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sticks 1969

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Posts posted by sticks 1969

  1. 1 hour ago, richyy66 said:

    No it was a nothing end of season game for us. Sheffield were near the top. Very similar to Mondays game. Some bell end decided to make the decision to give Sheffield first two blocks in Dolman. All hell broke lose. 

    1989 if memory serves me 

  2. 1 hour ago, Bristol Rob said:

    Is the Championship ready for Everton fans?

    I'm sure we all remember the 'we shouldn't be losing to <insert club name>' attitude of Villa and Newcastle supporters.

    They'll be unbearable.

    They would be on sky every week 


  3. 10 hours ago, Lanterne Rouge said:

    When I lived in Bridgwater I used to see them all lined up waiting for a coach on Broadway. I always wound the window down and let them know what I thought.

    There used to be coaches to Liverpool and Man Utd from Bridgwater most weeks 

    Ray white ran the Utd coach until he got caught stealing from the club and a guy named Charle ran the Liverpool coach but at least he came from Liverpool . . 
    would quite often jump on them on for Sunday games if there was a spare seat 

  4. 29 minutes ago, CodeRed said:

    The USA v England game is on a Friday, isn't Thanksgiving always on a Thursday ..... so the Yanks will all be out shopping on Black Friday , as you say though the vast majority CGAF about the WC.

    Went to the us cup in 93 which was a 4 team mini tournament a year before they hosted the World Cup .the vast majority of people we spoke to over there had no idea the tournament was on or who was playing and very little interest in the world cup the following year 


  5. 30 minutes ago, swanker said:

    Good player for us but the thing I remember most about him was a game v Swansea at home. John Solako was playing for them, he was on loan from Palace. Solako absolutely destroyed our defence that day and Bailey was marking him. 

    John solako unfortunately one of the best one man displays iv ever seen at the gate 

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  6. 1 hour ago, sglosbcfc said:

    I was at Crewe that night, my 15th Birthday....where did the years go? ? Cracking night though, Crewe had a more than decent team and battered us, then Bailey delivered his wonderful strike.

    If memory serves me our goal keeper had the game of his life and made save after save to get us the 3 points.

    I remember it being a midweek game , was Andy leaning the keeper ?

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  7. I’m ready to be shot down here but if you take away all the bad press and terrible human working conditions ,yes which I know is a lot I think it would not be a bad World Cup to go to . Better weather then home here ,not a great deal if travelling when there , far enough away to stop the stag party element going , and we should be in with a shout of doing ok . Not a cheap World Cup but if you do some looking about and can get the time of work I don’t think it can be as expensive as people make out .. unless you plan on drinking loads 

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