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George Rs

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Everything posted by George Rs

  1. Agreed. But it’s something that if done right they could profit 50-60m in two years if prem player values stay as they are and Alex continues to do what he does. I think it’s highly likely that most teams would make exceptions to their normal window routine. Personally can see them waiting a bit longer and if it gets a couple weeks till the end of the window they’ll come in for him. Whether we accept or not is a different story.
  2. Mehmeti a lot fitter than last season already. Doesn’t stop running.
  3. Only bought the Newport game but I left the page open and I’ve got the Oxford livestream somehow. Was it two for one? Or should I not close the page at all costs ?
  4. Missing the arguably more important part of pre season as well.
  5. I know we know this already, but alex Scott is so unbelievably good at football. No offence to the rest of the team but he’s so clearly the best player on the pitch by such a margin.
  6. Nothing wrong with a bit of optimism. Not every club who comes down goes straight back up, look at Watford and Norwich. Look what happened to Sunderland. I have no doubt this season brings a harder challenge than last. Do I think we will get top two? No. But football is unpredictable, that’s why we watch it. If we hit the ground running at the start, and we don’t have too many injuries who knows what could happen. Personally I would be happy with us being in the playoff picture when it comes down to the wire, whether we scrape in or not I still think thats significant progress. No point writing a season off before it starts.
  7. One of his best attributes. Seems to love them game and just be the best he can at it.
  8. Feel a bit bad for Alex with all this news surrounding him, way to pylon the pressure.
  9. From recent tweet it seems he just rehashes what other people have said quickly after it’s been said. Cant see him breaking any stories. Could be me just hoping he’s wrong but I don’t think this is saying anything we don’t already know.
  10. 100% agree. Think being in and around is achievable whilst still showing clear improvement, if we can do better awesome! Some might think finishing a few wins off the playoffs again isn’t improvement. But with the competition in the league this year I think that will be a successful campaign. Would love to be surprised with us doing even better though ?.
  11. If they do sign this fella can’t see them spending 25m on Scott as well. This would be their sixth central midfielder, at least 4 of them fighting for starting places.
  12. 100%. FootballInsider have rehashed the same article twice since wolves second bid having no actually news. A “Source” told them that wolves are closing in on the bid. Most likely someone in wolves team to keep rumours circulating. Will be trying to have as much media attention as possible to unsettle Alex and hope he forces the move. Just wait till Percy/Bcfcshags reports something imo.
  13. Did feel for him, the easiest chance was the one he had his worst shot ?. Does clearly show he’s got the ability to shoot from range though. The second one I thought was going in but was a spectacular save to be fair. Definitely not putting buyers off that’s for sure.
  14. Wrong topic Ik, but does anyone know if clubs have shown interest in TC. Looks the most natural goal scorer we’ve had since Tammy to me and he’s been electric so far this pre season. At only 20 years old if he continues this form into the season by next July he could be worth some serious money.
  15. Mehmetis distribution has improved a lot , looks a much more rounded player now ?
  16. On another day Scott has a hat trick so far. Definitely given the license to go further forward. Wish he would stay with us that knight Scott James midfield would be electric
  17. We sure it isn’t Sam bell who’s worth 25m?? Looks ******* brilliant so far this pre season
  18. Very confident with us going forward but even for a pre season game our defense looks leaky. And general passing isn’t up to standard. I know it’s a pre season game and doesn’t mean much come august but it’s never something you like to see either way.
  19. Seems like we are trialling a very high line. Don’t see us playing this way when the league kicks off but you never know.
  20. Both Jason knight and Hayden roberts looking really good for me. Jason knight looking exactly like Korey smith
  21. Might be a stupid question, but I am hopelessly uneducated on football financials/ffp ?. Why would our ffp or cash flow be a consideration for the bidding club?
  22. 100%, it was obviously cut to make Sunderland look like they’d been “swindled” etc. But there is still truth to the situation. Sometimes it’s the agents gunning for a move not the player.
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