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George Rs

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Everything posted by George Rs

  1. Same, absolutely stoked with this one.
  2. One thing I really like, since probably the LJ run, is that we don’t compromise how we play because we are up against a prem side. And except from Man City last season, who are in a class of their own, it’s worked brilliantly for us.
  3. It’s a squad game at the end of the day, some will start some won’t. But to your point about the midfield, if we continue to play the same formation I’d assume we might be looking at: TGH Knight Winger Twine Winger Depending on his performance during the loan spell and if we can get him or not in the summer, it would be Twine/which ever specialised AM we end up signing. I think Williams has been class lately and will probably be at least offered an extension, unless someone smashed the nest egg wide open. But into next season I think he might end up starting on the bench bar injuries. I can see TGH moving into the Matty James role, composed player with a good passing range so will suit him well. He also has a level of agility James lacks these days. Knight would be the ‘roamer’ of the two, his yard coverage and pace in a DM role hopefully would resemble a kante type position/role. And then twine in behind Tommy/nahki, always available for the pass and hopefully always has the ability to look to go forward first, whether that’s slipping in a winger behind their back 4 or directly into Tommy.
  4. Just a side note, with Everton and Nottingham Forest potentially facing points deductions for breaking FFP regulations it makes Burnley’s survival chances look a lot better. If they do end up staying in the prem I’d assume our chances of signing Twine would be much better, if we want to in the summer that is.
  5. Tbh I’ll take that, still not seen a penalty shootout in person at a professional game before.
  6. I agree that the performances the past three games have been poor, but don’t understand the fixation on that stat tbh. In the 3 games before those we scored 8, against 3 playoff contenders.
  7. I still think this is good business, the only thing that annoys me a little is that Burnley seem almost guaranteed to come down. If Twine performs they way we are hoping him to I just can’t see a world in which Burnely would let him go! Either way whether it’s short or long hope his city career starts with a bang, haven’t seen us scored a free kick in donkeys years so fingers crossed!
  8. The amount of times I watch Tommy drop a shoulder and make a run round the back of the defender but no one finding him hurts. Hopefully twine can unlock that. I’ve said it consistently that TC is one of the best natural finishers I’ve seen, we just need to get to it him in space for once!
  9. Plot twist it’s us recalling Weimann from loan.
  10. Would assume it’s because he’s not ‘left’ yet even though it’s almost nailed on. Should hopefully (and deservedly) give him a proper send off in the summer.
  11. https://t.co/UDg2pSv7Yc HullLive article suggesting the deal is pretty much done, confirms that originally Burnely rated Twine at £5m but we seem to have done some haggling and managed to get it down to within the region of £2.5m. If this is correct that is the kind of business I would be thrilled with!
  12. Agreed, better then Toney, Engvall and Eisa but couldn’t lace up Marinovics boots
  13. Yes, but for every Ivan Toney you get 35 Mo Eisas 15 Gustav Engvalls and 2 Stefan Marinovics.
  14. Reminds me a lot of Moneyball all this 1 “star player” or 2/3 decent players who make up the same average, thinking about it now I’d actually side more towards the multiple good players then 1 statement signing or whatever. As much as I like our squad, there’s at least 5/6 minimum that aren’t playoff quality/can’t be coached to that level. So for me bringing in 3 players at £2m is preferable to one at 5, especially with the current size of our squad.
  15. When would we hear about a recall if it had happened, seeing as the cutoff was midnight should tomorrow at some point?
  16. Where have you pulled it’s the going rate from? Finn Azaz, younger, playing much better in a worse team = £2.5m Scott Twine, older, playing worse in the joint 4th best goal scoring side in the division currently = £5m. The only plus Twine has is Manning has played with him before and that isn’t worth double the price.
  17. Would be very suprised if we do end up shelling out 5m. That’s Manning getting almost as much in his first window as Nige had in all of his Aside from that I think we are getting to the point where improvements will cost big money, was said in the summer countless times “to improve on what we have will be very costly.” I don’t expect every transfer to be this expensive but young English attackers come at a premium, and although this g/a might not accurately reflect it Twine is one of the more creative players in the league. And as he’s already worked with Manning go for it I say.
  18. If Scott Twine isn’t in Burnley’s plans now or when they come down they will obviously look to regain their investment, which can only happen if people are interested in him. Ergo he needs to play regularly (and play well) which he is looking less and less likely to get with Hull. Good business by Burnley if true, looks like we got the short straw though if Hull end up getting Benson in! Edit: Just clocked, anyone else think Twine looks identical to Leandro Trossard? Hopefully he plays like him
  19. FFS I love Tanner defensively but my god he seems to be allergic to going forward, had the ball on the left flank and worked it well onto the right and he’s got that whole side of the pitch to run into and he just doesn’t. Why ffs!?!?
  20. It’s so clear we lack quality in the final ball, someone to transition play from half way in their half to the final third. We work the ball well down the flanks and into midfielders in their half but after that it becomes so congested or just poor.
  21. Will this end up being another low on confidence low block team we fail to break through?
  22. Meant as someone part of our front 4 e.g CAM, LW, RW, ST if you want traditional positions. And that’s what I mean about one of our highest earners leaving, it frees up significant wages which might suggest incomings this window, no point freeing up wages just for the sake of having them there imo.
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