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Everything posted by pillred

  1. So 42 years of disappointment by those old enough to remember us trying to get back there counts for nothing? let's see how you feel in 2065, yes 2065!
  2. Thanks, it's really annoying that series link on Sky Q never seems to pick up a programme if it changes to another channel, I probably would have missed it tonight if I had not seen your post.
  3. Look results have been disappointing surely you can accept the reasons people are not happy, no agenda just reacting to what has been a very lacklustre 2 years under our present manager, and yes I know all the excuses trotted out, some have merit a lot do not.
  4. How have you recovered? my wife has just come home from hospital today having had one two weeks ago, she is improving slightly but still is very weak on her left side did it take a while before you got back to normality? luckily her mental capacity has not been affected so I'm still getting it in my ear :laugh:.
  5. What's a Grecian urn? 3 points :laugh:. (sorry).
  6. It's incredible the difference between the two teams they seem to get our share as well as their own.
  7. All valid comments though surely.
  8. Unlike any other manager we have EVER had he seems to be above criticism by a fairly large percentage of posters on here, there are some mitigating excuses in his favour but personally with the personnel he has at his disposal and the signings he has made and his overall record as a manager I would say his time at city has been a mostly disappointing one and that's me being generous, who could take over and do any better? now you're asking.
  9. Another little piece of my childhood gone, hard to argue he really was and still is the best player to have ever graced the game. RIP Pele I will miss just knowing you are around.
  10. I'm not sure how tongue in cheek this was or indeed not but there is many a true word spoken in jest.
  11. 7-45 tomorrow you make it sound like we are playing tonight.
  12. I can't find it on Sky, they are showing Blackpool Shef utd what channel is it on?
  13. I would say in the main you do indeed post a lot of sense but today for some reason that sense has deserted you, maybe you were trying to be funny I don't know but judging by the reactions to your post most did not find it amusing and were a tad disappointed in it
  14. I'm afraid that's the way it WILL come across to the majority of posters though me very much included, you want to be careful your post could well come back to haunt you and sooner than you think.
  15. I think what he is getting at is those same players under a different manager for whatever reason were going down by the looks of it, and under a new manager are suddenly playing like world beaters, it's not the money spent but how those players are set up, don't you think we could or should be doing better? I do and at the moment somebody else setting the team up and coaching them differently is the only option or we will sleepwalk our way to League one. I can't see where the next win is going to come from at the moment.
  16. I know, I'm not sure if I should applaud the fact we give our managers time or bemoan the fact we don't cut our losses sooner, but having been a hapless spectator today and watched a team that had gone from hapless to hopeful (WBA) just from making a change in manager it's tempting to think we could be one change up top to becoming the team that most us think we could be.
  17. Sack, any other manager with his record would have been sacked ages ago.
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