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Lorenzos Only Goal

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Posts posted by Lorenzos Only Goal

  1. 19 hours ago, The turtle said:

    I really don't mind players giving it back, getting involved with fans. It's all part of the game as far as I'm concerned. That's not the point of this post. 

    My question is why? I've never seen a player respond like that before for no apparent reason? 

    Was it from a previous game? Did I miss something in today's game? Any clues as to why he reacted like that? 

    To me it just didn't make any sense. Normally it's a bit of back and forth, can't think of a time where I've seen a player act to that level just because. 

    Did I miss something? 


    He's a Swindon boy horn and bread well just outside. 

  2. 11 hours ago, GrahamC said:

    Zak Vyner was outstanding as well.

    Out on his feet at the end after having to switch to RB but his best game of the season for me.

    He was out of character today and surprisingly good.

  3. 35 minutes ago, real_bristol said:

    I’ve not seen us play with that kind of passion and desire for a long, long time. Credit must go to the coaching for that. Play like that for the rest of the season and we will be ok. QPR deserved nothing, my only criticism would be defending on the corner that led to the winner. But it was blatant hand-ball in the play that led up to it. To play like we did with 10 men, against 12, I’m not disappointed and will not go into melt down. Players can hold their head high and go again. We’ve had a glimpse of what we can do without Martin and I like it. 

    My only concern is that we are running out of games that we can just write-off. But that shouldn’t over-shadow today’s performance, in which players gave it all. That’s all we ask for. 

    Up the ****ing City.

    Bang on QPR deserved nothing. 

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  4. 17 hours ago, MarcusX said:


    If you take what Alex said literally then yes, but that would also be stupid.

    Hes not wrong though, it’s absolutely rife these days. I wouldn’t say “everyone” is on it, but I’m amongst several friendship groups for various sports, friends etc and majority of every group will have it on a night out.

    what shocks me is how blatant it is. I’m sure if it used to be as common 10 years ago amongst the same people then it was hidden. Certainly was never discussed amongst the whole group, now it’s one of the first things asked when planning a night out. I think a lot would be surprised how common place it is amongst younger people too. It might have been naivety on my part but once you’re aware you spot it going on instantly in the pub toilets etc

    Personally not my thing, tried it once or twice but didn’t get the hype. Not a fan of it going up my nose either. The odd pill at a festival now and again though is a different matter, and I’m sure that’s never caused a fight - much more likely to end ina cuddle!

    In the mid noughties I was at a house party and the majority of the people there were back and fourth to the coke room.  I was in a small group of alcohol only consuming people it's been popular for ages, I think it's just more brazen now than its ever been, I'm kind of glad I'm oldish and not in and around this as much. 

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  5. 36 minutes ago, YCbrs said:

    Funnily enough that would definitely decrease the violence as it’s an opioid, but I get that you’re joking anyway.

    I’m 27 and had a serious drug addiction for six years, including coke. Most of what everyone is saying is absolutely true (amount of people using it, not just in football but in the general population). Being the age I am I genuinely can’t go to watch a game with a few ‘mates’ at Ashton Gate without being offered a bump or a line, which has resulted in me restricting myself to going with one of the only friends that can take drugs sparingly and not at football, or failing that my old man.

    Seriously though I don’t think the police, government or older generation realise how endemic not just coke, but drugs in general are in late teens and twenty odd year olds now. You don’t have to find dealers anymore you just join a WhatsApp group and within five minutes you’ll have a menu from five different people that offers you every street and prescription drug on the planet.

    Don’t get me wrong, for people that can control it I don’t think it’s a huge issue but with the massive rise in mental health problems and the ease of availability of a lot of drugs combined with how addictive certain prescription (Codeine/OxyContin, Xanax) and street drugs (Mainly Cocaine and Ketamine) further combined with the glamorisation by complete idiots in the music industry - people are trying things they wouldn’t have 20 years ago because these idiot ‘artists’ are telling them it’s cool.

    Ive been clean for about six months now and focus on scuba diving, playing football, travelling (docks are a bit cold for diving and not much to see) and trying to eat well and just be more healthy. I have a list of mental health diagnosis as long as my arm but I can probably only put depression and anxiety down as being caused by, or at least made worse by drugs. Like I said for people that control it and CAN genuinely control it, it’s not the end of the world if they take something they enjoy sparingly and can afford it, but I was in a situation where it was either keep going till I died (which I can extremely close to last year after OD’ing and waking up in the BRI) or sort my shit out and get addicted and back into the things I’ve always loved.

