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Simon bristol

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Everything posted by Simon bristol

  1. Maybe manning wants a look at him? Or we are recalling him to sell or loan out to a higher level?
  2. He is honest and works hard. The 300k was cheap, but clearly he is going to be on decent wages here, hes an experienced pro,,, and thats where we have the problem. we are struggling with wage budgets, allegedly, while we are paying salaries out on several of the squad now who arent really up to it.
  3. To be fair,, dropping tgh for williams was/is an absolutely ridiculous decision, only justified if tgh was injured, which he certainly didnt look when he was brought in…
  4. He had a great playing career but his first management gig was with us,,, and was a man that commanded respect.
  5. Great vid,,, hes a really good footballer!
  6. Well manning has come in and tried to introduce a style that only 2/3 have the ability to deal with, and then one of those lads, tgh, hes dropped for the last few games in favour of williams who most certainly doesnt have that ability. Bell has been transformed by this tactic, and not in a good way, and it appears naismith and wells saw enough of it in commentary to be less than impressed as well, though that’s because it wasnt working cause no one can play it. as for the owners,, how many times have they tried the new inexperienced coach/ manager, and then seen it not work? The times we have been stable has been when a stronger experienced guy has been able to build a togetherness, the last time a younger inexperienced manager worked properly for us was joe jordan 30 odd years ago… yet they keep doing it!
  7. Yes, like the look of him, hopefully he gets his chance in due course!
  8. Blimey,,, im old enough to have my hips ache at night and used to watch walshy doing his shuffle.
  9. I think we would all prefer us to win 4-0 every game,,, but we cant cause were not very good, despite the idiots in charge trying to convince us that we are.
  10. Lucky hes in instead of tgh, otherwise we would be really shite
  11. There cant be politics, jon lansdown told us we had a top 6 squad. He must have been telling the truth! Hes like a rich boris johnson.
  12. Face palm all you want, what player has ever come out and said he doesn’t like working with the new coaches?
  13. Thats like turkeys voting for Christmas, which player is going to come out in the local press and say anything but how he loves working with the new coaches and is excited for the future?
  14. Agree to a point,., but they were in the europa league and established in the premier having gone up in our play off season,,, id swap our last 20 years for theirs!
  15. Agreed, bell is lightweight and inexperienced but this will get better as time passes,, hes called up for the england under 20s, and knows where the goal is, and is in his first full season as a pro. He cost us nothing, and his first manager who gave him a chance has just gone,, im not sure what exactly people are expecting?
  16. Tgh and james are about the only ones weve got who can play possession, why on earth would you put williams in instead of tgh?
  17. I will raise you a gustav engvall? Kasey palmer, based on cost and return must be the worst though? has to be said though. Marley watkins is a joke, the fact hes at a respected spl club shows how bad that standard really is.
  18. Yes, take sam bell,,, hes clearly at his best in space having a go at cutting in and getting a shot away, he will get more experienced and stronger of course, but as it stands, getting involved in intricate build up play receiving the ball with his back to goal isnt what he is good at,,, we have been set up for quick breaks and if thats changing we are losing what made us dangerous,,, and we really only have a couple of players with good enough technique to do it.
  19. This is like something from a lee johnson power point presentation! Perhaps guardiola can coach that in to a team with some of the best players in the world, but with our lot, we are making mistakes and scoring own goals, and cant score, it seems to me that developing patterns of play and relationships shouldn’t have to be that micro managed?! If we make top 6 it will be a miracle anyway, so what the hell i guess
  20. Im more worried about the scottish brick outhouse is wearing gloves on a Bristol morning!?
  21. Exactly that,, could we afford it?? Yes clearly we have the funds for that level of signing, but whether the club are willing to do it is another matter.
  22. I think we are way past that point! It would surprise no one if a new signing or 2 is confirmed in January to go against that wage budget is full story. i don’t necessarily believe just signing new players all the time should be done… ideally several would be moved out to cut the wage bill, but that’s probably not likely til the summer now, if we are going to challenge, some quality is clearly required.
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