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Posts posted by Riaz

  1. 22 minutes ago, IAmNick said:

    Very telling you're so confused that people made a non political judgement of what to do.

    I despise Boris, but that's completely separate from whether I agree with the restrictions. That's guided by the data and science.

    But you ARE a conspiracy theorist.

    Remember these from a few months ago?

    PLEASE explain to me how that's "thinking for yourself", and not just repeating tired conspiracy theories. You're just blindly believing stuff from another source.

    Going against the prevailing opinion is nothing to be proud of, nor any sign that you've thought more.

    Two of those quotes were based on information from official sources

    The bottom two was a prediction based on what i think is going on....  i was thinking for myself. No other source at all. In fact, i havent seen many people say their theory is that its going to affect birth rates?

  2. 1 minute ago, lenred said:

    What’s suspicious?

    no deaths elsewhere, including in south africa where it originated from.

    But suddenly we have a death from it, at the same time as the government wants to bring in restrictions.

    Anyone who believes this shit, would believe anything they are told. Beyond naive.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  3. On 11/12/2021 at 00:49, Kid in the Riot said:

    No, mate. No offence but this displays a lack of knowledge of basic epidemiology. You understand that viruses mutate,  so by letting them rip through society you increase their ability to, and likelihood of, mutating and potentially becoming more deadly. Why, as a global community, would we take that risk when we have a vaccination proven to reduce severe illness/death + spread? 

    Interestingly, I've just come across this article tweeted by one Jordan Peterson, a man vehemently opposed to mandatory vaccinations and social restrictions (to my knowledge). It suggests the covid vaccine is not just preventing deaths from covid, but from any death (which again, makes scientific sense when you think about it): 


    And they are more likely to mutate if you try and vaccinate everyone...

    • Confused 1
  4. On 10/12/2021 at 21:42, Harry said:

    You’ll have to tell me where I’ve strayed into ‘conspiracy’? 
    I think I’ve been very levelled in this actually. I’ve not denied the virus exists, I’ve not denied vaccines work, I’ve not said that nobody should get them, so please tell me where the conspiracy appears? 
    I’ve praised the nhs workers, I’ve advocated solutions to help the more vulnerable, I’ve shown concern for citizens and their welfare and businesses. You’ll have to tell me what part of all that is conspiracy. 
    Thing is, you’ve just read everything as ‘anti-vaxxer’ and not actually looked at the detail I’ve tried to present.

    You are a conspiracy theorist if you think for yourself and dont believe EVERYTHING you are told.

    • Like 2
  5. 2 minutes ago, Red-Robbo said:


    Have you really thought through how many politicians, scientists, doctors, nurses, statisticians, even undertakers and so on would have to be "bought" to maintain a phoney Pandemic? In every country of the world.

    Everyone from Jacinta Arden to Kim Jong Un from Angela Merkel to Vladimir Putin to Justin Trudeau etc etc etc.

    How big a bribe do you think Pfizer/AZ/Moderna/Johnson & Johnson have paid to persuade democratic leaders to do something that adversely affects their nation's economy and makes them likely to lose power?  Not just couldnt-care-less shits like Johnson, but proper, decent politicians. 

    And why wouldn't the rival Big Pharma companies call this out if a massive fraud - bigger than anything in human history - is being perpetrated on the world by their competitors?

    And why would not-for-profit institutions, like our universities, get involved? The Chinese and Russian vaccines were developed and are distributed by state institutions and are not sold for profit. If it's all a scam for cash, why are they involved?

    While there have been people cashing in throughout this Pandemic, shamelessly enabled by our government, the idea that the entire thing is made-up or exaggerated for the benefit of four companies is nuts.  

    We know from Watergate that you can't keep a conspiracy hushed up for weeks, even when it involves fewer than a dozen people. Right here, "partygate" leaked to the Mirror, even though apparently only 30-40 attended.

    To maintain a global conspiracy for two years involving bribes from pharmaceutical companies to literally tens of thousands of people if not hundreds of thousands of people, a whistleblower would have emerged with concrete evidence.  None has.

    The whole idea is a fantasy. 

    You wouldnt need too many people in on it.

