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Everything posted by KegCity

  1. Agree, thought he was tidy if nothing more. Certainly happy for him to be part of the senior squad next season based on what I've seen so far. Seems to have a good range of passing.
  2. He's looked good to me. Defends very well considering his age and experience, I'm quite happy for him to be our first choice right back now, Wilson has some work to do to reclaim it. If Tanner can add some real attacking flair to his game he'll be a quality player. You'd expect so, especially with just the two centre backs who'll need the support during counter attacks.
  3. Not really, I'm quite happy with how things are progressing. I equally have no issue with the risks taken by LJ and MA, they just didn't pay off. Ashton's incompetence doesn't put me off taking risks personally, equally I wouldn't want us to be completely reckless. You can't go for broke but as soon as Premier League money comes in the club can be transformed providing the ownership aren't inept. My frustrations are from the past rather than now, my only concern is we seem to be very reliant on the academy continuing to provide first team quality talent. Obviously we've been hamstrung by financial issues that we're now going to have left behind come the summer so it'll be interesting to see how we approach recruitment moving forward.
  4. Of course that would be great and I hope we see that come to fruition. Unfortunately we've been unsuccessful at that for our entire history, we seem to be on the right path now though. I'd rather see us take some risks gunning for promotion than tread water being stable in the middle of the championship though.
  5. What's the alternative? 10 years of top half championship football? Two seasons in the Premier League would mean promotion in the first place and then survival in the Premier League along with all the money that comes with it.
  6. It's quite a change from making an extra effort to present the Season Ticket in a nice way (if OTT) to going fully digital. I liked the gesture behind the packaging on last season's and the key ring was a nice touch. Digital isn't the end of the world but does seem a bit of a shame after putting in that effort last season.
  7. Really disappointed with the badge as I’d been looking forward to buying that shirt. Oh well.
  8. His attitude must’ve been ok at the start of the season as he was getting minutes in fairness. Realistically though it’s been a difficult three years for the club in general and certainly won’t have been what he expected when he signed for us so don’t blame him for wanting a fresh start.
  9. Unsurprising comments about HNM. Certainly a disappointing end to his time here.
  10. We've been playing others who won't be here next season in fairness, but he can't be recalled anyway so doesn't matter.
  11. To me it just comes across as a bit sad. Talking about "the best fighting the best" and talking about backing people up flights of stairs. Everyone has their thrills I suppose but I can't wrap my head around it and the glorification of it. If you want to fight and prove you're the best or whatever else then there's actual ways of doing so where you don't risk a manslaughter charge or getting your own head cracked open.
  12. It is pathetic, putting on a coat with some goggles and chucking bottles at each other doesn't take guts. It's an easy way to think you're a big man and maybe throw a haymaker at someone. Fighting someone fairly in a ring or a cage takes guts which people like this don't have. I understand why someone would do it, it's an easy to way to get some adrenaline going, it's just moronic when anyone can go and have a proper fight in a room with mats where they're not going to have their head cracked open when they get knocked down.
  13. There are plenty of places you can go and fight, if people are so desperate there’s plenty of boxing and MMA gyms around the country where you can go to war with someone without putting your life in danger. Obviously these fans don’t have the courage to do that so have to run around with scarfs over the heads in large groups to feel safe enough. That’s pathetic. Anyone throwing punches on concrete is brain dead. The chances of serious injury/death are way too high to be doing so.
  14. Very frustrating performance. Reverted back to the performances from before Christmas where we passed sideways for a few minutes before hoofing the ball up to lightweight players. After the first half an hour we stopped playing it on the floor. Hopefully just a blip.
  15. Only seen bits and pieces of his games in France but he seems to have settled in well. I feel for him, in hindsight he joined at the wrong time with the club experiencing a lot of change during his time here. I'd argue that if we signed the teenage version of him this summer he'd go on to have a much more successful city career than having him experience the downfall of LJ, the chaos of Holden and then Pearson's initial rebuild. I think he'll do well in France if that's where he ends up in the summer. 100 odd games in the championship at that age should mean he has physicality to go with his great technique. He must've scored then, otherwise they'd have written him off.
  16. KegCity


    Rico Lewis was the standout player for me, can see how he pushed Cancelo out the team
  17. His best performance since he was alongside Webster. Would be my MOTM.
  18. Exactly why we’re better off taking the most money possible and moving on.
  19. Equally if he’s not our player, he’s just got his big move, is he as committed to the cause? Get as much money for him this summer and rebuild.
  20. Equally from our point of view, why not just keep him an extra year and sell him the following summer when he's worth even more?
  21. It’s what brings the best out of Kalas, needs someone to lead him through games which is what Webster did. It’s why he’s been dodgy when he’s been the one in charge of the defence. It’s a testament to Vyner’s improvement as we’ve seen some calamitous performances from that centre back pairing in the past. I like Kalas and would definitely try and retain him providing we have the right players to sit alongside him. If he can develop a strong partnership with Vyner in the coming weeks we’ll be in a good position.
  22. Thought Hull looked a poor side, we were definitely the better team but did seem to lack tempo on the ball for spells. Great to get another penalty and put in a good team performance, Mehmeti looks to be a constant outlet for midfielders. Bit of an aside but thought Hull’s Coyle was one of the least technical players I’ve seen at this level. Didn’t do anything wrong but the way he controlled and hit the ball seemed awful.
  23. Been told West Ham see themselves as out of the race, with bigger clubs sniffing around. Whether that ends up being the case remains to be seen.
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