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Everything posted by RoystonFoote'snephew

  1. He will get another job soon because even if he doesn't necessarily walk the walk, he does talk the talk. And just like Hollowhead and others for a time he'll probably have some success, he is streaky Lee after all. I've always felt his biggest problem, like his dad, was over thinking the opposition.
  2. I still feel even now he was one of those that got away. I aways wanted to play him further forward.
  3. Despite talk of banning green shirts it seems they're in vogue for third kits. Tonight's EFL highlights included Northampton Town's electric peppermint shirt and Derby County's Dark Green shirt with off white long shorts and green and white hooped socks for a 40/50s look
  4. I tend to work on the basis that if your owner or chairman are front and centre in the news something is wrong. I expect to hear from the manager on football matters and from the CEO on financial matters and club policy when there's something to say.
  5. Not a dive. By today's standards it's a pen. Are Forest unlucky? Yes, is it soft? Yes, but there's contact knee on knee so in modern game it's a pen.
  6. Boro's Tommy Smith sent off to add to their woes.
  7. Don't Brighton want £100M for him. Sorry! That should be £115M+ as they want more than they received for Moses Caiceido.
  8. As I said a few weeks ago Ipswich will score goals but their season will be determined by whether they can keep the ball out of their own net.
  9. 2 ex City CBs on pitch as, James Wilson is playing for the SAGs
  10. I know it's fun to bait the Scots and for many on here LJ, more so now that he's managing a Scottish team, but tonight's result is in no way remarkable. Given Emery's abilities to get results out of his sides in European competition the only remarkable result would have been a win or draw by Hibs. In fact given that Scotland is a nation of only 5.5million people, a fraction of which are registered footballers, any result by a Scottish team in European competition is remarkable.
  11. I know wertongas is trying to sound knowledgeable and sophisticated but it's not 'nymbies' it's nimby (not in my back yard).
  12. I disagree with this. I am confident that the club does all that it can in a proper manner to persuade players that they don't want to let go to stay. However it is not always possible. In Scott's case it was handled correctly on both sides, he wasn't actively pursuing a transfer or trying to run down his contract for example as others have done. I am sure there are players chasing the money of the Saudi pro league who clubs would have preferred to have kept but we're powerless to prevent, Fulham and Mitrovic are one example. Ofcourse there is the reverse position as well. If a player should honour his contract should not a club also. There has certainly been occasions where a, player has been frozen out and treated badly because the club wants rid.
  13. As I missed the game against Brum and didn't scan my ST I note it hasn't ticked on to the next match yet. Do I have to do something for it to move on?
  14. I certainly thought Ella Toone didn't help as she moved towards Lucy Bronze compressing the space instead if moving away and giving her an outlet.
  15. Utterly fantastic!! A wonder goal from Sam Kerr couldn't stop the march of the Lionesses. Hemp and Russo again doing the business. Bring on the Spanish.
  16. This whole debate is because of VAR. If VAR wasn't present we'd just be talking about another mistake by a ref. Tough luck on Wolves but that's how it goes. Add in VAR however and it fuels the debate on corruption in the game. It is clear what I think of VAR, it's an abomination, but it's not the technology at fault but the interpretation. Technology used correctly can he an aid to sport. Goal line technology is a boon but then like hawkeye in tennis it's black and white. The problem with VAR is it's being administered by the most incompetent set of officials the English game has seen in over 50 years. PMGOLs only purpose seems to be to hand out letters of apology for the sheer incompetence of those under it's control. Certainly there is no evidence that it is doing anything to improve standards.
  17. We've signed some decent players but mostly of Championship level so this is the sort of signing I've been looking for. Allied to her skill Amalie adds the type of experience needed if we are to establish ourselves in the WSL.
  18. Good spot on cleaning up his running style. It should help his progression although Brett 'Hucklebuck' Pitman didn't do too bad with a unique running manner. All told a great start for young Seb in EFL football and long may it continue.
  19. Traditionally the Yorkshire/Durham border was the river Tees. I lived for a number of years in Norton, between Stockton-on-Tees and Billingham in Durham and there was no desire there to be bracketed with the Geordies or Makems.
  20. Excellent win. Never an ease place to go. Very professional.
  21. Although the charges were dropped it is interesting, and welcome to many, that Manchester United have delayed an announcement on Mason Greenwood unitl they have consulted the Manchester United Women's players.
  22. Ordinary maybe but at the time of signing our players at a higher level than us and able to offer a significant wage increase. Whilst not all players are lured by money the overwhelming majority want to play at the highest level. Our failure to keep them was not down to our standing as a club, but to our standing in the league pyramid, which like it or not they were part of. That's how it goes. We enjoy the players while we have them and as they move on so do we.
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