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Lanterne Rouge

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Everything posted by Lanterne Rouge

  1. Yep, corrected it in my other post - it is bloody crazy. Anyway, 64-0 after 7.1
  2. Or a photo of a field that MAY be used as a car park at some indeterminate time in the future.
  3. 163-6 at innings close - 24 overs. Should be gettable but this is Somerset!
  4. Must be a troll. He`s made the classic mistake of saying he works - what are the chances of that? Mind you, I have seen a Big Issue seller up there now and again.
  5. Well the grass needs it after being scuffed up by all those despairing slides from fielders trying in vain to stop the many boundaries.
  6. I think the word you may be looking for is `chokers` Aiz.
  7. They were saying pre-game he`d hung up his bat for the one day stuff.
  8. Decent win tonight. Beat Essex with 11 balls to spare. Not like Somerset to coast one!
  9. Nope. I`d sooner pay Jaya to get 75 every game and use what`s left for a decent bowler.
  10. Love watching Jaya though. Talk about make the ball do the work.
  11. Need Jaya to do something now. Even then, I don`t think we`ll do it tonight.
  12. Ah well, let`s see what else is on telly I suppose.
  13. We`ll probably have a fair idea if we`re going to pretty early on.
  14. Sky predicting 230 for them. We won`t get that without something special from CG.
  15. Need a wicket soon before it gets away from us - if it hasn`t already.
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