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Lanterne Rouge

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Everything posted by Lanterne Rouge

  1. I`ve thought for a while this might be a good idea. Three divisions of six, one up, one down (two would be a bit much probably). Pretty much all teams would probably be involved till fairly late season. Less fixtures so hopefully more results. I reckon it`s worth a try anyhow.
  2. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/52854470 A bit of an update including some bits about the playoffs.
  3. He`s living there as an unpaid security guard. He`s allowed to eat all the rabbits he can catch instead.
  4. And start a fight with him when you disagree about something.
  5. Perhaps a couple of Everton players could test positive a couple of days before...…………………...
  6. Lockdown does funny things to people. Mind you, they`ve been social distancing at home games for years so that bit was pretty easy.
  7. Thanks mate, I haven`t bothered looking at the OS in ages for obvious reasons!
  8. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/52797024 Were we back training today?
  9. Blackburn was the first called off, then Wednesday, Forest, Cardiff, Hull, Boro, Stoke, Swansea, PNE (I think!)
  10. I agree, that`s how it looks at the moment but you have to factor in the antibody tests. If it can be proved that if someone has the antibodies present and that means there is a minimal chance of them catching it again then that changes things massively. The longer it goes on, the more pressure will be put on Government to get back to some sort of normal and large gatherings will no doubt form part of that. Personally I think the virus will be around for ever and we are going to have to learn to live with it. It will take some major behavioural and societal shifts but I think we`re up to the challenge - I hope so anyway.
  11. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/52777399 Interesting from Birmingham - the article refers to them leaving when their contracts expire at the end of June so no extensions from the club I guess. Of course. they may want to leave then anyway.
  12. He said the same on PW last week - he confirmed we were voting in favour of the restart as well.
  13. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/52783201 La Liga and the Spanish second division can restart after June 8th, probably on the weekend of the 12th.
  14. When they do get the go-ahead it will have to be behind closed doors - their sisters had better be on their guard.
  15. Steve said on PW that we will be voting to play out the season.
  16. Bear in mind that 600 is actually 1800 in attendance after the tickets have been passed through the fence a time or two.
  17. That`s easier said than done though. Some are at venues which would be looking to return to some sort of `normal` - The Millennium Stadium & The O2 for instance
  18. Only five years in the league and a promotion achieved in that time. It`s always nice to see these little teams making a go of it when they do achieve league status. I bet when they were a Conference side they could only dream of the heady heights of mid table League 1 so well done them!
  19. The Sunday Times. @Northern Red post #6458 above has a transcript
  20. Don`t be silly. According to Wally, they`ll be in their new stadium at the fruit market by then - it must be nearly finished now I should think. 20k plus every week assured!
  21. Lockdown`s been lifted, they`re probably chucked out the house all day now - a bit like staying in a seaside boarding house during the sixties.
  22. Thanks. I thought it was something like that. Bear in mind they were poor and went down that season too - the blue few would cut their right bollocks off for crowds like that. #comingforus
  23. Well, with today`s League 2 decision there is a well supported West Country club in League 1 again. Plymouth will probably average something like 4k more than the s*ggies will at home next season.
  24. With them showing all of this weekend`s Bundesliga games I wonder if BT Sport will now say live sport has resumed so they can start charging full whack again...………………...….
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