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Everything posted by pillred

  1. I was thinking if they score with 10 mins left we will find some way of throwing it away but really in the end we never really looked like doing our usual.
  2. When we win and the Gas lose it somehow makes Saturdays so much better :laugh:.
  3. I think the decimal point was in the wrong place.
  4. A Woke card? (sorry white) I mean when is this going to end? a card shown at the end to both teams for playing the game in a fair and sporting manner? I may come accross as unfeeling and perhaps that's my age but deary me where will this end?
  5. Are you talking about goals on Sunday? if you are it's on Sky sports news which can be added to your package I only pay an extra £1a month for it.
  6. They are actually on earlier than that on ITV1 at 10:55pm Saturday and repeated on ITV4 at 00:55am Sunday.
  7. He does now, my god he seems to have doubled in size since he joined Newcastle those deep fried mars bars and Parmo are doing him no favours :laugh:.
  8. When you look at the list of players we have sold over the past say 4 years or so they would have made quite a formidable team, it's frustrating being a city fan that's for sure.
  9. So do I which makes it all the more galling they can come and tempt away players like Loyd Kelly from us.
  10. Looks like we have at last learned from some of our past mistakes and are no longer a easy target for clubs looking to get our players for a song. I know nearly all clubs are selling clubs but the reason we never seem to progress beyond Championship standard is because we keep losing our better players, if only we could hold on to some of them for long enough to get to the top flight it might be us poaching promising players. I hope I live long enough to see us nick Bournemouth's best player off them god it annoys me that they are in a position to tempt away our best players.
  11. It's been quite a while since I came out of the ground with a smile on my face, yesterday I was positively beaming.
  12. I know, it started out at a fiver in the cricket club then somebody saw pound signs and bought the field next door and doubled it to a tenner then they got even greedier and upped it to fifteen quid and that's all the past 3 years so that's a 300% increase, and on music events and balloon fiestas I was told they were charging £50 your right it is scandalous.
  13. They were charging £25 yesterday, the field next door is usually £15 (but is much more on music events) but yesterday it was too wet, so be careful on rainy days relying on it as there are no alternatives.
  14. My take on Brum is they were bloody dangerous going forward but today we just that bit more dangereouser :laugh:.
  15. To be fair we had by then suffered 3 consecutive relegations, I'm not sure what our lowest gate ever for a league match was but I can safely say I was probably there I reckon we still made as much noise as crowds much larger (or is that rose tinted specs).
  16. Anybody watching this that did not know the teams would assume we were a plucky lower league team playing a team from a much higher division, I have to say it does not bode well for the rest of the season.
  17. I get effected every time a player leaves us for a team I consider to be no better than us and in quite a few cases a "smaller"club just because they have parachute payments and can outbid us on wages, Bournemouth being the one that p**es me off the most losing Lloyd Kelly to them really got my goat.
  18. An over quoted reply but unfortunately too true in our case is, it's the hope that kills you.
  19. So 42 years of disappointment by those old enough to remember us trying to get back there counts for nothing? let's see how you feel in 2065, yes 2065!
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