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sticks 1969

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Posts posted by sticks 1969

  1. Normally catch the train to home game and have ended up chatting to various fans of clubs that have gone up and back down 

    and like in a previous post it’s not always as rosy and we think 

    A getting hammered some weeks 

    b lack of Saturday games 

    and c  when we played Man U in the cup people asking for tickets and sat or stood next to someone you have never seen since….


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  2. 11 hours ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

    Could also move to still Saturday but 1pm or similar of course- happened in 2007 and 2010 iirc. 

    I don't remember any home games v Swansea on a Sunday in my time.

    Played them on a Sunday about 11 or 12 in the morning about 22 years ago . But that was after what happened over there earlier in the season 


  3. 6 hours ago, mozo said:

    My definition of a 'real fan' is someone that really cares about the club, in whatever way that might manifest itself.

    But special kudos goes to fans that travel around the country to watch City away, or come from afar to watch us at home.

    You don't need to attend games to be a 'real fan' though.

    Sorry but have to disagree with the attending games bit 

    no way would I call a some one from where I grew up ( Bridgwater) who wore a Man U or Liverpool shirt and never goes a real fan 

    not in a million years 

  4. 7 hours ago, In the Net said:

    Steaming In - Colin Ward - one of the early books about following football in the 1970's and 1980's.  It isn't one of those typical hooligan type books - "we ran everybody off our manor", blah, blah, blah.  An authentic account from somebody who was there at the time, not a main protaganist.  It's been years since I read it, but I felt that it painted a true picture of what it was like to be on the terraces. 

    Very good book and like you said not your typical bullshit 

  5. 39 minutes ago, Robbored said:

    Both clubs would have known that it wouldn’t have been a 3pm Saturday ko!

    An evening ko would have been the best option but Sky dictate what time the ko should be - with the agreement of the local police.

    Evening kick off with all day drinking the best option…….

    im sure the police would agree with that 

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