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Street red

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Posts posted by Street red

  1. 3 hours ago, Davefevs said:

    Some of us don’t have any choice really.  There is nowhere else guaranteed to park where I can park the van with rear access to get Joe (in his wheelchair) out.  Even if I found somewhere, then the lack of drop kerbs or unblocked pavements is another problem.

    They originally charged me £460 (23 x £20) for the Winterstoke Road car park, before backtracking to £345.  Personally I wish their was sufficient blue badge parking somewhere relatively close (I don’t mind walking a reasonable distance).

    It does grind my gears that we have a modern ground but when it comes to parking they charge the earth,People like yourself why can't they provide this free of charge at the ground (Blue badge parking).

    • Like 4
  2. 13 hours ago, Rudolf Hucker said:

    Ironically, Birmingham are one of the best teams we’ve played this season (in the home match) and one of the worst (in the away match).

    The Home game is when they had a better manager last night under Rooney they looked awful the difference is amazing really.

  3. 8 hours ago, BrizzleRed said:

    An option would have been to drive to Ealing Broadway Station, which is just outside the ULEZ.  There’s an outdoor car park opposite the station and also a multi-story at the nearby shopping centre, though the latter closes in the evening.  Parking is around £12 per day at either I think.  You can then catch the Elizabeth Line from Ealing Broadway straight across to Stratford Station.

    I expect the coach fare is cheaper than your combined fuel and parking though and you can have a few 🍺🍺🍺😁

    At £22 for a coach ticket it will definitely save a few pennies for couple,It's made our day slightly longer going by coach but it's the best option to be fair and yep a couple of 🍺🍺 wouldn't go a miss.

    • Like 1
  4. 9 minutes ago, redkev said:

    Trains can be the best way to travel , but the current shit show of a train service we have you just never know , me & mrs went into Weston Saturday afternoon for a few 🍺🍺🍷🍷 3 trains home all cancelled , staff shortages they said fxxking shocking service 

    Exactly and I'd love to use the train but it's no longer cheap and I can't see getting to London for £22 or less and I'm coming from street so that means either Cary or temple meads. I've even asked a west ham fan at work and he can't even tell me the best option if I use the car which says it all.

  5. 4 hours ago, cidercity1987 said:

    I couldn't think a worse way to travel to a big day out

    Might not be the best way but car train etc is just a ball ache,Trains and underground is a absolute nightmare on the day. We decided to drive but then you have a rip off clean air fee which I refuse to pay and also parking agro so going by coach is just cheapest and best way also stress free.

  6. 19 hours ago, tin said:

    The levels of nepotism at this club in an operational capacity are the sole reason for the club’s malaise, and that stems from Steve. I’ve said it before and will say it again: we will never achieve anything under the Lansdowns. They don’t learn, think they are beyond reproach and double down on their own failed methods and appointments when the world around them is constantly changing. The fact Jon is heading this up is a joke. He’s a lying, arrogant, deluded c***, pure and simple.

    Best post yet 👌

  7. 1 minute ago, redkev said:

    I do agree on some things he answered , as somebody who was a senior manager in my line of employment you can’t go round consulting everybody on big decisions as you will never please everyone , you need to have a eye for reading the room though . 

    Someone must of poked him in both eyes because he certainly didn't have the eye for reading the room 6 or 7 weeks ago.

    • Like 2
    • Haha 3
  8. 42 minutes ago, Galley is our king said:

    As above, said a few very noncommittal words and then went into a Q and A.

    The Hen and chicken it was not!

    First question about the accounts and when would they be published?

    Answer.... they are being bought into line and published with the other members of the group, no idea when that would be.

    Second question. Could you please explain why Phil Alexander left the football club? 

    Answer..... We felt things weren't going as well as we expected, nothing particular and Brian Tinnion was growing into the role.

    Third question. Do you feel that you should listen to the opinions of experienced supporters when making big decisions like changing managers? (Some clapping).

    Answer.... we can't consult on everything but everything we do is in the best interests of the club.

    Forth question. Now Liam Manning is here, what do you consider to be a successful season?

    Answer.... well there are an awful lot of points still to play for so we are looking for progression.

    When pressed he said TOP 10!!!!!

    Fifth question. Do you understand the disappointment that the fan base currently feel about the current board of directors.

    Answer.... well you can't please everyone and I'd like to think many do support us.

    There were other important questions about lighting in the stadium during evening games, music too loud and giving the opposition an advantage by then having the Atyeo stand. Sorry if I missed any others, please add!!!

    Don't think he enjoyed this at all so it was ended although there were others wanting to ask further questions.

    My second question would have been.... If you consider 10th to be a successful season why did you sack a manager when we were eleventh?

    Worked well as everyone was too old to work for Bristol Sport.......

    Fab questions well just about sums him up and the answer of top 10 so why did we sack the manager then ...The bloke just doesn't give a toss.

    Not sure your question about the music is to loud justified because that's what the system is for to create atmosphere and also health @safety and announcements it's supposed to clear clarity. Most stadiums have loud music but ours just sounds awful because it's crap 😂 

    • Like 2
  9. 2 hours ago, Davefevs said:

    Ultimately, Nige, Rennie, Euell and Fleming were all sacked.

