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Everything posted by Robbored

  1. He wasn’t one of them CR………..
  2. Was it? Shows now much notice I take of who the opposition manager is…………
  3. Talking to a gashead this morning and he was moaning about not being able to score against Shrewsbury saying the gas hit the woodwork three times - I told him that it was poor finishing……….……
  4. They played several young and inexperienced players when they came to AG and got stuffed 4-1 iirc. Their manager admitted post match that he’d got it wrong. Its surprising that he lasted for as long as he did.
  5. Money talks Seagull - City have already spent millions of top lawyers to stall the proceedings and to search vigorously for loopholes in regulations. It wouldn’t surprise me if Man City got off with a transfer ban rather than a points deduction.
  6. Robbored


    Are you sure? It’s very similar to Wells Cathedral. I used to walk past it most summer days on my way to the bowls club which is very close to the Bishops Palace and moat.
  7. Pots - Dickie Young player - Conway Champagne moment - Mehmeti strike v Foxes.
  8. Robbored


    Wells Cathedral.
  9. Robbored


    A decent CF is apparently a priority in the summer window. its been really frustrating when City get into decent crossing positions with no ‘presence’ in the box. None of City’s current forwards are crap Tom - they’re all victims of Mannings style of play which frequently provides poor supply.
  10. They’re not meaningless wins Seagull. Two consecutive wins one against promotion candidates gives a great fillip to all concerned fans included. City will go to Sunderland next weekend buzzing and full of confidence and I’m expecting another solid performance and hopefully 3 more points.
  11. Apart from the first 20mins they were poor,Max barely had a save to make - that’s why they’re where they are and consequently have sacked their manager. The result actually flattered Argyle, City were the better side and could/should have won by more.
  12. Robbored


    May have been embarrassed to sign autographs not having got on the pitch. Either that or he was too pissed off and disappointed for the same reason. Audi Alteram Partem.
  13. The sacking of Nige has been done to death and we need to let it go. That said - his dismissal did create a great deal of anger and frustration amongst the fans which, fortunately these last two wins has eased considerably.
  14. Two back to back clean sheets along with 6 points is long overdue Imo. The problem I’ve had is trying to fathom what method LM actually trying to implement and you along with Spudski and Cowshed are students of the beautiful game and none of you could fathom it either. You say that City played differently in the last two games - in what way? The only thing I noticed was how much more solid we were in both games.
  15. Search on eBay- you might get lucky.
  16. Game management isn’t necessarily something that can be coached, it’s largely common sense and today and on Friday City got it spot on. Having the likes of Williams, Cornick, Wells and Sykes all on the pitch in the last 10mins make a significant difference.
  17. Maybe LM has finally getting his methods across? Two clean sheets over Easter and 6 points are good signs, shame it’s so late in the season.
  18. Yep - my neighbour invited me in to watch the game on RTV and much to my surprise the lag was only about 3 seconds! Must be my home set up that causes the lag - unless the service has been improved…….…..
  19. Leaving the forum because of criticism is a snowflake attitude Harvey - a bit like cutting on your nose off to spite your face. I suggest that you ‘man up’.
  20. Arteta was Peps number two for a few seasons and he’d have know exactly how City would set up and try to play. The game a draw written all over it and I regret not putting a few quid on Liverpool to win and Arsenal to draw. Not sure what odds the double would have been but it being Easter Sunday I thought the bookies would be shut.
  21. Well…..according to Manning it’ll be all about ‘behaviours and emotions’ and having beaten the Foxes BT has another result to mention………….
  22. RB cover all City away matches so I’m pretty confident that it’ll be on. If not I’ll watch Sky Sports News instead - they even show Championship goals at times.
  23. Pep is untouchable. He’s the best manager in Europe, pretty much every top European club would want him. He’s a serial winner and that showed when he roasted Grealish in public. He was clearly pissed off with JG. I’m not a fan of either Manchester club and really wanted the Gunners to nick a 1-0 win but earning a point is second prize I guess.
  24. Thanks but I can’t be arsed - too fiddly. I’ll tune into RB as usual.
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