    • Haha 4
  6. 4 minutes ago, LondonBristolian said:

    I don't think very many people dispute that. Pharamaceuticals is basically socialism for the rich - countries (including the UK) contribute millions to the cost of drug development only for big companies to take all the profits and sell back to the countries the drugs that countries have paid to develop.

    The whole economic model is shocking.

    But that doesn't change the fact that the researchers, scientists and medical experts who work for pharmaceutical companies are indeed researchers, scientists and medical experts and the level of testing any drug - including the vaccines - has to go through is high, with effective safeguards in place to manage risks. 

    The economic model of pharamaceutical companies is appalling but that doesn't change the fact that the drugs they produce only make it to market once proven to work and to not cause harm and - once on the market - the monitoring processes are stringent. Drug companies are arseholes but the medicines they make are not the same as the economic system that produces them. 

    They are human. And humans can be corrupted, pressured or coerced.

  7. 11 minutes ago, Harry said:

    Sorry, I don’t recognise your user name or recall any of your posting history. You’ll have to remind me of when I “had a dig at someone’s income level”. If it’s the conversation I’m thinking of then one thinks you’ve bent the truth there for your own gain. 
    Accusing me of digging at someone’s income is quite laughable, given I grew up on a crumbling council estate, to a single mum due to a wifebeating dad, mum scraping by on 2 underpaid jobs trying to feed and clothe 3 kids with bugger all, ending up homeless and living in a shelter for a few weeks before my uncle could put us up before being allocated another home on the other side of Bristol. But that’s ok - you can just make stuff up, that’s fine by me. 

    As I said, I left the politics forum because of my anger at vaccinating healthy children and the insatiable desire from some of the posters on there to do it - I don’t recall “getting hammered” about anything. Again, one thinks you have bent the truth somewhat. 

    I'm with you - anyone willing to risk their childs health for something that is almost 0% chance of death, is a disgrace. Risking your child for other people is the so called justification. There should be an outrage. Worlds gone mad,

    • Like 2
  8. Just now, TonyTonyTony said:

    Your other glib comments were "vaccines didnt work", "masks didnt work" and some other nonsense which i chose to ignore because they are ridiculous.

    The fact we are facing restrictions now, should be enough to tell you, it aint working. If vaccines worked, there would be no need for any restrictions. 90% of adults have been double jabbed ffs!

    • Like 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, TonyTonyTony said:

    Lockdowns were for one reason, and one reason only:

    They were to stop the collapse of the health system, by flattening the curve of infection.

    The NHS did not collapse, so they did work. If you are referring to the collateral damage lockdowns created, then thats another debate.

    I know Johnson has given you the green light to validate your world of crazy, but lets not start making shit up

    The fact we are here 18 months later - proves none of its working.

    I love how you only picked out one point... so you accept the rest isnt working then???

  10. 14 minutes ago, RedM said:

    Well that's alright then isn't it! What about trying to protect those who cannot protect themselves, don't we all have a duty of care to eachother

    Lockdowns didnt work

    Masks didnt work

    Vaccine didnt work

    Boosters arent working

    If you are under 60 without any ailments, get on with your life.

    If you are over 60 OR have an underlying health condition, take precautions - get family to do your shopping etc.

  11. 2 minutes ago, BrizzleRed said:

    We only heard about it about a week ago, so there’s plenty of time yet!

    More than a week and its worldwide. Pretty sure its confirmed as being mild.

    Rather get that than get the vaccine and get a blood clot or heart issues.

    • Like 1
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  12. 4 minutes ago, BrizzleRed said:

    That could change drastically if this new strain goes the wrong way.  You don’t react when the beds are full, you try to avoid that happening by reacting in advance.

    Talk about being caught between a rock and a hard place.  This government is far from perfect, but you can guarantee that at sny given time, some are accusing them of not doing enough or too slowly, while others say they are over-reacting or rushing things.

    I guess we can count ourselves lucky that we can all criticise, but don’t actually have to make the decisions that directly affect the whole population, but can never please everybody.

    The new strain is mild. Hasnt killed one person.

    • Confused 1
  13. 2 hours ago, Rocking Red Cyril said:

    Ed Sheeran is a talentless **** who only has success due to the fact modem musicians can not write any thing original. And the general public are fed bullshit and crap to feed on. 

    Just my opinion of course 

    So you dont think he has an incredible voice?

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