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Everything posted by pillred

  1. Looks like next season football will have to be played in front of half empty stadiums, and even that may have to be reduced further if chanting is found to further spread the virus says a government advisor, not good news if you have just bought a season ticket.
  2. Wouldn't go down that road we have only won once in the last 10 ourselves.
  3. I think it's a bit late to be worrying about the fans losing faith that ship has sailed. I think we are onto damage limitation, I was a season ticket holder for nearly 30 years and believe me when I say if I am beginning to lose interest the club had better beware. I'm sure there are a lot more like me out there and once they like me grow out of the habit of attending regularly it's hard to win them back, I still go down but just half as often and that is almost entirely because of the way they are playing at home and I think we all know who is responsible for that.
  4. According to the Huddersfield chairman who said until a vaccine the government has said there will be no large gatherings, so make of that what you will I take that to mean football and sport gatherings but if you know more let me know.
  5. Trouble is what if a vaccine is not found what then? realistically that would mean 60% of clubs would probably go bust with no crowds allowed. I'm assuming the championship and premier league would then be relying on tv money and any sponsorship they could get, I suppose city would be one of the clubs that could survive a long period without crowds due to Steve Lansdown but there is no guarantee he would continue to bankroll the club.
  6. I would assume that's why they test them so that sort of thing doesn't happen.
  7. Yes I know that, I did say assuming we didn't go up, but seriously was just thinking it might be a way that the club wont have to shell out a shedload of money in refunds when they can least afford it.
  8. Probably the first time in my life to do with Bristol City I'm praying we don't get a positive result.
  9. Would people be happy if the club were to say to existing season ticket holders we will only base next seasons price on 18 games and price it accordingly (assuming we don't go up)
  10. And you know that how? there may be a slight rise at first as there is more social contact but as far as a second wave is concerned you like everyone else is merely guessing.
  11. Does that mean there will be no promotion from the National league?
  12. Clubs have voted to end the season and decide positions on a points per game basis with no relegation and still to contest the playoffs, league one couldn't agree and will sit again on Monday. This topic is on the coronavirus thread as well I have just noticed so maybe look on that one.
  13. Over apparently decided on a points per game method, playoffs still to be contested with no relegation, league one to meet again Monday as yet undecided.
  14. Clubs have voted to end the season, league 0ne couldn't agree.
  15. All pitches have to conform to a certain size there is a minimum and maximum I'm pretty sure therefore that ours would meet all criteria.
  16. Hence why he is the only person I have ever put on ignore, it's bliss not having to read the crap he comes out with.
  17. I think the old Div 3 north and south would be a good compromise depending on how many clubs are viable.
  18. Yes they are guilty of a lot of things I will certainly agree on that. I don't read it to be educated or even informed as such but it has a certain charm in its own way and the sports coverage especially the football is pretty good. I actually read the Mail as my daily though to some that seems just as bad.
  19. All the papers circulations are way down due to the internet, my point was it remains the most bought so obviously is the most read (I think a lot more than a million actually read it) though I get your point.
  20. As I said I read it on Saturdays only and take most of it with a certain scepticism, yes calling it a NEWSpaper is a bit of a stretch, they were wrong in the way they reported Hillsboro but I have said elsewhere that was 24 years ago and the people working on it today can't really be held responsible for the actions of the people then, a bit like the war the German people today are not to blame for what happened 80 years ago, some people can never forgive them for it and I can completely understand that but it seems on here to admit you even read the Sun is heresy and I find that a bit strange, most papers if not all have printed things which are later proved to be false the Sun made a huge error of judgment and have apologised many times I personally have accepted that and moved on.
  21. It was 24 years ago they have apologised god knows how many times and have admitted they got it wrong I don't know what more they can do, if you don't want to let it go that's your prerogative.
  22. No it's not, but people continually use the Liverpool/Hillsboro reporting as a stick to beat them with, look if all news paper circulations are down but the Sun is still the biggest seller (I only have the official circulation figures to go on) then a lot of people are still reading it, depending on your political persuasion you will either choose the Mail and Sun or something like the mirror or Guardian personally I lean towards the Former but certainly take most of what they say with a good pinch of salt.
  23. The Sun, do you mean the paper with the largest daily circulation in the UK (apart from one other which is free) why apologise, either people are lying about reading it (due to its circulation) or there are a lot of hypocrites that read it but pretend to be outraged about it, personally I only buy it on a Saturday, but let's not play at being outraged by it's existence because of what went on about the Liverpool reporting, they made a huge error of judgment we now know with hindsight they were completely wrong, hold your hands up who hasn't done the same at some point?
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