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Posts posted by BS3City

  1. 1 hour ago, GrahamC said:

    Get his best mate to provide him with a solicitor, then bound to get off.

    This is the bloke who was previously been done for betting on games he played in.

    Their management team has absolutely no morals at all.



    Barton and Mangan cut from the same cloth.

    • Like 1
  2. 31 minutes ago, Bazooka Joe said:

    Let's not forget all the other pathetic and lame excuses .....

    Brexit, Donald Trump, the war in Ukraine, Boris's partygate, Starmer's Beergate, the death of HM The Queen, climate change, and every other fracking thing.

    Don't forget various cycling events, the balloon fiesta and the sale at Woolworths...

    • Haha 1
  3. 9 minutes ago, richwwtk said:

    Is that still going? Last time I heard it, it was Robbie Savage and some other guy and it was terrible! Has to be put out of its misery at some point doesn't it?

    Can't stand listening to anything Robbie Savage is involved in... 

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  4. 14 minutes ago, Alan Dicks said:

    Today is the day I’ve finally come to the conclusion, i have zero faith in Nigel Pearson.

    Ok he has had no money to spend, but we haven’t improved one single bit in any area if the park, and we’re not about to anytime soon.

    Ask me who we bring in next, the answer is ???

    OK I'll bite.

    Who comes in next?

  5. 9 hours ago, Davefevs said:

    Still think Psycho Killer for Sykes is easy…run, run, run, run…run, run down the wing, oh, oh…oh, Psycho Killer, Qu'est-ce que c'est, ba, ba, ba, ba……


    …til he hits a crap cross! ?

    Sooooo disappointed when Saikou Janneh left! This song was made for him...

    • Haha 2
  6. 8 hours ago, Rudolf Hucker said:

    Talking of people taking the piss, I did smile at the QPR fans singing “You’re Welsh and you know you are …” which was a new one on me. 

    I remember we suffered that "vitriol" years ago at Watford, wittily responding with "You're French and you know you are..."

    Equally relevant I'd suggest...

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  7. 9 hours ago, Swede said:

    I do have a little sympathy with you Miah. I still remember Garth Crooks' beaming boat race towards us when he did the same thing at the Victoria Ground. Probably the last time we got a penalty.

    Garth Crooks always had an annoyingly beaming boat race anyway!

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