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Everything posted by Davefevs

  1. That is fair, and he had a decent enough game until subbed on the hour. Not everyone criticises his every move, I try to be fair as possible. He’s got a fair bit of coverage this weekend on OTIB….several people pointing to the contract issues. I think there was also another thing around that time….Johnson calling him out for not wanting to play after his injury. I thought it was poor man-management by Johnson to go open to the media, but I would also say he’s not been the same player (in the main) since that injury at Hull. Dunno whether it got into his head, but I don’t think I’ve seen him make a committed block tackle since. I don’t expect him to go around clattering people but he presses to 2/3 yards rather than engage…unless he really has to.
  2. If you only judge him on a few things he did on the ball. If you include the other 43-44 minutes on the field when he didn’t have the ball, there were some quite horrible moments.
  3. Yes, agree….the back of shirts should contain a single colour panel with a contrasting colour number
  4. I think you can evaluate the signing in many ways. If you want to go black and white, has he been a success on the pitch in a season and a bit….it’s a no. Nobody can really argue that. But if you want to look at some mitigating circumstances it becomes much more grey doesn’t it. I don’t think there’s much doubt that if we can keep him fit (big if) then he looks like he’s a big improvement on what we’ve had. It must be so frustrating to have got through 90 v Peterborough, get an international break and then get injured early v Bournemouth. He probably thought it was really his time to kick on and put it all behind him.
  5. Maybe it’s an alphabetical order thing ??
  6. Agree. As someone who had their first Cartilage op at 19, a double hernia, a ruptured ACL and three more cartilage ops by the time I called it a day at 30/31, it would’ve been easy to label me injury prone / sick note / the Darren Anderton on local football, but some of those were caused because I wanted to play, often when not fully fit. Nobody wants to be injured. Some players might only feel right to play when 100%, some willing to play at 90%.
  7. In Basketball, we often see home and away vest, but I couldn’t work out why sometimes the Flyers wore their away vest at home….but then someone mentioned that they tend to work on the basis of a team having a light coloured and dark coloured vest. Found this re NBA:
  8. He’s used the same answer in the past.
  9. My forecasts show exactly that….21/22 season’s accounts (this season) will be the last set of accounts in the FFP 3 year cycle (4 yrs because of COVID) that we fall within the £39m. However, this might depend on how much we can exclude for Covid in 20/21’s accounts. This season and next do see significant wage and amortisation costs wiped off, and that will continue to be the trend, unless we sell some players. Re Kalas, I wonder whether we might entertain trying to sell him next summer. His wages and amortisation are £3m+ per year.
  10. I have a sneaky feeling Nige may try to move him on during January. Signed a 3+1 deal in summer 2019, before he’d broken through, so wages won’t be high, meaning he could be attractive to several clubs. I think it’s just Nige’s way of diffusing the question, nor speculating with the media on how bad an injury might be. He said they’d be in yesterday to evaluate. Not much more to say really. I think it’s easy to say he got it wrong, because we were so poor. We never imposed our game on them. Wells did come on up-front and Weimann went right, as we initially stuck with 442. But then he dropped Weimann into the hole and pushed Wells right in a 451-like formation. (The 352 second half got cut open even easier, but we did fashion a few chances ourselves) Up until Williams went off our two forwards were quite successful in stopping Cahill and Kelly playing into Billing and Kilkenny, and their keeper kicked long a few times. Wells coming on started to see that change, I’d have preferred Wells to chase the ball and Martin block the passing lanes. A bit like him and Alex Scott did v Blackpool. Less running for Martin too. Alas, that wasn’t the case. With Stacey being given the freedom to join in possession with give and go’s with Lowe or Christie, our CM2 of James and King got overloaded….and it also meant the quick switch to Zemura / Anthony started happening too regularly. Was surprised by Bakinson sub admittedly…..think Tyreeq dug his own grave with that 25 minute non-cameo. Although it’s likely Tyreeq would stand there and let someone dig it! ?
