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Ska Junkie

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Everything posted by Ska Junkie

  1. Another victory over the pikeys for us! They really are no competition are they? https://www.efl.com/news/2018/march/efl-six-regional-checkatrade-community-clubs-of-the-year/
  2. That'll go down a bomb in Wardour street so make sure you're in the crowd, you wouldn't want to appear a Billy Hunt after all.
  3. That is truly terrible! We could always do our version? 'We're in the play offs, da da da da da da Going for promotion, da da da da da da and we're loving it plus we know the gas are sh1t I am joking by the way, not that they're sh1t but the ditty.
  4. Gas maths = actual + gas delusion factor = total bullshit number. Come on Sergio, you know this surely?
  5. They don't want to come up here, they wouldn't stand a snowball in hells' chance at this level! Topical and true.
  6. I'm inclined to agree BarBS3. How many sides relegated from the Prem are going straight back up? (Potentially none) while 2 of the sides relegated from the Championship look like coming back up. Does that mean the gap between the bottom PL sides and the Championship is small or just that the gap between the Championship and L1 is greater? Personally, I think it's possibly both.
  7. brisgas123 Rickie Lambert Posts: 3,475 Member is Online Posting Level Next Level in 1525 posts 4 hours ago via mobile pirate and Hugo the Elder like this Quote Post by brisgas123 on 4 hours ago What an absolutely appalling game of football Even their own know they're crap!
  8. When they spout their lies on their own sites, there's no opposition, just kindred spirits who like to tell themselves how great they are. They can spout any old crap and their fellow losers lap it up. It's become the norm for them as they don't let fans of other clubs onto their forums, unlike proper clubs. They're an embarrassment TBH.
  9. It's supposed to be a 'D' but I can see where you're coming from.
  10. Not one of the ****wits knew the verses RA75, not a single one!
  11. I remember getting a load of abuse from gasheads in a local boozer a while back and had about 20 of them droning on with that dirge. I asked them to sing the verses, after a quick google, not one of them could do it. It took a s***head to tell them the words to their own (nicked I know) anthem. I was a tad smug afterwards TBH.
  12. I heard he doesn't even need a ladder, he levitates!
  13. Cracking reply fella! The lovely Wael doesn't want to confuse the poor lambs with complicated stuff, that's lovely isn't it? How thoughtful is that? What a lovely bloke, always thinking of others!
  14. Or how far you're punching above your weight mate. Personality does go a long way eh! Wally is a thoroughly lovely bloke though.
  15. To be fair mate, your Mrs is a pretty girl! Wael's on the phone as we speak!
  16. 'Not much noise from the away fans, I expected more from them'. Surely this is wrong? The faithful and true are the 'bestest fans in the world' aren't they? The lad pretty much said ro**rs were crap as well, I like the fella!
  17. As I remember it, he was invited to show proof of this disabled red, supposedly attacked by our supporters in the stadium, and didn't, it was denied by both the football club AND Avon and Somerset police, wasn't seen by anyone in the 20,000+ crowd and was proven to be bullshit! IIRC, wasn't there talk of a libel suit against Henbury numbnuts for blatant lies? If that's 'proving us wrong', I would love to know what the weather is like on his / her / it's planet? What a bell end!
  18. They've already started. I had one of them telling me 'we'll be playing you next season' on Saturday night. My response was 'we've got enough points to stay up already and you really don't want to go up as you'll get ripped a new arsehole at our level'. Said methane snorter replied with 'at least we'll have 2 easy games'. Deluded barsteward!
  19. Aren't Barnsley minted now, I thought they were taken over? Good job for Clarke TBH and the dogs in Barnsley will be happy.
  20. I think we've pretty much done that already. It's great to see so many young 'uns at the Gate nowadays while I have heard gas fans complain that their fan base seems bereft of youngsters. Actually what they said was' where's all the ******' babbies gone up the Mem? All old bast***s up yer nowadays, ******' teds'!
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