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Everything posted by Davefevs

  1. Thought it was worth putting FIFA rankings against each team in each group…and looking at who outperformed / underperformed. Caveat the Fifa World are what they are!!! Group B (England’s group) was both the toughest group in terms of average ranking and the group with the lowest spread (highest minus lowest) of rankings. Group E (Japan, Spain and Germany) was the 2nd toughest and the 2nd lowest spread. Group A (Netherlands) was the easiest group, had the joint 2nd biggest spread, and at this point in time is the only group to go to form, ie group finish matched their rank. The top half of the draw, all the top ranked teams went through as group winners. The bottom half of the draw, both groups concluded have seen the highest ranked teams finish worse off. You could argue Croatia played a blinder finishing second and avoiding either Germany or Spain.
  2. I don’t remember that…maybe the home brew took some time to get out of my system.
  3. I googled “pictures of balls in” and didn’t think it was appropriate to post the images on OTIB.
  4. I once told a story about a pro golfer who said he didn’t make it because he couldn’t putt under pressure and a friend of his said surely he could teach himself to make those putts. And so it started. And it became a bit of a circus act, where he’d bet people that he could make a 6 foot putt anywhere. The final one was on the Golden Gate Bridge, where if he didn’t make it, he’d jump off. He made it! Now, I don’t know if that story is true, but I tried googling it and ended up finding this: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/golf/40412105 and wonder if the story had become exaggerated from the above? Paul Trevillion was the artist who drew “you are the ref” that appeared in Shoot back in the day.
  5. Indeed, not great is it. You’ll probably know as well as anyone that in sport you can get to a certain level of proficiency, (in golf maybe low single figures) but attaining the next level is beyond reach. Julian Dicks tried it too. A bridge too far.
  6. Still remember the game on 22nd Dec. We had our work party after hours, in the rest room upstairs of the branch I was working in. Managers home brew wine….wohhhhhhh….was pissed by 7.00pm when my dad came to pick me up to take me to the game.
  7. Is his pro golf career not hitting the mark then?
  8. In fairness he played Joe Bryan over Greg Cunningham, and both Wes Burns and Bobby Reid got opportunities…which was better than we’d had under other managers. I do get the complaints re not naming a full bench.
  9. For me, AG’s position makes the defender go backwards for the ball and try to head it. As you say he wasn’t back-pedalling prior to his jump he’d be in more control. I think offside was correct. FWIW, I think the offside tech has been very good, certainly in terms of what we are shown on screen. I’m not convinced about the images shown in the opening game, but that decision aside, it’s been good. The stuff we see in PL games is crap, look like poorly drawn lines, which are too thick, etc. The fact that the ball has a sensor (500 senses a second) allows better decisions around when the ball was kicked. If I saw this introduced into our game I would have less issues.
  10. I guess because the manager doesn’t always decide who they sign, or isn’t involved heavily through the process.
  11. @Sheltons Armyclose up of Antoine’s black sock.
  12. *** promotion bonuses aren’t anywhere in the rules, although they used to be! Maybe in some separate guidelines somewhere. I find their accounts astonishing! Didn’t exactly sell off their assets in the summer before 20/21! Their accounts for 21/22 are likely to be very interesting!
  13. Ooooooh, I was almost gonna rant….stay in control, Dave, stay in control.
  14. Agree, you earn the right to do what you like imho.
  15. All I said was that halibut was good enough for Jehovah
  16. Because it might be cheaper!
  17. James Dreyfus and Adam Lallana have never been seen in the same room as each other…just saying
  18. Is is changing allegiance! Yep, another one, ta.
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