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Everything posted by Aizoon

  1. Must be a lot of competition, I imagine
  2. I would counsel you to learn patience. It will be a long wait.
  3. The picture cuts off the third Six which completes the Number of the Beast
  4. We live in Horfield. Could you run that by us again?
  5. Well finish second - trust me
  6. So you mean they're not the sixth richest team in the country? How very disappointing
  7. Do I have to? He gives Horace nightmares
  8. As long as it's 4 day conkers.
  9. Glastershur la la la. That is all
  10. The guy who founded them lived down our road in - Pigsty Hill PS They're not to be confused with the Pigsty Hill Light Railway, which is quite a different kettle of steam.
  11. Another T20 in Bristol, another miserable night I guess the umpires are waiting for us to be behind on the D/L before they call it off
  12. Nothing can stop the stadium now?
  13. A bit like the notorious Ukraine v Switzerland World Cup tie. 0-0 after extra time and the first four penalties missed
  14. I would. Of course, only one goes up this year so we'll finish second. It is written
  15. You will notice a localised but intense rainstorm centred on Taunton I am not a vindictive deity, but...
  16. And nothing can stop Gloucestershire now...
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