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JP Hampton

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Everything posted by JP Hampton

  1. As said previously maybe like Shearer he’s not cut out as a stand alone player. To say what’s wrong with Tommy is jumping the gun a bit, no one’s exactly playing brilliantly at the moment.
  2. Totally my thoughts. There’s no middle ground. No one who is slightly annoyed at NP’s sacking. No has to be a cultist!! It’s unfortunately very reminiscent of most social media platforms. If you don’t agree then you’re always “far”right or “far” left and there’s seemingly nothing in between Let’s have some balance. It was a very poor performance. Improved with the changes. Can we blame Manning, it would be ridiculous to, are people allowed to miss Np yes. What’s the problem?
  3. Yeah and Alan Shearer didn’t do any good on his own up front either! Tommy needs to be part of a two. Sykes up front as he showed in the latter stages of the second half and TGH to start definitely.
  4. TGH made a deal of difference and would start for me. Sykes much better more up front. Underwhelming.
  5. Even they know there’s only OTIB https://www.bristol247.com/news-and-features/news/new-bristol-monopoly-board-faces-backlash/?utm_source=Bristol24%2F7&utm_campaign=b84a7acea1-b247_newsletter_101123&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_67a9a4e1bd-b84a7acea1-38724057&mc_cid=b84a7acea1&mc_eid=fc1e9b77fb apologies as I’ve been told this has skyway been mentioned
  6. Thanks Jerseybean. I’m not going to judge LM’s results tomorrow, given how short a time he’s been in charge, but I’m looking forward to the match tomorrow and will be interesting if there’s anything to detect yet, in the play, which is new or not. Come on Boys!
  7. I’ve said this a million times, people are focusing too much on people’s anger about the sacking of NP being down to his loss as a “saviour”! For me and I think for many, it is actually the nature of the sacking, the way he was treated at the end, the inadequate excuses for his sacking, the interviews of SL who was devoid of any praise for him and the obvious struggle for NP at the end trying to juggle ill health, player injuries, uncertainty about his future and being the only member of the upper management communicating with the fans. Do I think NP would have succeeded, well I really can’t say and nor can anyone else and we’ll never know, will we. The same with Manning and I have nothing but good wishes for him. And I don’t think any of us will know just how much credit we should or shouldn’t give to Nige for what he’s done for the club, but even JL admitted the club is in a better place now than it was before Nige came.
  8. “We won’t want him in it too much, but when it gets down to two or three players, ‘this is what we think, these are the players we’ve identified, come and have a look’. That will be the same process for him.” So, actually LM has only a choice of the 3 already chosen for him, not all potential signings then.
  9. “But once we spoke to him, it was really interesting to find out what had happened in that time. He had lost the good players that he had developed, and then the players were brought in for him and he was a little bit detached from the recruitment process. So then, when he lost his job, because the players weren’t as good as the one he lost, he really focused on that part of the problem that had happened. I know we’ve done the NP thing to death, but it does grate a bit seeing this allowance for Manning’s failure at MK Dons being very satisfactory squared away as above, yet they couldn’t say the same about NP, such as, well his hands were tied and then he lost one of his best players in Scott and then finally there were 12 out injured”! No we thought we’d sack him anyway!
  10. And look at what happened to Zac Vyner under NP. A lot of us would have thought he was heading for the door, but NP clearly backed him, encouraged and turned things around massively. Just look at him now!
  11. Would be genuinely interested to know how you know something like this? Surely to know “a number of clubs” that have a long term interest in Manning, you’d have to have inside info. So do you?
  12. Or trying doing a similar poll on here and you may find it’s not far off that . I’ve seen hardly anyone “disapproving” of Manning. Quite the opposite and wishing him well. Just because people are disappointed about Nige doesn’t necessarily equate to not approving of Manning. Most people are capable of more than one thought process.
  13. Here’s my take fwiw. As to your first comment, to balance that, the owners question should also be “or do we risk giving it to a new manager with no proven record in this league or above”. Pearson wasn’t the “right man” from the early press release and his comments about “no way to run a club” etc. It wasn’t so much is he the right man for the job, but is he the right man for us and we know the answer to that one. I think the fact that NP was not given any reinvestment after the sale of Scott, suggests the “finances were pulled “ . You say it would be daft to give him money in January,why? Money was certainly a factor in the calibre of player NP was able to afford, drawing from several Division 1 teams for example. I think Pearson did plenty, while here, look at Mr Pops break down to see steady improvement. I don’t think results were exciting but I could see and appreciate the process. The fact is we will never know how well NP could have done from this point, with returning injuries and a promise of money in January, anymore than anyone can say LM will fail or succeed. Sorry but if your boss isn’t communicating with you, about where your job is headed or not, wouldn’t you use what means you could to find out and “force the issue”?. From what you say you believe if NP hadn’t created a noise and used the Press to raise the issue, he’d still be here. In my opinion that’s utter nonsense. The lack of communication was a very obvious sign of their having no intention of renewing, no matter what NP did. To suggest it was as simple as NP making a noise with the Press that brought his job to an end is to overlook all that had gone before. And yes it is time to move on and I’m doing that nicely thanks, but with a clear idea of my reasons why NPs sacking will always be in my mind unjust, if not shortsighted.
  14. As said wishing Manning well is possible whilst also respecting Pearson.
  15. Indeed. Nigel Love Fest the Cult of Nige etc etc. I don’t know why it’s so difficult to understand someone’s perspective of fair play, without it being described as such. As you say “lazy”!
  16. I don’t think it’s about that. It doesn’t have to be the Messiah to recognise when a manager is poorly treated. It’s the principle in the way the sacking came about and their reasons for the sacking etc. Don’t think I’ve read any comment saying NP was perfect or even getting the results we wanted, but it seemed reasonable to allow him the time of his contract to see what he could have now done, especially with the returning players.
  17. This from a Wickham fan, some context to the sacking; For context on his MK sacking, he had them playing amazing football in 21/22, coming 3rd and very close to the autos. However, they sold their best player and had a lot of top quality loanees who went back, and they simply could not replace well enough, leading to a bad start to 22/23 and a sacking (MK would end up relegated too). He went to Oxford who were floundering, kept them up, and then cracked on excellently this season.
  18. Can’t wait to hear the final chapter. Thrilling stuff
  19. Keep going. I might get it on Kindle i think you could work the word flyte in there somewhere.
  20. Yes it is possible to be both a supporter of Manning and disappointed at NPs sacking.
  21. Run out of reactions but I like this
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