  11. @headhunterI think the answer depends on whether you want to take Saturday, where all of the front 6 were below par and judge them both on that…or whether you want to evaluate over the dozen games. I think generally James and King have been decent enough. Both do a lot of unseen work, both do the basics well. I think the expectation of King at 32 having played little in the past 2 years was lower than James, and I think both have met the levels I expected. In terms of James he’s yet to have a settled partner (King, Massengo, Bakinson), which from a team point of view hasn’t helped us either. Re set-pieces, I think you’re missing that they’ve improved massively. We are a huge threat from corners and set-pieces, have as many goals from them this season so far as we did all last season in total (league and cup). If you look at just how many assists James has you’ll only see a 1 against his name, the free-kick for King to head-home v Boro. But of course he doesn’t get the credit for Thompson’s og v Peterborough, or the Pring nod-down to Martin at Reading, nor the numerous corners that have found their target but the recipient not converting. Shots against is a team thing, you can’t just level at the midfield. As a team we are still finding our way, we are doing okay results wise. I wouldn’t say we’ve really clicked yet, flashes at best. agree, he’s been consistent, doing all the right things in the main. He’s not a flashy player, but a player who you can spend 5 minutes just watching and see what he does. He reads the game well. As many have said on other threads, it’s never gonna look good when you’re chasing the ball and your opponent all over the park. agree, King a squad player, no harm in that either. He’s contributed in different ways. In some games, he’s worked well with James, knowing when to sit and allow James forward. James did look like he was labouring a bit on Saturday. Him and King were dragged away from their positions by ineffective play elsewhere, but weren’t great themselves either. Poor team performance, the front 6 all playing a part in letting down the rest of the team.
  12. Low and Towler both on bench for Eastleigh and Grimsby respectively. Eastleigh drew 3-3 (Harper MOTM), Grimsby won 5-0. Taylor Moore, unused sub in 1-1 draw v Rangers. Owura Edwards started, 56 mins in a 2-2 draw.
  13. The gas equivalent is a high heel through their groundsheet!
  14. Do you know who has the lowest average passes success percentage this season? Bristol City….. ……will get you zero points! The right answer is WBA….the team in 2nd place! ???
  15. Think Vyner could come in ahead of Bakinson on Tuesday if push came to shove. Was 19th man on Saturday. I think Atkinson will be back, and I think Nige will go with a 352 as a result. So, assuming: DB GT / TK / NB / RA / JD Then you could go James / Vyner and play Scott or Palmer off if whoever the 2 up top are. Id much rather Vyner alongside James than Bakinson.
  16. Sponsorship alone won’t cut it…ground naming is now restricted to only allowing it to be a sensible amount of money….so you can’t just say Heres £50m to call it the Hargreaves Stand for example. When SL talks of new investment, I honestly don’t know if he’s talking about getting bought out, or some form of partnership. Nor whether it’s City only, or Bristol Sport.
  17. Yes, should be another minus 9 coming (plus 3 suspended)
  18. Dunno, I know they said they could run to January with some funding….wasn’t sure of the amount. The Wigan Administrators were seen by most neutrals as being decent folk with a good pragmatic approach. This lot seem like Mel’s dodgy mates.
  19. He got whacked on the touchline early on. He pulled out of a couple of challenges….no idea if linked, or whether the whack injured him. Then he got hauled off. Showed a couple of promising touches versus Peterborough.
  20. The article is contradicting itself….say £13.5m for a few months (assume to January) but headline says season.
  21. @Fuberit doesn’t really, unless new investment = new owner and they go shit or bust in January. Which isn’t gonna happen! ???
  22. Davefevs


    Problem is Jon, is that I’m not using Weimann’s position for one flick to justify Weimann’s match performance v Peterborough. Weimann’s performance wasn’t the feature of my “the little things”, so you’re taking that completely out of context. The feature was how we attacked in numbers….not trying to find one-off things to justify an opinion on a player. I don’t really have any allegiance to any players, i call out Weimann for poor performances likes anyone else….in fact the other week I said I thought he had one of his worst (if not the worst) in a City shirt. I think some players are better than others, but I evaluate agnostic of this. I don’t see why you necessarily need to bring another player into the argument really. You keep picking out one-off bad things for example in a game 2 months ago (credit to your memory ??) to justify player x being worse at something than O’Dowda, in the same way you focus on odd things he does to justify he’s better than player y at something else. Why does the ball from O’Dowda to James have to be James fault? Can it neither - just one of those things, can it be shared responsibility? Could he have just held onto the ball? Most of my posts on this thread are about his overall performance yesterday, which seem to align to most people’s that it was poor, a couple of bright spots outweighed by numerous not very good moments….and part of a poor left side team effort in the first half. It’s not a general review of his career so far / ability, or something he did last week, last month, last year. Overall, Callum is an okay player at this level in this team. He should be a consistent member of the 18 man squad. I thought quite a few players were poor yesterday, and only Kalas and Baker of the outfield starters came through the game with real credit. Tanner stuck to his task admirably and improved as the game went on, but Williams aside as he went off after 15 minutes, everyone else was below par. James was awful first half, remedied it a bit second half through sheer effort.
  23. True, chatting about that yesterday.
  24. Means you’re on fire. So a good thing.
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