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Everything posted by daored

  1. That certainly comes across, I think there are many questions about Pearson but his acceptance to use younger players and invite them to train with the first team is positive. Personally I believe it to be one of the main reasons he’s still here he can see the talent that’s here and is probably excited (well as excited as Pearson can be!!)
  2. Agree it would be difficult to find a club willing to take on both, but just question whether the club would look at it as an option. Your comment about different partners is a a very valid one and will certainly improve their respective games playing with different players and styles.
  3. Listened this morning , and agree with the comments above really interesting to hear from ‘Tina’ more for me about the type of players coming through. Thank you @3 Peaps In A PodCast One for debate maybe, if we’re looking to see Bell and Conway as our future front two and certainly sounds like both will be out on loan next season at some point. Is it worth sending them to the same club to get more experience of playing together in league / non league football?
  4. They’re not, but both nothing to play for, personally think Leeds are more likely to pick up points in last couple of games than Burnley. Burnley play spurs (going for top 4), Villa who beat them 3-1 on weekend and Newcastle)
  5. Add in Phillips and Raphinha really got a discipline issue / loss of heads
  6. Exactly my thoughts , their awful but may get enough points last two Brighton & Brentford
  7. daored

    FBC Pod

    Elliott’s problem were unfortunately injuries
  8. daored

    FBC Pod

    He tends to agree with you anyway ????
  9. daored

    FBC Pod

    I think it’s yours !!! Giving credit to the wrong poster ?
  10. daored

    FBC Pod

    Glad this topic has turned into a debate about the quality of a player with valid points from both sides. So for me HNM does not give us goals or assists and for many a midfielder should, but what he does give us is energy and legs , especially when playing with the likes of James. He needs to improve on his understanding of when to hunt the ball and when to keep the team shape, but that has to come from coaching and to a certain extent being talked through a game by a senior pro. @GrahamCas you say he’s played close to 100 games so he should have a better understanding of then to chase and when to keep the shape. Agree with @Davefevswe simply can’t judge a midfielder by goals of assists, midfielders have different roles in the team. Oh how got a Marvin Elliott now who could do both!!
  11. Would definitely like him as our manager. What he’s done with Wycombe is fantastic on such a small budget in comparison to other league 1 clubs. Certainly weren’t disgraced in championship last time
  12. Agree , but if the club were to consider producing a paper programme again (I don’t think they do) the content has to be massively improved
  13. daored

    FBC Pod

    Fair enough , read as your comment / personal view
  14. If the club is to bring back a match day programme the content has to be much improved. Considering the current programme is a download the quality, content is extremely poor especially as the costs to produce this must be relatively small
  15. daored

    FBC Pod

    Your post: and was it crocodile tears from HNM at the final whistle as he said his goodbye to the fans.
  16. daored

    FBC Pod

    Completely agree on your comments about HNM. @Curr Avonplayers can be sad at leaving a club, maybe HNM feels he has outgrown city and feels for his career best to move on , despite liking it at the club and being happy living in Bristol. I think the comment of ‘crocodile tears’ extremely disrespectful and ignorant. Have you never changed employer, where a new employer offers better benefits, wherever that be more income, working pattern etc but been sad to leave your current employer? Please remember how young HNM was when he came to us, a new country, a new language possibly away from family and friends. I’m sure a number of people at the club both playing and non playing have helped him settle into the club and Am Not everything is as black and white as you obviously want to portray it
  17. Think Burnley have the toughest run in
  18. There is a sky love in, think they’ve mentioned a couple of times of 10K crowds
  19. I think Rovers base a sell out on the number of tickets they’ve sold, not the number of tickets available !
  20. Yep it’s an awful evening !!
  21. Would add to that list magic rock is a decent pub in town centre
  22. Safe trip all, Huddersfield is my local game. If anybody needs advice on food or drink places let me know.
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