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Everything posted by BCFCGav

  1. Nige will be greeted like a king at the King Power. Hopefully he leaves a villain!
  2. He’s had surgery, they’re doing it now to have him back for pre-season/next season.
  3. I think we can trust Tinnion to turn that ship around. In terms of unknowns over the past year, we’ve gotten Tanner and Anis, both of whom look good. O’Brien looks another in that mould. The work he’s done in the academy proves his eye for a gem, I think we’re starting to see that in the market.
  4. BCFCGav


    Palmer’s tricks not coming off.
  5. BCFCGav


    Horrible memories of Eriksen and Muamba but no defibs thankfully. Still no replay of what happened but hope he’s ok.
  6. BCFCGav


    Something very wrong with Lockyer here. Unclear what’s happened but not good. Fingers crossed he’s ok.
  7. BCFCGav


    Mon then Cov. **** Luton.
  8. Wow, what an ending. Heartbreaking for Dortmund.
  9. Will be very odd not hearing his voice when stuck in traffic post-match. Big shoes for somebody to fill. Happy retirement Geoff!
  10. I'm honestly just thinking of the most recent season. Many times I can recall where we'd concede a goal (a horrid feeling of course) and then right away the fans got restless to the point we were moaning and groaning and shouting at every small mistake. It's no wonder our attack then looks out of sorts, the players may see a pass that's difficult but could put us in a really strong position but think 'no, if I try that and it goes wrong I'm in the shit'. The crowd is too quick to turn support into just waiting to criticise. It's an area we can improve imo.
  11. We’re a horrid home crowd at times. Turn so negative so quickly - it really doesn’t help the team.
  12. People were lauding his shot-stopping last weekend, they’ve now seen the other side ? right call to move him on.
  13. BCFCGav


    If you do business with any Sheffield based companies, I wouldn’t bother calling in tomorrow! What a party they’ll be having tonight. That was just silly. Amazing.
  14. I actually am quite excited we’re using the HPC in this way for an international side. I know we use it as a bargaining chip when trying to tempt players and it seems they really respond to it. On Ferguson - he’s miles ahead of us already I’m afraid. On some big big clubs radars. Edit - I now see you weren’t suggesting him, just using him as an example.
  15. Ogbene, hope you like the facilities! Sign here and you can use them for another 4 years
  16. Of course I could never actually go through with it, but very occasionally I miss League 1 ? wrap up a 5th 3rd Division title and a 4th JPT, celebrations all round ???
  17. BCFCGav


    The year from which we went so close and could ‘kick on’ ? this bloody sport hurts my heart sometimes!
  18. BCFCGav


    Luton or Coventry promoted. I feel sick. Next season boys. Come on.
  19. Extra Source on the derbies next season if he's in there. I'd dislike them even more which I didn't know I could.
  20. Bell's touch and finish against West Brom (his second) not being included is a bit of a travesty, that was elite finishing.
  21. Strange seeing Havanatopia’s comments now. It’s also nice in a way - a permanent record of our support of this Club, through the good, bad and really really bad. Rest easy Hav.
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