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Everything posted by bcfc01

  1. Self awareness - completely alien to the Pikeys.
  2. Bristol Rovers club anthem; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9w-9x0ur7A Bunch of clowns.
  3. What is it with these Pikeys coming on here and actually thinking they can take the piss ? What are they on ? They have absolutely no self awareness. Stupid doesn't do it justice.
  4. Is that meant to be a piss take ? You haven't got the hang of it have you..
  5. Its only a matter of time before some tit on that "forum" comes up with it; "I was talking to some Brighton fans after the game...." No you weren't you lying tosser.
  6. "No disgrace in that result. Will be interesting to see what the B&HA fans who watched it have to say about our team." Please say you love us, please.
  7. One splash from the chip fryer and that "stand" will go up in flames..
  8. Those "supporters" look devastated.
  9. An illustration of why I've never subscribed. Brilliant match coverage, but the rest of it stinks.
  10. Not a bad idea. I'm sure there's more than enough material for a calendar.. I'll start; December - Santas Grotto
  11. Aint that the truth ! Not too long before they follow Bury and Bolton. Fruit market my arse.
  12. Probably the same people from the "family section" who abused their own managers daughter on social media. Disgusting, vile, cowardly shitbags.
  13. That was him was it ? What a very sad ****. One of a few on that little closed shop they call a forum. Insular bunch.
  14. I know what you mean. Whenever I hear of them, such as the two muppets in the pub last night chatting about them and their new stadium (as if it was done and dusted), it always brings a smile to my face. Bless 'em, self awareness is a bit of an issue with that lot. Enjoy our Matty scoring today Pikeys (we know you're there)
  15. Of course, their "forum" will be all over this low attendance - pages of it.. Will they ****. It won't get a mention.
  16. Up to page 16 re Matty Taylor. They are shite scared of him scoring against them. Which he will......
  17. 10 Pages and counting of vitriolic shite towards Matty. Small time, two bit, chicken shit outfit. Hope you enjoy Matty scoring against you Pikeys It will happen, oh yes.
  18. I didn't include add-ons or sell-ons nor any other historical sell-ons in our favour such as Bolasie or Adomah (if any). Just the fees in the public domain. It all probably evens out or thereabouts.
  19. Academy products amounted to around 30m (Reid, Kelly, Bryan). Plus Flint 7m, Magnússon 2m, Eisa 2m (?), Webster 22m (some say 20m up front). So around 30m+ from those transfers. 60m+ from outgoing transfers. Offset by incomings and expenses of course, and the club needs to keep an eye on wages and the amount of players we now have, but it would be difficult to see City in any sort of FFP bother especially given the increasing rises to off field income to take into account as well. Not sure why the Sheffield lad thinks otherwise ?
  20. Its a bit like when they were relegated from the league it was into league 3. Made 'em feel better I suppose but still delusional. Edit: BCFC11 beat me to it - but I had a pikey telling me in the pub that it was league 3 in all but name
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