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Posts posted by Riaz

  1. Just now, TonyTonyTony said:

    You are a bit thick. Sorry, I mean very thick

    People don’t die from Covid instantly. It takes time. Since Omicron has only been over here a few weeks it takes time.

    Come back gloating in a few weeks. In the mean time go do some crayons

    Ah personal insults ??

    It originated in South Africa and they are shocked at our extreme response… the lady who discovered it (Dr Angelique Coetzee) thinks we are over-reacting - is she thick?


  2. 9 minutes ago, chinapig said:

    What is your source? coronavirus.data.gov? The Office for National Statistics? Johns Hopkins University or Our World in Data for a more global analysis? Have you downloaded the data to do your own analysis so as to reach your own conclusions? If so could you share?

    Or is it social media?

    Various news articles stated there had been no deaths from the omicron variant and if there were any deaths, it would be plastered everywhere. 

    Feel free to prove me wrong tho. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, BCFC Grim said:

    Absolutely amazed at people's attitude this time round. I thought alot would have your attitude but seems the scaremongering really has made people afraid. Didn't the doctor  who discovered this virus say she is amazed at the over reaction from us? 

    I've done everything I've been told up to now. I'll be getting on with things as normal from now on. Lockdown or no lockdown.Respect peoples space, but that's that.

    I believe she did indeed 

    • Like 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, IAmNick said:

    But if you have no idea, the problem is you can and will point at anything and everything as some kind of step towards your undefined end state.

    I'm confused why all these countries would band together to do this, and why the companies/universities  who make their money from healing sick people would want to reduce the number of people there are.


    Our government is pretty good at taking our rights away regardless if it wants to. Now if you said they have at times used this as a slight excuse to push other legislation they wanted through I might agree - but it's a one way process for me. They're not then making things seem worse to then get even more through.

    Again, if you think the above isn't a conspiracy theory, and you're not a conspiracy theorist, I suggest you look up the definition:

    "A conspiracy theory is an explanation for an event or situation that invokes a conspiracy by sinister and powerful groups, often political in motivation, when other explanations are more probable"


    "Conspiracy theories resist falsification and are reinforced by circular reasoning: both evidence against the conspiracy and an absence of evidence for it are re-interpreted as evidence of its truth,[8][12] whereby the conspiracy becomes a matter of faith rather than something that can be proven or disproven."


    "Conspiracy theorists see themselves as having privileged access to socially persecuted knowledge or a stigmatized mode of thought that separates them from the masses who believe the official account"


    It's word for word what you say. You need help - and I genuinely mean that. Don't fall down this rabbit hole too far as you'll never get out.

    Lots of conspiracies turn out to be true! 


    • Haha 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, MarcusX said:

    Again showing your complete lack of medical knowledge.

    Peoplr don’t always die OF the thing that caused their downfall. AIDs is a huge example of this, it tears down the body’s immune system making it more susceptible to other infections.

    That’s why there’s more than one line on a death certificate.

    Similarly if someone dies because of a blood clot caused by the vaccine, did the vaccine not kill them if technically not was a blood clot?

    Also looks like the bloke who died was described as fit and healthy albeit over 60

    Shifting the goal posts but anyway, how many people under 60 are “healthy”. 2/3 of the population are overweight, 1/3 are obese.

    Only the unhealthy is such a bollocks statement because it ignores the fact that so many people are not “healthy”.

    As for your nonsense about fertility. Zero evidence or education to back that up, just a complete conspiracy theory

    I’m not moving any goal posts.

    Under 60’s without underlying health conditions. It’s been very low, the whole time. 

  6. 1 minute ago, Fordy62 said:

    Do you read back what you write? Jesus wept. Did you watch Fortress last night or something?

    Anyway, would you agree that the vaccine is preventing a large number of deaths? 

    (Hint: if you say “yes” it’ll really hurt you. If you say “no” you’ll discredit yourself as much as your population control conspiracy.) 

    You choose. 

    It has prevented deaths.

    But it’s nowhere near as effective has the trials said they would be.

    Certainly not enough to coerce or force people to have it. 

    And i think is lots of information being surpressed about side effects and what it does to peoples immune systems 

  7. 4 minutes ago, MarcusX said:

    This is wrong, it has

    Feel like a parrot here. But can you provide a link?

    As i said before, would he plastered everywhere.

    All we saw was one person died WITH…

    1 minute ago, Ronnie Sinclair said:

    Another halfwit for the block list - the biggest pandemic is idiocy 

    Indeed, sheep everywhere who can’t think for themselves or search for information ??‍♂️

  8. 8 minutes ago, IAmNick said:

    I didn't bother responding as you admitted you had based your posts that the jabs would sterilize people off literally nothing. It's like me saying "I think the jab will at some point in the future turn everyone's index finger purple!". Totally meaningless. That's not free thinking.

    The irony of you posting that crap, which is incredibly emotive without a SHRED of evidence while whinging all the time about "the media" and "fearmongering" is staggering.

    I said from day one, i don’t know what the alterior motive is, but i said my suspicion was to effect fertility. That remains to be seen if i was right. I still think i will be proven correct.
    But we will see

    What’s the government agenda?

