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Ska Junkie

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Everything posted by Ska Junkie

  1. I turned it on just as the game started and the commentator was saying something about 'in the Shadow of their more illustrious neighbours South of the river'? Then I put Derby v Wigan on the red button, Derby look poor tbh.
  2. I really couldn't give a rat's arse if they win tonight. In all honesty, if a sag hadn't asked me, over the weekend, if I would go to Wembley with them (obviously, the answer was **** off!), I would have had no idea they were that close. As for our U23's, do they even have any youth teams any more and, if so, when was the last time their academy (if they've got one at all) produced a player sold for £10M, one for £6M and another youngster one of the biggest clubs in the land wants to buy but were turned down (£2M was it)? Stuff the cave dwellers and their jealousy! OTIB.
  3. Went there boxing day 1987, a load of us in fancy dress. COLD? Bugger me it was lucky we were pissed! The days of away 'cages' in the bad old days. A word of advice to the young 'uns, don't wear a toga to an away game on boxing day!
  4. To be fair, Baz has probably never heard of r*vers and probably thinks Bristol is a one team city.
  5. As an old ex 'Woodie (in my 50's now ), Kingswood was definitely gas when I was growing up. In supporters groups on my age, it probably still is predominantly blue but definitely not with the youngsters. I would suggest that age group is split much more closely if not in our favour nowadays. In my younger days, you rarely saw our red in Kingswood, apart from a few of us but now it's certainly being worn proudly by the younger generation. One thing I can state, living where I do now, is that Banjo (I live nearby) is still defiantly gas, the poor buggers, although you do see kids wearing BCFC colours. They're losing the youngsters to us from their 'heartlands' in big numbers, that should be very worrying for them. Luckily I'm a red so it's all good!
  6. Is it just me that can see the irony of a post wanting to play Sunderland again so they can go on the lash in Newcastle? I'm sure the Mackems will love that!
  7. Premiership fans, unless there's a cycling race on or it's raining, only 6,000 'Premiership loyal' fans can be arsed to turn up then but don't tell them sheeds! Their season ticket sales might be interesting, for Premiership loyal fans.
  8. Sunderland fans like the gas more than us? Ah well, I can live with that as I couldn't give a shit about them. IIRC, the Toon fans said the same about us both home and away so I know which club I prefer up there and guess what, it ain't Sunderland. I only know one Sunderland fan, a fella called Rich who's a lovely bloke. He's ex army and married a Bristol girl many years ago and they settled up there.
  9. 800 to Portsmouth is 'amazing' even though 600 tickets remained unsold yet when we take 8,000 to the Etihad, it's crap? Righto saggies! ?
  10. Gregory Stevens Joined: August 2014 Posts: 848 Academy rumour Feb 3, 2019 at 1:26pm via mobile kingswood Polak, TaiwanGas, and 2 more like this Quote Post by Gregory Stevens on Feb 3, 2019 at 1:26pm Feb 3, 2019 at 1:22pm Bamber Gasgroin said: Feb 3, 2019 at 1:03pm kingswood Polak said: Come on lad, all the prem teams have one don’t you know ? I'll bet Lansdown doesn't have one that he charges to 1982. OK, they aren't a PL team, yet, but Lansdown will carry on chucking money at it until they are. Makes me feel quite unwell, but that's the reality of it. After years of them smashing up our ground, burning it down, chasing our players off the pitch. Biggest bunch of assholes on the planet and they s*** a golden egg. If it was a usual rivalry, fair enough, but they have been a really vile bunch over the years. Still, nobody will recognise this. Some media people don’t realise they are not Bristol Rovers and give them the “rags to riches” tag, despite the fact they’ve had a revolving door of money men for decades and their current asshole in chief is one of the richest men in the UK, who has bought them to where they are, and a lot of clubs have gone places on a fraction of what he’s invested Read more: http://gasheads.org/thread/8045/academy-rumour?page=2#ixzz5fprn9vxL
  11. I’ve just stumbled on the other gasheads forum and some numpty has said ‘the media haven’t realised that the Bristol team they are giving plaudits to isn’t actually Bristol rovers.’ I shit you not, unbe-bloody- lievable arrogance from the pikey, crappy little club!
