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Ska Junkie

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Everything posted by Ska Junkie

  1. Is it just me that would be gutted to see Cotts or Gary J at the methanarium? It would totally wreck any esteem I hold them in and both are held highly. I don't want Cotts or Gary J to be gas bastards, they're City.
  2. To be fair, the sags live in the past with their knuckle dragging supporters, budget and 1940's ground.
  3. Forest and Bradford were very good, the 5 nil at the Vetch and the 4 nil at St Andrews stand out as well. Liverpool was brilliant, but it has to be Highfield rd for me, my first away night match. Thanks dad.
  4. On the Muller Rd end for that one, bedlam, absolute bedlam! They were trying to lord it over us beforehand but we soon showed who Bristol's better club was and have continued ever since. Terry Cooper is an proper legend, end of.
  5. That's the one Bob, 24 seconds in! LOOOOOL. What a belter.
  6. Thanks RLL but there's another one where some 15'er is sat in a bar, straight faced, telling a city fan they're mega rich and the city fan absolutely destroys him. That's the one I'm trying to find.
  7. Has anyone got the video of one of theirs saying 'we're the 6th richest club in the country' while one of ours laughs at him? I can't find it.
  8. Cotts surely wouldn't blot his copy book by going there would he? Hero status at the Gate, that walk around the pitch after the Birmingham game, the 'ragbag rovers' comment? He would spoil a great relationship with our support if he went there. He's a Bristol red end of.
  9. Let me know if you're up there again, I was literally 200 yards away.
  10. You're joking? I would have been right up for that.
  11. To be fair, one of theirs has put this deluded idiot right on their forum, 22k for the non league game. Was it even that many? I don't really give a monkeys tbh.
  12. They'll get the derbies back I suppose but it would be Longwell Green, Bitton and Cadbury heath rather than us. Oh yeah, hadn't noticed that, well spotted.
  13. Blimey! Southern combination or the Western league then, wow!
  14. If it's 3 levels down, Southern league I should think, tier 7. Didn't Hereford and Wimbledon start even further down though? 1. Prem 2. Championship 3. L1 4. L2 5. Conference / national league 6. National league North / National league South 7. Northern Premier league / Isthmian league / Southern league. One division above Longwell green and Bitton I think.
  15. Aren't Bath city part of the 'stadium for Bath' thing? I thought Trumpton was going to be redeveloped as part of the stadium scheme.
  16. I can't see that happening Eddie, neither fan base would be happy with that at all, especially ours. When they tried it years ago, I seem to remember virtually no gas turned up. On that point, what possible benefit would there be in allowing them to use our stadium, surely it would be to their benefit? I guess they would have to pay serious money to use the Gate (if they paid) but I can't see SL allowing them to play in BS3 at all. Business wise, I guess it would be a reasonable move but I would hope even our Management aren't that naive.
  17. Spot on GD. I was also at Newport, just HAD to be there as the club was due to be wound up the following day IIRC. As for the derbies, there are a whole generation now that have never been to a meaningful derby which says quite a lot IMHO. I don't wish to belittle the LDV / Auto windscreens but those games were nothing like a proper league derby. It's a pity for the younger ones but there's absolutely nothing we can do. The fact that the other mob were circling like vultures, waiting to get their hands on the Gate all those years ago, still rankles so I don't wish them well BUT to see long standing friends (even though their taste in football clubs suck) in genuine despair, brought it home a bit that they really could fold. They're in a very dark place and they seem to be realising it. I wouldn't be surprised to see them homeless again in the near future TBH.
  18. Thanks Eddie, out of likes so consider yourself 'liked'.
  19. Didn't Aldershot go pop at some point, only to reform as an AFC?
  20. I'm gonna give this thread some 'sensible' perspective for a change. Been out for a pre Xmas ruby tonight with long time friends, some of which are gas. Inevitably, living on the dark side, we ended up in Dando's, in Oldland. I got chatting to a few proper gas, 40 year men, who have my respect and to see their pain, actually hurt. Maybe I'm getting old. The consensus is that Clarke is an honest, straight talking bloke that's been let down massively by owners that promised all sorts and delivered naff all. Essentially, they feel sacking Clarke would be a huge mistake but realise the Al Q's are now in a position to essentially close them down by calling in their debt. While I, obviously laughed, I felt their pain as their club could genuinely be killed off! Shame eh! 1982 bitches, 1982!!!
  21. If you want to hear the bit that was censored by the gas, go to 35:30 on this link. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p06sn1n1 He's had a proper pop to be honest. Also from 2 minutes onwards on the video in this link. https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/i-cant-see-stadium-happening-2307356?fbclid=IwAR3Iv6ebJTTwApuu_CRHj92BkbMNRxzOvTvpOWr-z6t6juxkAiDCjtKfZbo The upshot is exactly where I thought we would be. Players will have to go out for me to get a couple of loans in, so there’ll be a few tweaks in January, so I know exactly where that is. I know exactly… I’m being honest now, they try and tell me different, but I can’t see the training ground or stadium happening any time I’m manager and, for me, I think it’s the other way. There’s going to be cuts. You have to deal with that. As a manager, you sit here and go right, what do I do? I’ll do what I’ve always done when I’ve been at this football club, I’ll fight for the supporters. My efforts might not be good enough but I’m going to be in there, pitching, fighting, scrapping for them, to be honest with you. Like I said before, this club in the last 30, 40 years, has not had – the only people that hurt are the supporters. Until people say they’re going to do what they’re going to do and get it done, and build, the club will yo-yo from League One and League Two. Listen, I’m saying that as an underachieving manager, I have a mid-table budget in League One and I ain’t succeeded this year, I’m underachieving. In the last two years I’ve had a bottom six, bottom eight, budget and we’ve over achieved. This year I’m under achieving as a manager and I’ll take that. My signings haven’t been good enough, without a shadow of a doubt I ain’t shirking responsibility, but it still needs that backing, pushing, facilities to move forward and we’re still in the same place. You talk about money being tight and budgets being cut, is that something that will happen imminently? I think it will be over the next 12 months but I have to deal with that. It doesn’t matter, the bottom line is it’s the highest budget I’ve had since I’ve been manager, that’s football, it’s a mid-table League One budget, we still have to overachieve to get into the top six, which clubs are capable of, I’ve done it for the last three years myself. In League Two it was a mid-table budget, we got promoted, and then the last two years we finished higher than where we were. So that’s what it is, that’s where we are, that’s clarity. Whether that upsets a few, it probably will do, but I always think honesty, integrity, letting people know the score is the best way of dealing with it.
  22. They should really be bottom as isn't that the population of the city of Bristol, not the whole thing which is over 1 Million nowadays? • Metro 1,006,600 That equates to 0.825% putting them BOTTOM.
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