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Everything posted by Shuffle

  1. If bowyer isn’t sacked then he will go to Blues as injury prevented it happening in Jan.
  2. Like most gas heads I know ….. anyone would think they are on the cusp of promotion to Premier League.
  3. Janneh is a proper athlete but not a natural footballer. When he plays on instinct he is ok but was really wasteful when had time to think. Personally, one to move on as two loan spells at league clubs haven’t been particularly fruitful for him. Zak Bell just gets better every game, whilst Owers as someone else said is your 7 out of 10 every game and reads the game very well. Really enjoyable game and some really good performances.
  4. Was against offering him a contract but over the last few weeks he has been outstanding & his reading of the game is superb. Completely changed my mind & got it wrong but really hope he sticks around.
  5. Actually recorded the highlights as so keen to watch the demise of the Gas. Only problem was I recorded over the kids in Disneyland & you can only imagine the fallout from that.
  6. Think he’s out of favour after West Brom where he was heavily criticised for giving the ball away from a throw in with Pearson saying at time it’s the same players again & again. Harsh on him imo
  7. As well as taking boxing lessons and further strength conditioning as accepted he was too nice
  8. I’m clearly in the minority then as wouldn’t offer Klose a contract. All about opinions but for me gets rolled too easily and not as dominant in the air as I thought he would be. Playing better centrally of a 3 as the spare man and in no way am I saying he’s rubbish but 34 now and think there could be better out there. I 100% think he will sign a deal for what it’s worth.
  9. Enough about your playing days, what about Raggett?
  10. Raggett nailed on to get Pompey Poty and 6ft 5 and very dominant in air so worth a shout
  11. It wouldn’t change him in anyway as he already plays and behaves like a captain. Your either vocal or your not and he is irrespective of an armband
  12. Has to be Weimann as vocal & certainly leads by example
  13. I really enjoy the 23s games as just there to see who is coming through and having a stab at who or will nor make it. The team today 100% wanted to win but it’s certainly not the end of the world they didn’t and just nice to watch a game without the pressures and frustration you experience with first team. What I’ve learnt is not to judge players too quickly as everyone has good and bad days and some then start to develop consistency. Casing point is Josh Owers who I felt was way of the pace first couple of times I saw him but every time I see him recently he uses the ball well and gets about the pitch & reads game well. Great to see young ones getting profile on Robins TV and as others have said we tend to field a younger side than most. That said, only thing I would say is that every team I’ve seen seem to be physically bigger than us across the pitch. Physicality can come at different times for players but Idenhen/Wood apart our sides all look very slight and small. Think some people have become fixated on result rather than purpose of the development squad. Let’s just enjoy the coverage as long overdue profile and we have some gems.
  14. Was ok and better than last week but he was dreadful against Watford. Played RCB in the 3 and certainly didn’t stand out and passing was careless on occasions but I’ll be amazed if he was considered ready for Easter games.
  15. The issue is LB there is no pathway as last year we had JD, Pring and Nurse and Soady has two of them in front. Shame as both are decent and wouldn’t surprise me if both stepped back to come forward like many previously released pros although concede @GrahamCpoint that not necessarily here. Guess we can’t keep everyone and can be a ruthless business.
  16. I think the players that disappointed me most were ironically those that have been in and around first team. Thought Zak Bell was decent and has good pace and actually covered round well when RB although seen him better but lots of potential. Soady was head and shoulders above anyone else and never put a foot wrong and was as perplexed as everyone else when he was subbed.
  17. Enjoyable game and Ipswich were decent. In fairness was disappointed by Benarous and Conway should have scored at least a couple. Owers was steady and doesn’t waste the ball & Zak Bell looks a talent. Best player for us was Soady who was bizarrely taken off. I also thought Vince Harper another LB was great for us last season and look how that ended. Hope Soady doesn’t go the same way!!
  18. Shuffle


    I had an opinion that Wells was a moody and miserable sod and disruptive. I know a dad whose son plays for academy and he said he was fantastic with the young players and was a top bloke. In this interview he comes across great and sincere. Just goes to show you just don’t know people and how wrong was I.
  19. Plus drew with Bournemouth 1-1 in their previous away game pre QPR. Why anyone would post an easy 3 points is beyond me
  20. Good post and reflects exactly where I am with Pearson.
  21. If there wasn’t point deductions for both Derby & Reading we would be 3 points clear of drop zone with 6 to play. I certainly wouldn’t be confident of us picking up enough points to stay up as at best can see us picking up a max of 6. Would the goodwill that Pearson still carries with quite a few still prevail if the table was based on games played? All hypothetical as points deductions have been made but would otib be as calm and considered as it is ?
  22. In fairness to him he does read the game very well but imo not mobile enough for Championship. As I said, he’s a league player for sure & someone will be getting a good player.
  23. I like Morton who can hit a great ball but not sure how mobile he is for Championship. I spoke to an ex Bath City player last week who said that he was the best passer of a ball he played with but lacked that little bit of nastiness that all players need. I think he can have a great career in league football but may need to go backwards to come again. Im not sure Janneh has the composure to be a 20 goal plus striker but seen him a few times and he is lightening quick. Frustrating today but as you say was probably our most senior player and was certainly encouraging others. Weird as it seems and doing a Pearson here with Bell, I’ve been most impressed when he’s played wide and as a wing back as his engine is top class. I don’t suspect he will be here next season though.
  24. It was Janneh. Wood & Idenhen were very good and we need to get them tied up on contracts. Morton was good and Janneh flatters to deceive as so quick and strong but over plays or over thinks it. Tanner way off being first team ready based on that bu5 was a good game. Surprised the likes of Owers ,Bell and Benarous not starting as surely it’s better to keep them match fit.
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