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Posts posted by deadredfred

  1. 4 minutes ago, Northern Red said:

    Absolutely. It's the type of game we've got to get a positive outcome in if we want to secure our Championship status.

    It's just amusing that judging from posts on here, they're being painted as Brazil 1970 meets Barcelona 2011. Yet they have the same number of points as us, who are doomed, apparently.

    I think there's just concern over their serious firepower. And rightly so. McCormack and Dembele were a right handful at AG. 

    Although we were mid Cotterill-kamikaze at that stage, they made us look like kids. I don't think I've ever seen a better performance than McCormack from an away team. 

    My concern is that it'll be us that looks like Brazil. Only they'll be Germany

    • Like 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, Northern Red said:

    I've just looked at the league table to see where this super duper Fulham team are that are definitely going to batter us on Saturday, and was stunned to see they have the same number of points as us.

    Surely some mistake?...

    This then will be the measure of us.

    What better way to measure up, then in our next game against a side that have over the course of the long season so far accrued exactly the same points (GD ignored!)

    The table says it'll be close. Fingers crossed for a positive result and for some others to go our way


  3. 2 minutes ago, cynic said:

    I really thought we were past all these last minute panics.

    Apparently not.

    We are back in the relegation shite and could be in the bottom three come saturday night.

    Very disappointing as I really thought we had turned the corner.

    Wolves are dreadful at the moment and we proved ourselves to be worse - that is a big worry...


    Exactly. Whilst I don't expect us to be beating teams left, right and centre, particularly away from home, we've just played two fairly average sides and got nothing to show for it, despite being in contention in both games.

    A draw in each would have made a significant difference. It's games like this where we need to be getting something. 

    Conceding to a poor cross in the 94th minute is just a lack of concentration. It's not like it was a good goal.

    Having seen how easily they tore into us at AG, I am not looking forward to Fulham. I don't recall seeing a better performance than McCormack earlier in the season. They could have had 6 easily. 

    The good news is we are in contention in games. As usual, we're left to rue missed chances and poor finishing. 

    Our centre back is now our second highest scorer (6). That's three times as many goals as our entire midfield have managed between them. (Freeman 1, Bryan 1). That is woeful. 


    • Like 3
  4. Sounds like an absolute classic. 

    Highlights for me:

    1. The thought of Alan Partridge commentating on a City match.

    2. Winning the bet with the wife that at some point during this match the words 'Bar. Over and Freeman' would appear.

    3. Rotherham are still 5 points away.

    4. I just had a lovely bit of Mackies honeycomb ice cream.

    5. Alan Partridge again. The proof is in the pudding, and the pudding in this case is a football! Boooof! 

    The goaly has football pie all over his shirt!


    • Like 3
  5. 1 minute ago, Kingswoodactor said:

    Also, a rocket up Luke Freeman's arse from Johnson this Summer wouldn't go amiss. He plays week in, week out yet hasn't offered anything in the way of goals and open play assists this season. For the amount of time he spends in the final third of the pitch, this frankly isn't good enough!

    Without lighting the Freeman debate fuse, I couldn't agree more!

    Needs to simplify his game. One touch stuff. Pass and move. Step overs when 40 yards out are for the playground. 

    • Like 3
  6. 4 minutes ago, Kingswoodactor said:

    I like Ayling, and he's a good ball playing defender. But is he switched on? Not enough for me, and he's actually quite inconsistent at this level. 

    Hmmm I'm not sure. He's very confident on the ball and is happy to bring it out from the back. Head up always. I don't think he's defensively the best, but for me he's miles ahead of Little.

    I appreciate Littles pace, but end product is poor and he never fully looks in control of it, or like he's made up his mind where he's going. Theres a clear difference in his end product this season compared to last because of the quality he's now facing.

    Back to your original post - a dynamic striker to play with Kodjia, and a midfielder that does creatively what Korey does defensively is top of my list. This is the minimum requirement for me. 


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  7. 3 minutes ago, Kingswoodactor said:

    Really is a case now of just seeing survival through (which we will) and going again this Summer. Disappointing for sure, but we just don't have the quality to trouble the teams in the top half of the table on a consistent basis. 

    We have a 'base' for a strong Championship XI, but lack a dynamic striker to take the pressure off Kodjia, a quality all round midfielder like Brentford's Alan Judge, and probably switched on ball playing defenders at right back & centre half respectively. 

    Totally agree. Apart from the right back bit. I have no issue with Ayling.

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