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Everything posted by pillred

  1. Anyone brave enough to bet on that will be sunning themselves on a nice warm beach incredible. I'm struggling to think of a more exciting and enjoyable final.
  2. Quite looking forward to extra time, something 10 minutes ago I would never have thought I'd say.
  3. Is this the most one sided world cup final ever? I have witnessed (remember) 15 and this is by far the easiest win ever if it stays the same. result.
  4. pillred


    He has been at the club for nearly two years, personally I see no improvement in either their desire, organisation, or defensive capability, do you?
  5. pillred


    Apart from your reluctance to let Pearson go there is not a lot else wrong with this post sadly, personally I can see no reason to delay the inevitable and get rid now and let someone else have a go, who? well that's the 64 thousand dollar question.
  6. If results were as bad, surely you are not happy with current or past results/performances, we have been pretty awful for long periods with short (very) times when we look ok I and I'm sure you if your honest with yourself expected a bit more from our manager by now even allowing for all the excuses that keep being trotted out in his defence.
  7. Oh god the gas are now winning which means my visit to the duke later will mean much pi*s taking especially if results stay the same for us.
  8. I'm not sure any manager would be given as much time at another Championship side given his overall record it's woeful really when you look at it, whether anybody else could do better?I would like to think we will see that sooner rather than too later.
  9. I may as well say it but maybe just maybe it's time for someone else to have a go at getting something out of what on paper is a good group of players.
  10. In other news beginning to look like another side that was in League one after us and are in all sorts of financial trouble might well make the promised land before us, Coventry have just gone 3 up against Swansea.
  11. Boxing day by the time I have gone for a drink or two lunch would normally be around 3pm for me, if you like to eat lunch at 12pm good for you, me I like to drink first then eat so would never have my lunch as early as that.
  12. I must admit their proposal to increase the number of teams to 48 just smacks of commercialism, 16 groups of three with the top two going through, I mean come on.
  13. I suppose there are certain players that the manager will pick if he at all can, Benzema probably falls into that category, it must be a little annoying especially the player he might replace but it does go on all the time even we have done it at city, but yes I think it can cause a bit of disquiet amongst the rest of the team.
  14. Looks like a bug is going through the French team at least 3 players are so far doubtful for the game Sunday but there is talk of Benzema making a surprise comeback.
  15. I must admit I would have preferred the boxing day fixture to have been a 1 o clock KO 3pm means lunch won't be till half five but I understand for away supporters it would mean an early start but we have had early kick offs before.
  16. Wouldn't that be amazing, let's hope they do a Leicester city and surprise us all.
  17. Or the Falklands, that's the reason I want them to lose they cost us a lot of brave men defending them and for that out of the French or them much as I have no love for the French either they are the lesser of two evils for me. Happy wife happy life :laugh:.
  18. That was another one, I used poetic licence he actually used to say "it's a ten from Len"
  19. I can't believe I'm actually saying this but yes come on France, on a scale of one to ten on how much I wan't Argentina to lose as Len Goodman famously said most weeks on strictly "it's a ten from me"
  20. I take it you have somewhere to charge your car like a garage or drive, because if you did not I doubt you would be so enthusiastic being at the mercy of public charging which at the moment can be problematic and very expensive compared to home charging, in my street of 35 houses 5 at most have an off street space, this is the problem at the moment nowhere near enough infrastructure to make me at this time confident of being able to make a longish journey that's why I will probably buy a self charging hybrid like the new Honda Civic and wait till the public charging capacity is much more evenly spread and regulated so people like me don't have to pay more to get around just because I don't live in a house with a drive at least fossil fuels cost the same for everyone.
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