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Ska Junkie

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Everything posted by Ska Junkie

  1. Theresa May is touring the countryside in a chauffeur-driven car. Suddenly a cow jumps out into the road. They hit it full on and the car comes to a stop. Theresa in her usual charming manner, says to the chauffeur....... "You get out and check - you were driving." The chauffeur gets out, checks and reports that the animal is dead. "You were driving; go and tell the farmer," says Theresa. Five hours later the chauffeur returns totally plastered, his hair ruffled and with a big grin on his face. "My God, what happened to you?" asks Theresa. The chauffeur replies: "When I got there, the farmer opened his best bottle of malt whisky, the wife gave me a slap-up meal and the daughter made love to me." "What on earth did you say?" asks Theresa. "I knocked on the door and when it was answered, I said to them.... "I'm Theresa May's chauffeur and I've just killed the cow."
  2. Does that scarf, top left, say 'they came, they left with the points'? 'Tote, they came and took over'? 'Tote, they came to rob the supporters club'? 'Tote, they came but we're the envy of the football world so we just lied about it'? 'Tote, the 'Teds came and we couldn't move them, regularly'? 'Tote, they came as we couldn't afford to stay'? Can anyone help?
  3. They can only go down 1 division at a time B11, not 4 or 5.
  4. I thought they had a call to arms to turn up and back their team for 90 minutes as they're so 'special'? That went well then!
  5. R.I.P Kevin. Very sad and far too young.
  6. Doesn't mean the players mind BS4, they're obviously 'teds'. I gather 'loyal and true' now means 'BOOO', 'what a load of rubbish', '****** shit' and 'not fit to wear the shirt' by the way. Re: Rovers (a) The Ship Shape and Bristol Fashion Match Thre by NoMagRyan » 21 Nov 2018, 23:23 Also good to hear the Bristol Rovers 'army' are actually capable of making some noise after watching them sit in silence eating their sandwiches at The Hive for 90 minutes, even if that noise was them booing their own team. Couldn't have happened to a nicer team
  7. I had to pop on to the Bees forum and say thanks, what a decent lot they are.
  8. I'm seriously warming to the Barnet fans, they know exactly what a load of bullshitting cretins the sags are. Re: Rovers (a) The Ship Shape and Bristol Fashion Match Thre by barnetboy1 » 21 Nov 2018, 21:47 The Gas??? I fart in your general direction.
  9. bs14gas Youth Team Posts: 32 Member is Online Posting Level Next Level in 68 posts 7 minutes ago Quote Post by bs14gas on 7 minutes ago 18 minutes ago brisgas said: Saw a rumour on twitter that Payne and Smith both told the fans to **** off after the game. May be BS but wouldn’t be surpised. Can anyone confirm this? Didn't see payne say anything but Smith definitely did
  10. With their crowd, I wouldn't make too many!
  11. 2740! WTF is that? Loyal and true????
  12. Erm, https://www.thefreedictionary.com/foot+pedal
  13. He / she will be accused of being a 'Ted' pretty soon I should think SR.
  14. That was with a special 'bring 2 mates for a tenner' too! Less than 8k home fans again. OTIB
  15. They could actually make it through to the point where we enter the competition! Just saying.
  16. 'Bristol's army'? Don't tar us with the same brush as that load of neanderthal knuckle dragging swamp life FFS!!
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