  12. It's a curry house nowadays BR. I pop in there for a beer now and again but it's a pale shadow of the raucous place it used to be. If there are 10 people having a drink that's a busy night. As for the lamb, their last bastion of blue I think, only been in there once.
  13. I live in Barrs court BR. Even here, the majority of the gas we see and hear are up around their 50's now apart from small groups. Pretty much all the young 'uns are reds even if their parents are gas. Chatting to a few gas tonight about this, and they're gutted but they don't blame the youngsters. Back in the day, we rarely saw a red shirt on this side of town, now they're everywhere. The old gas think this will revert to type IF they get a stadium but they are also very realistic that they can't afford one and are losing a whole generation to us. IMHO, that will take some recovering from their side, all good for us though. Lose a generation, you generally lose the next one as well. Whether it's them being so bad or us having the facilities / higher level of football / potential, the younger generation are definitely changing sides and it's great to see.
  14. It wasn't Henbury ****t was it? I'm gonna have to find it on catchup now.
  15. My sister lives on Mount hill, I'll have a word!
  16. All their supporters are allegedly too old to have kids though Fiale, grandkids maybe. Imagine the conversation, 'come on TogHill and Syston common (named after where the grandchildren were conceived) , grandad is taking you to a party at the gas'. 'Bugger that grandad, you senile old fart, I'm off down the City with dad, like the rest of my generation'.
  17. Ah, the old USP delusion, we haven't had that one for a while. What are they? They're crap, play in a crap ground, unique kit (apart from Wycombe and Sabadell who also wear stupid quarters), old supporters, standing up (I'll give them that one even though it's not through choice), tents, falling support so there's plenty of room, minibus head butting, boob cricket, attacking players and their hospital transport, deluded fans, crap pasties, charging for water, Irene (stolen), gert pirate (St Pauli), international ownership, a manager who talks like Louis Walsh, hate them bloody 'teds, 'coming for you', erm, any more?
  18. IF we made the Prem, I can think of 200M reasons why we could just smile at the venting sags, even if we did go straight back down. I do like the fact that they're blaming a bloke who was on the UWE board when the fewers plan was agreed but wasn't on it when it was turfed out. The problem is within r*vers saggies, not anywhere else, be it funding, Higgs agreeing a crap deal with UWE which WAQ didn't like etc etc. I gather that horse has truly bolted anyway so why torture yourselves? Nip up to Mount hill and look over the allotments and you can see, in the distance, what a real new stadium looks like. It's great for them that they can see the Gate from miles away in Hanham, if there are any gas eds left in Hanham.
  19. You would have thought they would shut up given how well we're going wouldn't you?
  20. Agent Wael? In all seriousness, we would be better off if they did go 'pop'. The party might leave a fair few of us needing medical treatment though. ?
  21. Yep. SL, even though he has a multi Billion £ business empire plus a successful multi Million £ sporting company to run, spends all his time worrying about what a crappy little team at the bottom of the 3rd tier, in a crap stadium with falling crowds, that are all getting old, is doing, all because he was turned down 40 years ago when he offered to invest. Seems credible! ?
  22. Interesting comparison between themselves, St Pauli in Hamburg and Union Berlin. Both of the German clubs have redeveloped stadiums, nothing like the dump in BS7. They want to do a 'Cardiff or Brighton', both of those are in 1 club cities and Brighton paid £93M to build the Amex while Cardiff sold their original stadium site to developers to fund their part of the CCS but, I repeat, they're in a 1 club city. R*vers are up to their eyes in debt to the value of the site so that's not an option. IF the muppets in BS7 had the funding (clearly they don't have a penny to scratch their arses with), they would get a stadium at some point. If they want something for nothing from the council, yes, we will ask for the same amount of money as we live in a 2 club (for now at least ) city and the council have to be seen to be fair to both. Always the victim that lot and want something handed to them for nothing. The rest of the world pays their way but not them. Always everybody elses (our) fault. Finances are always overlooked on their forums, they can't afford a new stadium, simples! Sod them!
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