    To scare people, take their rights away and be able to control people

    • Haha 1
    • Hmmm 1
  9. 40 minutes ago, ChippenhamRed said:

    A doubling rate of 2 days alone is enough to justify some restrictions. If that carries on in a restriction-free population, eventually cases get so high that so many people are out of circulation - either isolating or actually ill - that society ceases to function properly. Not least of all those working for the NHS.

    The threat of a virus is ALWAYS a function of both transmissibility AND severity. A highly transmissible variant that is much less deadly can pose a greater threat to our healthcare services than a much less transmissible variant that is more deadly, because of the sheer numbers involved.

    They don’t even need to die; if they take up a hospital bed, someone else who needs it isn’t getting it.

    This is bloody obvious to anyone with half a brain and I’m sick to death of having to explain it to idiots like you spouting utter nonsense as if you’re some sort of expert.

    Listen to Chris Whitty. He’s got more letters after his name than a bowl of alphabetti spaghetti because he’s highly qualified and actually knows what he’s talking about. And he’s telling us to take it seriously.

    It’s being reported elsewhere that it’s mild. 
    Our government has an agenda.

    20 minutes ago, Fordy62 said:

    Come on mate. You know @Riaz knows better.

    Well… unless you include the other day when @IAmNick completely ruined him and he didn’t reply. That was awkward. 

    I replied and he didn’t ruin me at all. 

    I stood by my comments. Problem is, people don’t understand what is actually going on. And how few healthy people under 60 are actually dying. 

    • Haha 1
    • Confused 1
  10. 6 minutes ago, James54De said:

    That’s completely false. Almost 100% of covid cases in SA are Omicron. There’s been deaths in SA over the past 3 weeks. 


    if this was the case, the media would be making the most of it and it would be plastered everywhere 

    ps to clarify, I’m not saying there won’t be any. What i am saying, is that it will be extremely low and there is no justification for the hysteria or any restrictions 

    • Like 1
  11. 23 minutes ago, Red-Robbo said:


    The SA Health Ministry say they cannot say with certainty how many deaths have been caused by which variant. Two things are important though. We know most South African infections are now Omicron and we know that 132 people who died in South Africa from Covid this week; we know there is a rise in hospitalisations in South Africa with more than 800 people currently requiring oxygen (500+ up from the figure a month ago).

    It is naïve in the extreme to assert that this strain will not kill anyone. It almost certainly has done already and as we get further away from Nov 25th (when the variant was first discovered) we will see more.

    HOWEVER, it does appear to be more mild, which is why I agree with your basic assertion.

    Do you always try to pick arguments with people agreeing with you?  Strange man.


    I’m glad you agree, but you are disagreeing with my main point. 

    Problem is, there are a lot of myths flying about at the moment and it causes unnecessary fear.

    The fact someone earlier in the thread is suggesting cancelling football until March, shows the level of fear. 

    • Like 1
  12. 32 minutes ago, Red-Robbo said:


    That's a study of those who've been vaccinated with the J&J vaccine.  74% of South Africans haven't been vaccinated. 

    As virtually all South African infections are now Omicron, it's fair to say, that most of the 134 people who've died in the last week there from Covid will have been Omicron variant deaths.

    I'm not trying to play down the good news that the study you quote found vaccines eliminated death risk, or that it looks almost certain that Omicron has a lower Case Mortality Rate than Delta.

    This is one of the reasons I feel we shouldn't be panicked into abandoning football, although, to slow the rate of this things inevitable spread, taking precautions is wise and those particularly vulnerable should avoid these high risk events. 

    Can you find me a news article that explicitly says someone had died OF the variant… 

    But not WITH like Boris announced.

    Should be easy enough to find. The media would be getting the maximum fear out of it. 

    • Like 1
  13. 1 minute ago, Red-Robbo said:


    It makes no odds, the second part of his post holds true. It is too early for any significant numbers of deaths to have occurred due to Omicron. Deaths WILL occur from it. In South Africa, virtually all Covid cases are now Omicron and they are having deaths. 

    That said, I'm with the weigh up the risks and do as thou wilt faction voting for the first option.



  14. 4 minutes ago, wendyredredrobin said:

    The population of South Africa has a high level of natural immunity.  That's not the case in the UK.  It may be a mild strain, but we don't all want to be isolating over Christmas. The infection rate is doubling every two days and last time I looked, the official rate of new cases was nearly 80k (in reality a lot more are not being tested). At the current rate, it will exceed 1m per day before Christmas.  It's much too early to say that it is is not dangerous in a population without natural immunity.

    90% vaccinated ?

    This world has gone mad

    • Like 2
  15. 10 minutes ago, bbew said:

    If Saturdays game is postponed, it is quite likely every game until March time will also have to be postponed. 

    I can understand those that are older,  have health conditions, or just being cautious not attending - it makes sense in many cases and is something I have considered, and in an ideal world the club would offer a refund, but it is a very tricky situation.

    The rates were always going to increase at this time of year (as they will next year,  and every year after), and the new variant has obviously increased this, so the club cannot win either way.


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