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Everything posted by Davefevs

  1. Oooooooh, right in the corner, Brazil must score
  2. Found Wigan - Phoenix 2021 Ltd, half year only.
  3. Here you go Mr P. Income v P&L Costs v P&L: Squad Value / Ins n Outs: Most clubs (orange) are 2021, just 3 teams are 2022 accounts (blue). Wigan overdue.
  4. That depends a lot on the players in front of Stones and Maguire, it’s not their fault per se. Maguire was really unlucky with his first “sloppy” pass. It was a first time pass that had it not got cut out would’ve had us clear down the left. I forgive him that one. But it was a bit of a momentum shifter, and the second one with Senegal on top was lazy. Knocking it around on the half way line, waiting for the opening is ok by me. It’s when we are doing it in our own third, because we can’t “get out” where we have to be smarter. Trying to force it into midfield, or into Kane and getting it cut out is what will leads to chances being given away - and France more capable of punishing us. Commentators were right v Senegal that sometimes you gave to tweak your approach, e.g. a couple of balls in behind the FBs, turn them around, get up the pitch and squeeze them in…and build from there.
  5. My view is that was a result of lack of patience and trying to “force it”. Of course it’s a worry, but I really hope we’ve learned that keeping the ball and working the opening is key.
  6. I didn’t think twice…I went to the Lincoln game.
  7. Totally agree, just stating the facts of the term of the loan.
  8. Pretty sure she and another player featured in a documentary donkeys years ago about two female players going to play abroad. Anyone confirm?
  9. It does look City are getting more ruthless though.
  10. Main reason was that Grimsby were cutting budgets as they’d just been relegated to the National League, and they couldn’t offer what he wanted.
  11. I don’t think we should be writing Idehen off at this point. He managed to force himself into 1st team consideration last season, appearing twice, but had a “difficult” summer. He may well have needed some time away, and despite not playing much, might come back ready to go again. He’s 20, he was probably ahead of Towler going into the summer, so let’s give him a bit of time to see how he re-starts his career here.
  12. Club have confirmed it’s available for overseas viewers.
  13. It was a half season loan only!
  14. Without projecting numbers for this year, it really shows two things: our costs are way too high we spent too much during boom time without any thought for boom time coming to an end Ive spent some time compiling some basic numbers for some of the Champ clubs, those who’ve published 2022 accounts (us, Boro, Norwich), others who might be similar sized to us (Blackburn, Brum, QPR and Swansea plus Stoke…although they are bigger currently), or clubs we should aspire to (Coventry and Millwall), at least in the costs stakes! I used just BCFC Ltd for us, because I’m really looking at the football cost side. I know it’s not that straightforward, but I thought it was a better starting point. Its quite painful to prepare and see the results. Here’s what I’ve done so far. Might need to zoom in.
  15. See you in Frankfurt, the Castle is lovely at this time of year, as is the Wursten!
  16. Maguire (Sheff Utd / Hull) Shaw, Blind, Lukaku (Man U) Irvine (Hull 5-5) There’s a few.
  17. Having done mine 25 years ago (right knee), things have moved on. For me they took part of my patella tendon and replaced by ruptured ACL with that. They also use hamstrings, and more recently other people’s tendons (transplants in effect). Some of the issues come from the original rupture and how much damage done to meniscus. I had two-thirds of mine taken out as it was damaged during the side hyper-extension I suffered. So part of my knee became bone-on-bone, and that wear and tear caused issues, predominantly fluid. It also meant I over compensated on my left knee and had two cartilage ops within 12 months of each other and am now about 10 years after being told I need a mini knee replacement on my left knee. I was 41 at the time and John Webb said “do you reckon you could live with it for 20 years, or else we will have to do it twice”. As I do little active stuff these days, I put it off, but the odd walk around a golf course brings fluid to both knees. I hope Ayman has done just the ACL and he can come back, but he has a long road ahead of him. Really feel for him. Re Cheese, I believe he did his cartilage, but had actually broken his knee-cap too, and it wasn’t diagnosed. Pounding the Dolman steps just made it worse.
  18. Pretty much a stock reply from the regs re my recent email re add-backs. We won’t ever know the granular side unless we / other clubs break the £39m.
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