    My own view is that there was no “if you get rid of x I’m going too”…I think the hierarchy took them as a group under Nige and deemed they were all deemed surplus to requirements by virtue of the relationship with Nige.

    Fleming knew he was off didn’t he, it had all be done and dusted, they just needed someone to take the team for a week, whilst they tied up Manning.

    Theres no way in my mind the first Manning knew about it was that Monday.

    I have a feeling Pearson got wind of what was going on, Manning definitely knew weeks before. What ever way it was done its still an appalling way to go about it especially to Euell Rennie Fleming. Still makes my skin cruel now.

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    • Robin 1
  10. 32 minutes ago, W-S-M Seagull said:

    He wasn't just the head of medical or whatever his title was. He was more than that. You could see that from the new signing videos. 

    I believe also at times he would also take part in some coaching sessions? 

    I always said he was one of the biggest signings Nigel made a true professional and in no way deserved to be kicked out the door. 

  11. 17 minutes ago, Sheltons Army said:

    I may be wrong but I got the impression that he really bought into the Club 


    But not to the degree of Lee Johnson who ‘loved the club’ as some repeatedly claimed on here , obviously 

    Lee Johnson loved Oldham Barnsley us Sunderland and Hibs but not sure he loves Fleetwood anyone know 😂

    • Haha 2
  12. 7 minutes ago, Superjack said:

    I don't want to argue with you, because your stance is of course admirable. 

    But you must surely see that even if the vision you describe doesn't totally materialise, we have people in power at the club that will give it the best chance. 

    With the greatest of respect and sympathy, you seem to be one of the supporters that facilitate the Lansdown's agenda.

    **** the Lansdowns we will watch our club and we will have our say on how it's run. Trust me if I did see one of them at a game I would say how I feel it isn't just on here. As a season ticket holder I'm well and truly p***ed off.

    • Like 1
    • Robin 1
  13. On 11/12/2023 at 17:27, ITFC Fan in peace said:

    ITFC fan in peace.

    The FFP thing comes up a lot on here, and seems to be by far the biggest criticism of Ashton. When listening to Ashton in interviews here though, two things he says stick in my mind:-

    1) He mentioned in previous interviews that the danger for owners is to run the club on emotion when the 'promised land' seems tantalisingly close. You were in a great position to get promoted a few seasons ago and pushed the spending button. I'm sure Ashton didn't oppose it, but ultimately it was the Lansdowns money and I'm sure they had the final say. I think the Lansdowns are who he is referring to when he spoke of emotions.

    2)  Ashton has repeatedly said how refreshing it is that McKenna has such specific profiles in respect of transfer targets that he will not move away from and would rather make do than sign a makeweight. I think Ashton just enjoys the challenge of obtaining a transfer target and seems to be pretty good at it, but I can see how that could be dangerous when recruiting for a manager who is less skilled at identifying the right targets (compare with Paul Cook, who wasn't bad at all but had a few misses and no real philosophy behind his targets) or a Harry Redknapp approach (yeah hes a good player get him in).

    I'm not saying Ashton was totally blameless.....he had a key role with you, and should have been the voice of caution and reason at a critical time. But if he did have the go ahead to spend from the Lansdowns, and he merely signed players the manager wanted at the time, is it really fair to pin everything on him? Throw in Covid, and it just seems more like a mixture of throwing the dice and a lot of misfortune.

    Genuinely wish you guys all the best for the rest of the season.

    Luck? We need more than that this season at the minute it is going down the toilet. We are not a happy bunch at the minute thanks for trying to sweeten Ashton up but I couldn't give a rats arse about him.The Lansdowns and him set this club back but agree the Lansdowns are the issue and it's all starting to come out of the wash what they are like.

    Cracking start to your season let's see if you keep the momentum for the rest.

  14. 9 hours ago, Sniper said:

    You're not alone there mate. I feel the same and likewise many other fans that I know. I keep seeing Liam on the sidelines and keep wondering where Nige and Flemming are, still feel sick about, I hate JL with a passion for this royal ruckup.

    Glad I'm not the only one honestly the difference to how I felt at the start of the season and now is a massive shift feel like going around Nige's to have a beer or 2 ( Father figure). This club has totally cocked up.(Again)

    • Like 5
  15. 7 hours ago, Harry said:

    Just watched this game back and he was excellent. 
    Nearly got his toe on the first goal after pulling the defender everywhere. Had the 2nd goal stolen when Bogle nicked it over the line. 
    Put the defence under so much pressure for the 3rd goal. 
    Took his goal (the 4th really well). 

    But in addition, he ran the channels well, held the ball up, did his fair share of defending too. Didn’t give the defenders an inch. 

    Very impressive performance. I’d rather have him in our team and sling Bell or Yeboah to Newport instead. 

    Yes he ran the channels no point coming back to city he will be told to wait in the middle and do nothing 😂

    But yes he's got an eye for goal.

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