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Bristol Oil Services

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Everything posted by Bristol Oil Services

  1. It would be more fun if we could suggest unrealistic - Graham Potter? - options though, but we can't sadly ....
  2. But "don't get too attached to players," I remember that one, from one who grew up not getting attached to anything in football. Don't "feel" anything, just buy a ticket/beverage/dreadful merch, and keep yer opinions/"noise" to yer self
  3. I'm not sure the "atmosphere" will pick up now unless, or until, we get a shot-in-the-arm dose of impetus and "can-do" with a change in ownership. Some hope (misplaced, or otherwise). We are a club in stasis, stagnation, going around in circles (whilst another club pops up from L1 and waves bye bye as they pocket 3 points here and sit at the top of the table). There is no sense at all of excitement or the sense of "something's happening" here like you get at other clubs on the rise elsewhere for example Lincoln a couple of years ago, and Brighton. And Wrexham, I suppose. And Ipswich, currently. The sort of polar opposite of what it was like here from 80-83. We have never had a double or consecutive promotions in our history, any "good thing" quickly fizzles out. We had it for about five or six weeks in 2017/18, but it was long gone once March began, and the "business end" of the season kicked in. The place is as flat as a naan bread at the moment, and it's no surprise to me that the atmosphere is the same. We need impetus, some "can-do," and energy from the very top and it doesn't look like it will come from SL, and there's no guarantee it will come from whoever follows Steve neither. Happy Daze!
  4. That Wales are pish at World Cups, England can be counted amongst the contenders at World Cups, and that rugby is a minority game in England (albeit popular with readers of the Daily Telegraph). I've been to watch Bris, yes, I don't think Bristol Rugby Club are any sort of evidence of rugby being any sort of passion in this country.
  5. You noticed three clubs folded in the last ... year?
  6. But they're pish at World Cups. Like I said. And England, even when they're dismal, they go deep, at World Cups. England are one of the WC big boys, four finals show that. Only North Hem side to win it. And it's a minority sport in England. Popular five or six weekends a year with elderly readers of The Daily Telegraph.
  7. England have reached the final four times, and another semi now. As far as World Cups go, it’s NZ and South Africa, then England third best, then France. The rest are nobodies. Wales are good in the 6 Nations mind
  8. The best of Bristol City, all before there was even radio coverage, or motor cars. To be a club like Ipswich, with a midweek following like that, we needed that team in the 1960s, or early 70s, as television started to show football. Leeds timed their greatest era perfectly, Liverpool pretty much too.
  9. If we're looking to fill the managerial slot any time soon, I would go for the next best, fair dinkum Aussie footy manager out there after Ange Poste-whatsisname. Before someone else does this and are promoted to the PL under him. Failing that, a Spaniard. Or an Argy. Or an Aussie with some Spanish/Argy in him, and a bit of German.
  10. Steve has more of a track record of inside of the box managerial appointments with Tins, Keef, Deano etc ....
  11. Take me dancing, when this happens, promise?
  12. Typical, reactive, after the horse-has-bolted Bristol City. Joe Williams needs to wear protective boots before he gets injured, ie when he's playing (and training, cooking, eating, sleeping, shopping, browsing, canoodling, driving, bathing, resting, everyth-ing) too bloody late now he's injured. Sort it out, Lansdown
  13. It's only two games in but we are 4th - fourth - in the attendance table, above the following : Manchester United Manchester City Tottenham Aston Villa Everton and Leicester, Brighton, West Ham.
  14. They qualified before us, don't you know. And they won the World Cup in 1967 remember, when one of their players sat on the ball (wow)
  15. Must be why Harry's playing there now - exemplary preparation
  16. Gibraltar's mob - tidy little firm, actually - are called The 'altar Boys. Not a lot of people know that ...
  17. Yeah, if he could just leave his tender hamstrings behind to put their, er, feet up, and take it easy in Taunton over the summer (maybe take in some cricket, relax, "chill")
  18. Not that fussed meself now, either. However I'm a big @Garland-sweden fan so always click on his posts and threads ....
  19. ... but earning 20,000 there instead of 10,000 here, so likely not. Also, chasing promotion there or meandering about midtable here.
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