    Its definitely not something I’m proud to have a history of, however it is what it is and if anyone reading this is struggling with drug abuse and wants any advice or someone to talk to please don’t hesitate to DM me.

    But in response to the OP, I’d say about half of the people that use the facilities throughout the game actually need a number two, and are just going in there because it has a door lock.

    I feel for you, I haven't drank for over a decade now completely t-total, I just didn't have a great relationship with alcohol, so one day I stopped.   And even though your friends and work mates know you don't want a pint/drink they still find it odd, and ask you if you want one regardless, luckily for me I'm strong willed and just decline the offer, but for people who are less strong willed you can understand why people struggle.  Learn to love being sober, you feel more, and experience life in a clean memorable less hazey way. 

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  6. Pointless article, everywhere there is a large gathering of humans there is cocaine its not indicative of football having a problem its indicative of how easy it is to get hold of the muck.   5.3% of people aged between 15 and 34 use cocaine ipso facto any location with a large gathering of that age demographic will have cocaine traces Football, Tennis, Cricket, Rugby, Clubs etc etc.   

  7. 1 hour ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

    Loan repayments don't go through Profit and Loss usually- Interest Payments might, Rent does but that would be classed in its own category.

    Or is the suggestion that categories have been disguised?


    No I don't think there is anything sinister or crocked in our accounts. 

    There are just so many costs through so many layers of companies i expect its litterally operational costs wrapped up as a headline figure.  

    I forgot about police costs I wonder if we still got charged for that when the gates were closed? 

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  8. 9 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

    That is something I’ve been bleating on about too. Our “operational costs” are high too, in 19/20 pure football club accounts, they were £11m for a £16m revenue company!!  Way too high, and not very transparent too!



    Those operating costs have got to be the rental of the grounds and loan repayments. SL can't write off the loans under FFP like he used to do so I assume they get packaged up under the banner of Operational Costs. 

  9. 2 hours ago, Ian M said:

    This is why I keep saying Ashton going is equivalent to the period when Pulis left us with an aging squad, on big money, on long contracts. It took us years of treading water at L1 level before we were able to challenge again. Pearson's task is to attempt to do that at Championship level. 3 years to get that season off the books (or turn one of the Academy lads into a £40m sale)

    That was horrible Pulis, the big one for me was Paul Mortimer ffs I had him on a Panini sticker set for Charlton in the 80's before I did my GCSEs and we gave him 2.5 years in 1999. I was at Brentford singing Pulis off to Pompy the ****.  And the fall out with Scully at Gillingham was another kick in the balls. 

  10. 21 hours ago, BCFCGav said:

    Bit of an ‘out there’ shout but with Andi being on course for an 18 goal season (9 at the half way point), still with a relentless work rate and having a few years left in him at 30, is there a chance we can cash in in January? We all know we need some incoming cash from transfers but naturally we don’t want to lose Scott, Massengo, Benarous, Semenyo as they could all have a big say in our (potential) future successes. Further, I’m sure that Martin, Wells, Semenyo and Conway is enough firepower to see us safe. Could a top 6 Championship club or a team abroad be tempted? How much could we get?

    Side note, I’m a big fan of Weimann, just thinking about what’s best for the club. 

    This would be an act of self harm at the moment, I'd give Wells away though.

    • Like 1
  11. 48 minutes ago, JamesBCFC said:

    Masi after the 2020 Eifel GP regarding the prolonged safety car on track: "There is a requirement in the sporting regulations to let ALL lapped cars through."

    But apparently that requirement went out the window yesterday.

    Shit I agree with you. 

  12. I'm not sure you can take the title back off Max, he's not at fault its basically the FIA that needs their teeth pulled, they ruined what would have been a great race by fixing it for Redbull.  Massi in my opinion needs to be removed for next season and Mercedes compensated. 

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  13. I had a think about this, and I think we needed Pearson we were in big trouble and he's fixed some of those things, I think we were in a similar situation to O'Driscoll when he took over, he was the wrong man at the wrong time and we plummeted, he couldn't turn it around as he didn't have the tools.  Pearson on the other hand has been focusing on building fitter stronger players, and is now focusing on the tactical elements of the game I think had we focused on the latter before former we would have been in a very bad place this season.   

    I think the other thing to note is where Swansea were before Martin took over, they finished 4th and he took over a team full of confidence, I think he's probably done a fairly poor job if I'm honest, he's made them arguably worse.   I always think it takes about a whole season for a new coaches effect to fully come through on the team, so I'll reserve my judgment until the end of the season, but my gut tells me that we will be a lot closer together than we should be, as Swansea should be in the mix if we're honest and we should be around about middle of the pack.

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