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Everything posted by Davefevs

  1. …and wants to reduce his funding each season. That’s his prerogative, fine with that, but he’s not communicated why, nor the impact of doing so. Interesting that it’s at the point of putting less money in, he’s decided to no longer talk to the fans!
  2. No ta…there’s some nasty people on OTIB, and I’m a sensitive soul!
  3. What we have seen as a trend over recent years as each tv deal get renegotiated is less non-PP clubs getting promoted, and more coming back down. Since the 2015/16 season, the last of the old / lower PP, which was just over half of the current PP deal, and even more since 2020/21 when it went up a bit more, the number of clubs flip-flopping in and out of the PL has increased. Top 3 rows - promoted teams (dark green, straight back up, light green promoted with PPs) Bottom 3 rows - relegated teams (pink, straight down)
  4. Because just like a pro manager, they have their own thoughts and philosophies on how they’d play the game, or how they’d play the game with the players they have available to them. Mr P isn’t gonna rock up at the HPC tomorrow and get the chance to implement his thoughts, but he can be as bullish as he wants about his thoughts on OTIB (or any other platform). It’s kinda the point of OTIB, etc, isn’t it. You carry on @Mr Popodopolous with your 433. One day, one day! And sometimes football is so insular, it can miss the obvious, or it can get a fresh perspective on things from the outside world, it doesn’t have to be “if you’ve not played the game” Danny Murphy type bollocks. To be honest, our current head-coach thinks it’s a good idea to play Mark Sykes at LWB, how does that ratify his skills? Slightly tongue in cheek, but a semblance of WTAF also.
  5. The compromise for me would’ve been a 1+1 deal, something like 25+ apps triggers the new deal (on players side). Thats not to say he’d accept it. Maybe that’s what we offered. Maybe we offered him nothing - as Tinnion has been open re everything else, why would we think any differently? Someone is gonna a get a good, senior pro next season, and I fully expect that to be a Championship club.
  6. I like that. My guess is: Bird for James Murphy for King Stokes for Weimann All sorted!
  7. I worry that if you give Zak the armband it will affect his game. He needs to concentrate on himself imho…that’s when he’s at his best. I thought similarly with Flint, he seemed like a leader, but he was another who needed to focus on his own game.
  8. A few other things going on too….
  9. If he does go somewhere else, we are suddenly (over dramatic word, as I’m sure we are prepared) looking to recruit another midfielder, and what does that mean for the summer budget (and beyond). Ok, we could get a free transfer, but we might have to spend. I hope we know soon.
  10. Dunno! Major, minor, somewhere in between? It's a very situation to someone wanting to leave to get 3x / 4x their wage as part of a step-up. Hard to stand in their way then. Twine has 2 years left on his contract, on sensible wages, so wages wise I doubt there’s an issue. But it’s not like we are gonna blow Burnley out of the water with a wage either. I’ve yet to hear a player questioned about his current club (signing, loan, contract) say he doesn’t want to be at said club either. So we’ve really no idea who Twine prefers to play for. Nor if he became available do I think Bristol City would be the only Champ club in for him. So if Burnley are still insisting on £5m like they were in January, we need to decide to stump up or pull out early. Unless we think we can wait to do another loan later in the summer. That would be foolish to wait in that imho, but that’s just my thoughts. But I think a lot of people have convinced themselves that he wants to leave Burnley (we’ve no idea) and that we’d be doing them a favour by taking him off their hands for £2m. If we do manage to pull it off at that price, fantastic. My gut feel is that we won’t, because we had two goes in January, and Burnley didn’t budge then. But then again, I could see us overpaying (imho) £5m too, to give support to LM, because that’s the kind of thing we do!
  11. @Robbored The three mentioned above were all part of the plan for 14/15 under Cotts…and with a small squad.
  12. Just let Liam Kelly go, might be looking to replace with a senior player?
  13. @Harry Reflecting last night, I wonder whether had Nige got his way in September(ish) time and started contract talks with Joe Williams, he’d be sorted? And quite possibly at a lower wage than we are now having to offer him, because he is a free-agent. We’ve opened it up to the competition. In September, it was just a City / Williams dynamic. Thoughts?
  14. Is that just trying to set a narrative for signing Twine? In many ways, I think it’s become less likely Manning gets him now they’re relegated. They will get there £100m+ PL money, they’ll have £45m PP, wage reduction clauses in many contracts, etc. They have Twine (as we know), Obafemi, Weghorst, McNally, Roberts returning from loan, all capable Champ players. I think they might have an obligation to buy Tresor. Season after relegation doesn’t seem to hit many clubs these days.
  15. My list the other day / week: Alexander Pearson Fleming Euell Rennie King and now: Weimann James just Wells left (45 mins). Its not the be-all and end-all, but it’s good to have people around who can at least reference it.
  16. I see what you did there!
  17. Nor me. But that should be done via the chain of command, not the Owner going into the dressing room.
  18. Hugely impressed by Lindsay’s Crawley over both legs. Hope they go up over Crewe.
  19. He’s cut a very frustrated player in 2 hours of PO football so far.
  20. He’s basically far too bullish. I like his enthusiasm. But I feel sometimes it’s like the focus is the kids.
  21. Think these are all / mostly on scholar deals, so not “proper” pro deals. Maybe one or two have moved on, I don’t know, but the ones in bold were only taken on last season. We need to move away from thinking experience = age. Knight 150 Champ appearances, Bird 100. Knight a leader. etc, etc.
  22. Very different midfielders, so not a “replacement” per se. Whether you think Brannagan would fit the rest of our midfield is another question. Personally I hope we look elsewhere. James might’ve been a high / top earner, but not out of kilter with the rest of the squad. We know Nige didn’t want a squad with vastly different wages. We know the type of money RG suggested as the sweet spot! Maybe £15-18k pw. That’s not astrometric. Weimann down from £20k pw to £12-15k off the back of an ACL! King very low. Wells renegotiated too. (all ellegedly / guesstimates) Undoubtedly a saving on wage bill, but no way anything like losing Kalas, Palmer wage levels!
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