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Everything posted by Hxj

  1. Their house their rules. They could insist that you wore a sags shirt for entry into the away end and that would still be legal.
  2. They are not taking the coins from you against your will. Football grounds are private property and the club can therefore insist on any rules it wishes for you to be allowed entry. Failure to follow those rules means that they are allowed to prohibit your entry, even if you have a valid ticket. So with a valid ticket you can either hand over your coins and enter or keep your coins and walk away.
  3. Do people still use coins? Haven't used any for years. The last time I drew cash out was £100 just before lockdown, in case of an emergency. Still have it all.
  4. Don't worry it will all be over by the end of day 3!
  5. Absolutely hilarious comment from Downsey about all those watch from abroad, however they are doing it. And then those overseas viewers flying in for the occasion!
  6. Hxj


    NP is already the 5th longest serving manager of a current Championship club - that's a scary fact in itself. Personally, I see him being here for a good few years. As to what he does and doesn't like NP is and always has been his own man. All I've heard is that he is enjoying his time in Bristol. From my view long may it continue!
  7. to cut to the chase it converts a variable price to an agreed fixed price.
  8. There's only one stat in football that counts - the place in the table at the end of the season. Everything else is attempting to explain that. (I know I repeat myself!) Plus if xG is so good why does it predict 25 odd goals scored more than were actually scored? Are football statisticians as biased as everyone else? As to @Davefevsconundrum on a penalty v 8 shots. He would win 34/100 games, the draw would be a better bet with 40/100 games, and he would lose 26/100 games. Much closer than I actually thought. However he would miss out in scoring 8 goals once in 100,000,000 games ???
  9. Bear in mind that those figures are based upon statutory guidance and therefore may or may not provide an accurate figure. Plus the methodology includes a reasonable developer profit. In reality I'd guess that the actual figures will result in a roughly no profit/no loss position for the owner of the Sporting Quarter, particularly when taking into account the enhancement of Bristol Sport. I don't think that SL will lose a great deal, but I also think that it wont result in a significant profit either. That said it may well cause a significant reduction in SL's required funding of the football club,
  10. Hxj


    yep - and interest - that could be around £150k on top,
  11. Hxj


    Manuel Luis Pellegrini Ripamonti Football manager Formerly of 8 Rappax Road, Hale, Altrincham, WA15 0NT and 7 York Drive, Bowdon, Altrincham, WA14 3HF6 Apr 2014 to 5 Apr 2017 £816,579.80 £343,728.07 The final two figures are unpaid tax and penalties imposed. Current list of deliberate tax defaulters - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
  12. FFS sometimes in the last few seasons we've barely had a Plan A. We have just played two of the toughest teams in Championship away from home in a week and we've lost both by a single goal. And you are flapping about us having no 'morning after pill' ????? It's not like we got f****d!
  13. Can we make this a pinned thread for every time someone in the Premier League or championship or wherever sacks their manager? Allegedly the jobs at several such clubs are open now, or will be after those are filled. Pearson is like any other manager - if the job (including pay) is right he will stay - if a better job (including pay) come along he will go. Unless of course we sack him first.
  14. Unless of course you get promoted or relegated in which case that will be the only metric which counts.
  15. It was a 'self-protection' measure to ensure that there were no broadcasts of fans behaving in a manner which would be embarrassing to the Football Leagues. The world has now moved on, so any such behaviour can be tolerated from now on.
  16. Best thing that ever happened to me. Treat it as an opportunity not a problem.
  17. That would be by the director who signed off the accounts, a certain Mr A Pace. Nothing to worry about there then.
  18. Compare the use of 'considered' and 'an' with the BCFC Holdings disclosure:
  19. If you find the secret you will become a very wealthy person!
  20. Imagine doing that by hand for a large sample! Agreed, I suppose my real issue is that if there is a unexpected result then the secret of the analysis is "why?", the answer isn't always "it will return to the expected value in due course." No, far simpler, and back to my previous point The performance a team/player achieves is a known. As is the performance of the 'population' as a whole. Moving on a bit if the statistical analysis shows a difference, and I mean a statistically significant difference, not a numerical difference, then the reason why is the really important bit, not the difference itself.
  21. A team will always match its own performance. It is perfectly possible for a team to consistently out perform someone else's opinion of the average performance of all teams. Take Conway, he has scored 4 goals and has an xG of 2.42. There are several possibilities, one is that this is just a small sample and in reality in this case 4 and 2.42 are simply equivalent answers, with no statistical difference. Another possibility is that Conway is simply 50% better at scoring goals than the statistically average player. Therefore he would expect to score at a rate 50% higher than the average, he will therefore expect to outperform the xG rating by a significant margin. The same applies to teams.
  22. Plenty thanks, back in the good old days (???) before you could put the numbers into a table and a computer would work out the answer. Personally I wouldn't count plotting expected goals for against expected goals against as statistical analysis, it's just two sets of data plotted together to create a pretty picture. The secret of statistical analysis is understanding the data sets and the null hypothesis. But then again I suppose poissonly I'm normally a mean stats snob. (I'll let my stats lecturer take the credit for the whole of the last sentence ???)
  23. Is there is a more meaningless graph to plot out than 'Expected Goals For' v 'Expected Goals Against' I'd love to know what it is. Do they actually know that football is decided on 'Actual Goals Scored' v 'Actual Goals Conceded'?
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