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Everything posted by Gazred

  1. Ok, thats fantastic and glad they have the support of all relevant parties, genuinely glad to hear that things have been addressed in that regard. Still, a supermarket there is not needed in any way shape or form, for anyone in power to allow it just seems total madness to me.
  2. Obviously us lot on here are all to aware of how this process works. They will surely appeal, as late in the day as they can without it looking too deliberate. They will know its pretty much a lost cause, but if it can delay things for a tad longer it increases the chance of derailing the project or at least increasing the cost. No idea what time lines your working with, but just say the appeal would push the start of the works over until sometime during next season, what if you get relegated before then? Building a new multi-million pound stadium is unlikely to be a high priority. For the record, i think the location and size of your new stadium is spot on, really sensible place to have it. However, having spent the majority of my life living in the area around Glos Rd, never in a million years is there a need there for a another huge supermarket there and certainly not a the cost of a war memorial.
  3. I can't help but think that our highly publisised case would of only helped the cause. Bristol is so desperate for new stadia and an arena that one had to be given the green light sooner or later
  4. It's a fair point. We have signed the equivalent of Brighton's Louis Carey, albeit a few years younger. He could probably do no wrong there, bar the occasional below par performance, but the symbiosis of that relationship with the supporters and given Brighton's relative success over the last few years, it's no surprise to see him struggling to settle into the team here. I'm sure he will come good, certainly prefer that sooner rather than later.
  5. After ploughing through 7 pages of "im right your not", i can only come to this conclusion: If we could of/can play some winning football for a sustained period, this thread wouldnt be happening. I never really liked Gary Johnson as a footballing personality but he produced positive results for a period and i got on board and enjoyed the ride. Amazing how a decent result(s) can change the focus of the masses. After the Orient result if SC had said im a winner and i like my players to be too, like they were tonight, again, i don't this thread would be happening.
  6. Couldn't end as bad as the last Egyptian we tried to sign! Surprised we are in for another CB though. Perhaps Fontaine has been used as a bit of a stop gap or now Carey has the record he's going to be taking a back seat for the rest his playing contract.
  7. In theory probably an ideal candidate but his Rovers heritage swings it to a no for me. Besides, we would be on a hiding to nothing with the Gas. If he is successful, we would never hear the end of how it took a Rovers legend to do the business for us, if he failed, we would never hear the end of it as it would be well done agent Holloway.
  8. Gazred

    The Mem

    I suspect it was a day when the egg chasers were playing.
  9. Gazred

    The Mem

    Can't say i have ever seen their pitch looking this good..... Must be some photoshopping going on there surely?
  10. Gazred

    The Mem

    Blimey, almost getting a bit of deja vu here..... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-bristol-24952871 Bristol Rovers supermarket plan: Judicial review approved A High Court judge has ruled a judicial review into plans for a supermarket at the Bristol Rovers football ground can go ahead. The club says it needs to sell its ground to Sainsbury's to fund a move to a 21,700-seat stadium in Frenchay. But Trashorfield Ltd (Traders and Residents Against Sainsbury's Horfield) said it was against a "goliath supermarket" in a residential area. It wants a review to reveal why the city council approved the store. Bristol Rovers chairman Nick Higgs has said a judicial review will cost the club "an awful lot of money" in delays. 'Important for democracy' He said it is "a huge irritant" and is "very disappointed" that the review has been approved. "Ultimately this [the supermarket] will get built, it's just a delay," he added. Trashorfield spokeswoman Diana Scrafton said there were already 14 supermarkets within a three-mile radius and another was "not needed". She said: "The judicial review is an important part of our democratic system that can help to ensure that important decisions are taken properly and we are grateful to have this decision scrutinised." The Bristol North West MP, Charlotte Leslie, said she is disappointed that the review has been approved, but said she hopes that "common sense and the good of the city will prevail". In January, councillors gave permission for the club's current home to be redeveloped into the supermarket. Bristol City Council was later served with a formal notice of intent for judicial review of that decision.
  11. Gazred

    The Mem

    They should of followed our plight more closely. Until the fat lady is stood in the centre circle of your new stadium banging out a tune, its far from confirmed.
  12. Gazred

    The Mem

    How many times over the years have they been fed the same crap about a new stadium. Our board get some crap but look what we could have as an alternative.
  13. Gazred

    The Mem

    Its 15 out of something like 70 odd new stores. They are giving up on in the in the town stores and are concentrating on out of town stores and the smaller local shops. Doesn't make good reading for anyone needing an enabling development does it.
  14. Gazred

    The Mem

    Have they not gone down the legal aid route a la AV?
  15. Gazred

    The Mem

    Can't argue with that. Hope none of your lot are too surprised at this news.
  16. Gazred

    The Mem

    "We're stuck with a war memorial" would of been more apt!
  17. Gazred

    The Mem

    This all sounds very familiar.
  18. Just where they begin starting to sort that mess out God only knows. I've chucked a few quid there way, the very least we can do from the comfort of our island.
  19. So do they have a plan B like ourselves to redevelop the existing site or do they not have a pot to piss in and are stuck unless an enabling project goes ahead to allow the new build?
  20. Do they get an appeal as well if the JR is rejected.....i lose track of what happened with ours. Either way, if it has gone in, i cant see them breaking ground this year.
  21. I was going to say, they must of left it until the very last moment.......in true NIMBY style.
  22. Watford tried that and got beat. Our "new" style of play involves a lot of organisation and pressing to turn possesion over. Essentially the more passes you make the more chance they have of winning it. What are you like defending set pieces? Been many years since we were a constant threat from them but certainly are at the moment. Seems like our best chance of winning maybe the same as yours, get an early goal.
  23. 70p, wonder how much Arsenal away was back then, a whopping whole pound perhaps.....disgusting!
  24. Blimey that does surprise me. Perhaps there was an offer on. I do clearly remember my Dad chucking me a few quid and pointing me at the turnstiles. That would of been about 85-86 season when I first went regularly.
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