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Lanterne Rouge

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Everything posted by Lanterne Rouge

  1. It`s bound to be close, I wonder who it will be. Not that I`m bothered of course.
  2. Nah, I don`t reckon it will be. It could be this one mind.
  3. And there`s one in Siberia called Asbest for the same reason. Edit. And, believe it or not, they still mine and export the stuff now - I never knew anyone still did that.
  4. That`s right. Didn`t they say it had disappeared or been lost in a fire or something?
  5. Pretty much this but they`ll never say it`s lack of money - it will be planning difficulties, lack of transport infrastructure, lack of parking, nimbys complaining, problems with the site blah, blah, blah which will mean that their gullible fans will blame everyone and everything but their own useless owners. I expect it will be suggested at some point that it`s all our fault too.
  6. Too right Miah. You can bet your life they`ll get round it by promising to leave a bit of grass in the middle of the estate for kids to have a kick around on and say that is it being used for sport in perpetuity. If they`re feeling particularly generous they`ll stick in a kids play park and maybe a skateboard ramp.
  7. They have and a lot of their fans are complaining about it as it removes one of the few advantages they had last season. Footballing teams couldn`t play on it but the s*gs were used to it and they reckon that`s going to cost them points this year.
  8. Just going by what I was told by a couple of Argyle fans that were there Miah. What did happen then?
  9. All the bollocks about Wally still wanting to keep a stake and stay involved is nothing more than that, bollocks IMO. He`s saying that so the fewers will be reassured that their club isn`t being sold to a load of asset strippers as ` if Wael`s still involved, we should be in safe hands and he won`t sell us out`. Utter crap. He`ll be off like a scalded cat before the ink`s even dry on the paperwork. They`ll lap it all up like they always do though.
  10. So one bunch of asset strippers having milked it for all they can moves on to be replaced by the next lot. I don`t know why they just don`t sell the club to Clarke Osborne and be done with it rather than prolong the agony.
  11. Together with the fear of not being able to access the pasty hut due to the new tent obstructing it. Much safer to stay at home I think.
  12. Vintage Jasper Carrot: `Trevor Francis had this one shot, if it`d have went in it would`ve been a goal`
  13. 1153. So only 7855 loyal and true could be arsed to turn up for an important game like this one. #tinpot
  14. I must admit my post was written in the expectation of Shrews getting spanked big time at Pompey!
  15. I have experienced something like this at AG more than once TBF - in the EE in the 1970s!
  16. The view of the inside of the away tent on Zak`s tweet shows it is truly a thing of beauty. We can only dream of facilities of that standard.
  17. Five points from seven games. Imagine how we would be reacting to that.
  18. 0-0 FT. With Oxford playing Coventry tomorrow, it`s guaranteed the s*gs will be in the bottom four come tomorrow night. Happy days. Edit. They might just scrape out of it if Wimbledon lose at Gills (currently 0-0)
  19. He must have made some friends down there then!
  20. One of the excuses given over at delusion central for their shite away following at Shrewsbury was `it`s Plymouth next week and everyone will be going to that`. Evidently not then.
  21. Didn`t it go off at Home Park last season? Rather predictably, their morons tried to invade a family section after going a goal down, seats were thrown etc. Another prowed entry in the best club in the world`s roll of honour.
  22. Oh dear. Are we heading for an Oyston - Blackpool scenario here? I do hope so.?
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