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George Rs

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Everything posted by George Rs

  1. Someone on Twitter saying flus going through the team. Any truth in that?
  2. Was halfway through typing “it’s time for Nige to step up and puts his boots on for a game with all the defensive injuries” just to remember he’s on crutches as well. Tbh can’t see us getting much from this game, Cardiff very much a team that doesn’t mind conceding possession and happy to sit it, doesn’t suit our style well. If MJ is out, would expect TGH to drop into the 6 and weinman/knight to play the double pivot. But anything could happen today. let’s nick something though! COYR
  3. George Rs


    Think Anis was slightly reactionary to the semenyo sale, especially with the timing of PA coming in from Wycombe. Still I believe there is a decent player in there who will get opportunities, but when he doesn’t have the pace of bell/Yeboah on the counter it suggests he would be better suited to staying wide and crossing instead of cutting inside. (Also means he isn’t as effective defensively/pressing) In his last 2 appearances he’s made 10 cross attempts and only 1 connected with a city player. The biggest flaw in his game imo. Will take time and there’s obvious quality there, iirc he was given a 4 year contract so there’s obvious faith in him from the footballing staff. By the end of the season he could be a totally different player .
  4. I don’t understand this lacking ambition bollocks for this start to the season. In recent history sure but saying it now is a disservice to nige and his players. We sit 2 points off play-offs with 8 (potentially now 10) first team injuries. After finishing 14th last season and losing the best player many fans have seen in a city shirt. No we aren’t Ipswich or Luton fair enough. But get a grip. The season isn’t dead and buried yet.
  5. I think one of the main points that leaves me entrenched in the “keep nige” camp is the uncertainty of his successor. People can throw out names like robins or the like, but there’s no clear obvious candidate. Personally, I think the club has gone from a cosy “sleekish” club to one that will fight tooth and nail till the end. At times we played some truly brilliant football under LJ, and I still stand by the statement that Nige has not got us playing football near the quality LJ did at his best. But we still pick up results with a hugely smaller, in size and financial, squad. And on all other basis the club has improved. So off the back of that point, would I rather continue this, admittedly slow, upwards trend with Pearson. One that might spike if he’s given the investment most agree he deserves. Or would I want Pearson, and whoever else follows (Rennie, James etc) sacked/leaving for some unknown variable who could be the championship Jose Mourinho or could be a new Gareth Ainsworth. With the success of SL recent footballing decisions being as poor as they have been the only answer is to stick with Pearson imho. All dependant on who his potential successor is, but until that’s made clear to us and the board gives clear communication I’m firmly behind Pearson, and fwiw fairly surprised that isn’t echoed by everyone.
  6. Think it’s pretty outrageous that he’s not and potentially won’t be given a look in at the “nest egg” that he essentially created. There’s an argument to be made that he’s done the job he’s been brought in for and it was always the plan of ownership for him to steady the ship until we were in a better position and then bring someone in they have more belief in to take us further. But to say you don’t think resigning him increases our chances of success is pretty unfounded imo. Almost every part of the club has improved since he’s come in. Work ethic. Culture. Squad Tenacity. Youth Pathway and our league position. In the end it depends on who’s available come summer . Sacking/letting him go without having someone in mind to takeover would be ridiculous imo but if there’s a manager that ol Stevey likes the cut of then I think pearsons stay will be over. For me it’s a resounding yes, might take longer to bring success than some would like, but we waited this long already, what’s a couple more years.
  7. Erling Haaland has posters of Tommy Conway on his bedroom wall. On a more serious note, don’t think the staff/manager or players will deny that was a poor game. Very poor. Rotherham made use of their physicality in the midfield to dredge out the game and interrupt our smaller agile midfield/wingers and did it well. Two brilliant moments of quality from Tommy, and two good passes prior to set up his second gives us 3 points in a game where both sides deserved 0 realistically. But if you aren’t playing well at least don’t lose. On to leeds, hopefully with Tommy starting, would personally like to see Mehmeti be given a chance of the bench but might not be the best game for it but roll on Saturday either way. COYR
  8. Extremely poor advert for the championship that first half. Don’t know if the team are scared to run forward with the ball in case they get countered similarly to Stoke but we seem to have very little desire to move up the pitch with pace. Passing has been below standard, not pressing how we usually do and we seem to have lost the majority of our on the ball quality. We all know the lads can play many times better hopefully they can refresh at HT. Come back out with a game plan and show some decent football.
  9. Would hope to see him before Christmas, but as nige has repeatedly said after those injuries we can’t rush him back especially with the potential he holds/held. I only saw him play in person a handful of times but always impressed for me. When him and scott came through I thought it was clear that Scott had the technicals but Benarous game intelligence and awareness was miles ahead at the time. Always understood what to do in the moment. And would press relentlessly. iirc he played in the (Barnsley I think) game where we finally broke the winless streak at the gate. Though he played brilliantly for someone his age. Will be interesting to see how he looks after so long away from professional football, but he’s had the metal to ride through it all so far so I still think he can prove to be something special.
  10. Interview that didn’t reveal much we don’t already know. Did think it was very nige free though. Consistently said “I believe we have the infrastructure, team, facilities to get to the premier league” what about the manager? Although I thought the lack of new info was more on the questions asked personally.
  11. One thing that’s a real positive imo is how comfortable we looked. Today reminded me a lot of the 3-2 loss away to Coventry a couple seasons ago. They were behind the majority of the game but always looked so composed and it felt like they just knew they were going to win it. Didn’t rush chances, or try to shoehorn it into the box. We were confident in our ability to create chances throughout and I think that shone through with the goals. Brilliant performance. Past two games have looked a lot more like a Nigel Pearson type of side then ever. And I rather like that.
  12. SYKSEYYY Massively underrated imo. Not the most technically gifted player but gets the job done consistently for me
  13. A bit of luck and composure and we could trounce them here, COYR.
  14. HMS piss the league back on. Vyner clean sheet and Cornick hat trick tomorrow I can feel it.
  15. He doesn’t? I must’ve been dreaming when I thought we signed that Taylor Gardener-Hickman bloke on loan from West Brom. Silly me
  16. By god I hope it does. By my count we have 15 fit championship experienced players. GK: Max DEF: Vyner, Dickie, Naismith, Pring, Tanner MID: King, James, Williams, TGH, Knight ATT: Wells, Cornick, Sykes, Bell (Mehmeti, Roberts, and Yeboah all fit but varying levels of championship readiness imo.) God forbid we got a couple more injury’s to Vyner and James for example and I would struggle to see us picking up many points at all until they return. Imho I’m not bothered if it was someone ooc or a loan but need at least one more person with proven championship quality and experience especially with our current injury list.
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