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George Rs

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Everything posted by George Rs

  1. Is comically Bristol City that our only win since Boxing Day is against a team sat 6th in the prem.
  2. Didn’t see that personally, pressed until the end even if was just him at times. (Don’t doubt he will be off in the summer though)
  3. Never really expected anything from the game, however the amount of unforced errors especially from the back 3 was extremely poor. Best team I’ve seen at the gate since Man City to be fair to leeds and should’ve scored 2 or 3 more. Was always going to be a game where we had 1 or 2 chances to take points and mehmeti couldn’t bury it. Move on to the next game but these next few games don’t inspire me with much hope.
  4. Only having 2 in midfield has cost us so far, especially with the Leeds players being a step quicker across the pitch. Summerville on tanners heels the whole half and it nearly cost us. Feel like we need 3 in the middle just to gain some control, thought knight and Mccrorie have both done well. Spun their man a couple of times but there’s no support whenever they go forward. LM needs to change something, wonder what he’ll do!
  5. Thought maybe he had, seeing as he did a full training session yesterday and arrived in Bristol the night before.
  6. Anyone seen if Mebude got off the bus with the team?
  7. Might be because Man City have a buy-back clause so they have first refusal so we may not have wanted to say anything about it publicly in case Man City decided to bring him back. But I couldn’t imagine Westerloo have put that on the website and it being wrong especially if it’s still up there now.
  8. 1. No they don’t all play the same position, only two of them are a natural RW in Mark Sykes who is currently injured and Sam Bell who hasn’t performed to his previous standards. 2. Even with that number of attacking players our chance creation, scoring, crossing ability is all relatively poor. If we are being honest with ourselves, Cornick looks like a panic signing from last year with no part of his game being deemed first team quality. Mehmeti is incredibly inconsistent, good technicals but lacks the game iq to employ them correctly. Bell has regressed since we’ve switched from a predominantly counter attacking set up, doesn’t mean he’s bad but will take time to learn the system that Manning wants to play. Conway and Wells are both out and our strikers so that’s a moot point. Same with Twine who is predominantly an attacking midfielder. And Yeboah is 17. Strength in numbers ≠ strength in quality.
  9. The summer will be very interesting now! Whether Manning recruits for a 4-3-3 or a 3 atb. With 3 midfielders ooc and at least 2 going I would’ve thought it will make it interesting to see how we recruit. Will also be interesting what happens with Nahki who turns 34. Would assume there will be some serious interest for some of our academy graduates again, TC and Cam Pring probably being the biggest ones personally. Will definitely be a busy one that’s for sure!
  10. If this season is “over” already therefore making this signing a bit odd according to some without a to buy option, what’s wrong with Manning testing out formations? Trying to find what suits his squad best? Seriously feels like complaining for complainings sake at times.
  11. Question though, it was reported Man City have a buy back clause when they sold him. What happens to that clause if we do have an option to buy?
  12. Exactly and if he ain’t getting attacking minutes over Cornick mehmeti wells and Conway this loan won’t make a difference anyway?
  13. Yeboah has 5+ years to make it, don’t think 6 months will make a huge difference personally. Sams being getting minutes as well, at RWB so I don’t see how this signing will change that, since moving away from a counter attacking set up he’s not looked nearly as good going forward sadly. Im all for having a good pathway and I don’t think think LM would be any different to that.
  14. Would love some confirmation from our end about whether there is an option to buy or not.
  15. If it makes a difference, Man City fans were very surprised he left the way he did. He was thought about like Carlos Borges and Oscar Bobb until the summer apparently.
  16. Obviously can’t tell much from a highlight reel but he’s fking fast that’s for sure.
  17. Got 12 goals 14 assists in the youth premier league last year. Was nominated for youth premier league player of the year last year.
  18. We must really rate him if we are lying a fee just to make sure he won’t go into ooc.
  19. Some of the best footballers don’t grab your attention. Just because they aren’t doing stepovers doesn’t mean they aren’t good.
  20. Not even annoyed that max didn’t hold onto it, letting it ricochet back towards the centre of the goal is just criminal
  21. Come into the game expecting nothing, go a goal behind, score 2 to be leading with 5 left and concede a poor goal to throw away a win. Could anything be more Bristol City Would love to see us start wells and Conway together. Preferably Conway in mehmetis position.
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