of the Royal British legion and English Heritage in that it is the gates that are the link to the sacrifice made by our cities sportsmen and didnt want them in a supermarket car park.

    These gates should form the centre piece of our club. We are the custodians of this memorial and in my opinion we should show them the respect they deserve They should stand at the main entrance to a stadium that is a fitting memorial to those that paid the ultimate price. Even have a small image in one of the quaters on the shirt to remind our players of those that went before them. These gates could help with the rebirth of our club and give us a new ethos of community development based on sport.

    So how do we do this. We are clearly in debt but we have a unique selling point that has never been promoted. Something that could really attract investors. We use the memorial as a sping board to secure a fitting memorial stadium, ensuring that the intended legacy is fulfilled. People dont always want to invest in a football club but to invest in a stadium dedicated to the countries fallen could be another matter. Especially if it is allowed to be used by the local community as the original memorial was intended.

    With a proper modern pitch there is no reason why local sunday league teams couldnt use it. Four of five games on a sunday with differnt teams having their chance to fulfill a dream of playing at a top class venue would pull in families of players etc making it potentially cost neutral whilst at the same time giving back to the community.

    The running track from the original UWE plans could be utilised freely by anyone who wanted a safe enviroment to maintain fitness with UWE physio students on hand to provide fitness tips, classes and nutritional advice promoting healthy well being. These are just a few things off the top of my head. Have lots more but i think you get the point im trying to make.

    So who pays for the stadium? Well im guessing we as a club we could get 10 to 15 million for the mem if the land was sold for housing. This enables the rebirth of a purpose built Bristol MEMORIAL stadium on the UWE sight using the existing plans. So potentially half the money. That half secures a home for Bristol Rovers and makes them the main custodian of the stadium and the ethos it is based on.

    Other money could come from charities such as Help for Heroes and the RBL by allowing the gym space to be used free of charge by injured servicemen exclusivley during the working day when gyms are generally quiet and not at their capacity as part of their rehab. The MOD could also contribute as this is a cheaper alternative to what is already an overstretched area of the forces. A reidential space could easily be put in the back of a stand to accomodate 15-20 soldiers.  Again Phsio students from UWE could benefit massivley from this all the while sticking to the roots of the stadium being a proper memorial. When not in the gym conducting rehab these forces personnel could have access to the university to attend courses for their transition to civilian street. A small residntial dorm/student accom could also be used for ex homless servicemen as a stop gap to helping them get back on their feet with career advice given through the UWE.  Chuck in companies like BAE systems  who sponsor these types of schemes and you could probably add another couple of million to the build cost. They would get free use of the confernce facilities which being next to MOD abbeywood would be perfect for procurement conferences etc.

    Then theres the UWE. How much do they want this stadium. A few million from them towards the build costs and they would get more use than first proposed of the stadium.

    National univerity sporting comps could be held here such as football rugby and hockey on top of the traditional wednesday afternnon sporting events held between unies. Clearly they already have use of the carpark but teaching space could also be free to use.

    Both south glos and Bristol council could also get involved. The Bristol Memorial stadium would unlock 200 million of investment in south glos which will clearly benifit both councils. SGC in business rates and council tax etc and Bristol from the fact that regardless of living in south Glos most people shop in Bristol council areas adding to the local economy. They also have the cudos of enabling this project to get off the ground.

    Add to that we we apply for football grants, national lottery and english heritage stating that we are building a new war memorial that has been enabled by the sell of the old site and true to the inscription on the gates, that is open for use by the community. This should see us over the line in terms of money for the build. If we are short we could even go to Steve Landsdown as owner of Bristol Rugby as he has the History of Bristol Rugby club to look after he would surely want to see the Memorial gates in fitting surroundings as an entrance to a Bristol Memorial Stadium. It would also keep City fans happy as so many of them have come out to show their disgust at the prospect of a supermarket taking over the memeorial site.

    Anyone who helps with initial investment to build get to name a stand or enclosure. The stadium name has to have Memorial in it though. After all of this there probably isnt much room for extra non matchday income at first thought. But if the stadium is in constant use then money will be spent in retail areas. Weddings etc could still be held as well as conferences. Being an international class rugby stadium could also bring in revenue with finals such as the lesser european cup competition and the British and Irish Cup and Bath Rugby could also use for a couple of games a season. Concerts could also go ahead. An agreed percentage going back to charities that supported the stadium build. Clearly an annual rememberance service on rememberance sunday inviting local children, army regiments, and a major Royal etc to see what our club ethos is all about and how we support them.

    We would also be debt free on moving in the ideal world with a new board with areas of expertise in football but also on implementing community intergration and working with the forces. We wouldnt have a mortgage and so all match day revenue would be ours, again with a percentage going to forces charities. No doubt we would see increased attendances as the Bristol residents start looking at us as a real community based club rebuilt on the ethos of the memorial gates, giving back to and supporting those that have made a sacrifice in service of their country. A new covenant would be written so that bristol rovers would always have a home but no matter what level we play at we would always have to honour our commitment to helping the local community and supporting the forces. All of this should enable us to be competitive upto championship level.

    As a football club we would find a new found respect amongst fellow fans around Britain. Big Teams would want to play us in pre-seasons and away fans would come and spend their money knowing that a % goes to forces charities. 

    So Nick. If you are reading this, feel free to give me a bell and ill help get your stadium built. Unfortunatley though, when it is you will be a fan just like the rest of us watching from the Royal British Legion end as the mighty gas attck the Help for Heroes end.

    Anyway thats enough of my ramblings. Feel free to pick holes in this guys. Personally with the right leadership, i think it would be achievable".

    I stopped reading when he said 'being an international class rugby stadium' and I am now starting to wonder why I decided to start reading at all

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